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Full texts for Hebrew Bible and rabbinic texts is kindly supplied by Sefaria; for Greek and Latin texts, by Perseus Scaife, for the Quran, by Tanzil.net

For a list of book indices included, see here.



All subjects (including unvalidated):
subject book bibliographic info
trittys Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 516, 523, 547, 558, 559, 570, 747, 766, 767, 768, 769, 776, 961, 1112, 1113
trittys, epakreis, pre-cleisthenic Papazarkadas, Sacred and Public Land in Ancient Athens (2011) 81, 146, 207, 221
trittys, markers Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 737, 766, 767

List of validated texts:
2 validated results for "trittys"
1. Epigraphy, Ig Ii2, 2490
 Tagged with subjects: • Epakreis (pre-Cleisthenic trittys) • trittys • trittys, markers

 Found in books: Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 767, 768; Papazarkadas, Sacred and Public Land in Ancient Athens (2011) 81, 207

2. Epigraphy, Seg, 50.168, 52.48
 Tagged with subjects: • Epakreis (pre-Cleisthenic trittys) • trittys

 Found in books: Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 558, 559; Papazarkadas, Sacred and Public Land in Ancient Athens (2011) 81, 146

50.168 n Face A n col. 1 n . . fourth quarter,n (5) Mounichion,n for - Prakterios, a ram, 12 dr.;n Thargelion,n . . by the tower, a sheep, 12 dr.;n Skirophorion,n (10) . . in the agora, a ram, 12 dr.n on the eleventh or twelfth? for Zeus Horios, a sheep, 12 dr.n for . . a sheep, 11 dr.n ...? the following . . . . in the year of the - in (?) . . eachn (15) . . in order as is writtenn . . the one on then . . by the Eleusinion . . in Kynosouran . . by the Herakleion;11 (20) ...? fourthn quarter, Mounichion,n . . a sheep, 12 dr.;n ...? firstn quarter, Hekatombaion,n (25) on the date,n for Apollo? Apotropaios, a goat, 12 dr.;n second quarter, Pyanopsion,n . . a pregt sheep, 17 dr.;n fourth quarter, Mounichion,n (30) . . a goat, 12 dr.n . . 12 dr.;n ...? fourthn quarter, Mounichion,n . . -aios, a goat, 12 dr.n (35) . . a sheep, 12 dr.n . . a sheep, 12 dr.n . . a sheep, 12 dr.;n . . prior? sequence (dramosunē),n (40) second quarter, Pyanopsion,n . . a bovine, 90 dr.;n third quarter, Gamelion,n . . -idai, a pregt sow, 70 (?) dr.;n fourth quarter, Mounichion,n (45) . . Nymphagetes, a goat, 12 dr.;n Thargelion? . . river (?), a ram, 12 dr.n . . a goat, 12 dr.n . . a ram, 12 dr.n (50) . . a goat, 12 dr.n . . a sheep, 12 dr.n . . a sheep, 11 dr.;n Skirophorion?n . . a sheep, 12 dr.n (55) for Athena Hellotis,10 a piglet, 3 dr.n . . n col. 2 n . . these the demarch of Marathon sacrifices . . within ten days, for the hero . . a piglet, 3 dr. table for the hero, 1 dr.?;n (5) Boedromion, before the Mysteries . . a bovine, 90 dr. a sheep, 12 dr. for Kourotrophos a sheep, 11 dr.?;n second quarter, Posideon . . a bovine, 150 dr. a sheep, 12 dr. for the heroine a sheep, 11 dr.? priestly dues (hierōsuna),n 7 dr. for Earth in the fields (Gēi eg guais), a pregt bovine, 90 (?) dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 4 dr.?n (10) at the rite (teletēi), baskets (?) (spuridia??), 40 dr.;n third quarter, Gamelion . . for Daira, a pregt sheep, 16 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 1 dr.n for Earth at the oracle (Gēi epi tōi manteiōi), a sheep, 11 dr. for Zeus Hypatos? . . for Ioleus, a sheep, 12 dr. for Kourotrophos, a piglet, 3 dr. a table,n (15) 1 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 2 dr. 1½ ob. for the hero Pheraios a sheep, 12 dr. ?n for the heroine, a sheep, 11 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 3 dr.;n Elaphebolion, on the tenth, for Earth at the oracle (Gēi epi tōi manteiōi), a completely black he-goat, 15 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna) . . ;n fourth quarter, Mounichion, for Aristomachos, (20) a bovine, 90 dr. a sheep, 12 dr. for the heroine, a sheep, 11 dr. priestlyn dues (hierōsuna), 7 dr. for the Youth (Neaniai), a bovine, 90 dr. a sheep, 12 dr. a piglet 3 dr.n for the heroine, a sheep, 11 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 7 dr. 1½ ob.;n these the demarch of Marathon sacrifices, for the hero inn Drasileia, a sheep, 12 dr. a table, 1 dr. for the heroine, a sheep, 11 dr.n (25) for the hero by the marsh sanctuary (Hellōtion), a sheep, 12 dr. a table, 1 dr.n for the heroine, a sheep, 11 dr.;n Thargelion, for Achaia, a ram, 12 dr. a female (i.e. a ewe), 11 dr.n priestly dues (hierōsuna), 3 dr. for the Fates (Moirais), a piglet, 3 dr.n priestly dues (hierōsuna), 1½ ob.;n (30) Skirophorion, before Skira, for Hyttenios, the annual offerings (hōraia),n a sheep, 12 dr. for Kourotrophos, a piglet, 3 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 2 dr. 1½ ob.n for the Tritopatreis, a sheep, 12 dr.? priestly dues (hierōsuna), 2 dr. for the Akamantes, a sheep, 12 dr. priestly dues (hiereōsuna), 2 dr.;n these every other year, prior sequence (protera dramosunē),n (35) Hekatombaion, for Athena Hellotis,10 a bovine, 90 dr.n three sheep, 33 dr. a piglet, 3 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 7 dr. 1½ ob.n for Kourotrophos, a sheep, 11 dr. a piglet, 3 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 1 dr. 1½ ob.n for the laurel-bearers (daphnēphorois), 7 dr.;n these are sacrificed every other year, after the archonship of Euboulosn (40) for the Tetrapoleis, posterior sequence (hustera dramosunē),n Hekatombaion, for Athena Hellotis,10 a sheep, 11 dr.n for Kourotrophos, a piglet, 3 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 1 dr. 1½ ob.;n Metageitnion, for Eleusinia, a bovine, 90 dr.n for the Girl (Korēi), a ram, 12 dr. 3 piglets, 9 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna),n (45) 6 dr. 4½ ob. a sixth (hekteus) of barley, 4 ob. a chous of wine 1 dr.n for Kourotrophos, a sheep, 11 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 1 dr.n for Zeus Anthaleus, a sheep, 12 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 2 dr.;n Anthesterion, for Eleusinia, a pregt sow, 70 (?) dr.n priestly dues (hierōsuna), 1 dr. for Chloe by the property of Meidylos, a pregt sow, 70 dr.?n (50) priestly dues (hierōsuna), 1 dr. a sixth (hekteus) of barley, 4 ob. a chous of wine 1 dr.;n Skirophorion, before Skira, for Galios, a ram, 12 dr.n priestly dues (hierōsuna), 2 dr. for the well (?) (phreatos), 6 dr. for the Tritopatreis, a table, 1 dr..n At Trikorynthos these every year, first quarter,n (55) Metageitnion, for Hera,12 a bovine, 90 dr. a sheep, 11 dr.n . . for Kourotrophos . . n Face B n . . -sistratos of Marathon . . of Marathon, 20 dr. Archenautes of Marathon, 22 (?) dr.n . . (≥) 10 dr. Hegesistratos of Marathon,n . . -doros . . Isodikos of Oinoe, (≥) 10 dr.n (5) . . -gonos, Hagnostratos of Marathon, . . Patrokles of Oinoe, (≥) 10 dr.n . . 612 dr. 3 ob. (?), . . of Marathon, . . of Oinoe, . . . . -chos . . of Marathon . . . . (≥) 30 dr. (?)n . . (≥) 20 dr. (?)n (10) . . (≥) 20 dr. (?)n . . . . of Marathon . . . . (≥) 11 dr. (?)n . . (15) . . (≥) 20 dr. (?) . . . . . . (≥) 3 dr. (?)n . . of Marathon, 60 dr. (?)n . . of Marathon, 12 dr. (?)n (20) . . . . About 28 lines illegible (50) . . Hagetor of Probalinthos (?) . . . . (≥) 70 dr. . . .n . . of Marathon, 11 dr. (?), . . About 8 lines illegible (61) . . (≥) 2 dr. (?) . . . . n text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG
50.168 - The sacrificial calendar of the Marathonian Tetrapolis

Please note: the results are produced through a computerized process which may frequently lead to errors, both in incorrect tagging and in other issues. Please use with caution.
Due to load times, full text fetching is currently attempted for validated results only.
Full texts for Hebrew Bible and rabbinic texts is kindly supplied by Sefaria; for Greek and Latin texts, by Perseus Scaife, for the Quran, by Tanzil.net

For a list of book indices included, see here.