subject | book bibliographic info |
trittys | Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 516, 523, 547, 558, 559, 570, 747, 766, 767, 768, 769, 776, 961, 1112, 1113 |
trittys, epakreis, pre-cleisthenic | Papazarkadas, Sacred and Public Land in Ancient Athens (2011) 81, 146, 207, 221 |
trittys, markers | Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 737, 766, 767 |
2 validated results for "trittys" |
1. Epigraphy, Ig Ii2, 2490 Tagged with subjects: • Epakreis (pre-Cleisthenic trittys) • trittys • trittys, markers Found in books: Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 767, 768; Papazarkadas, Sacred and Public Land in Ancient Athens (2011) 81, 207 NA> |
2. Epigraphy, Seg, 50.168, 52.48 Tagged with subjects: • Epakreis (pre-Cleisthenic trittys) • trittys Found in books: Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 558, 559; Papazarkadas, Sacred and Public Land in Ancient Athens (2011) 81, 146 50.168 n Face A n col. 1 n . . fourth quarter,n (5) Mounichion,n for - Prakterios, a ram, 12 dr.;n Thargelion,n . . by the tower, a sheep, 12 dr.;n Skirophorion,n (10) . . in the agora, a ram, 12 dr.n on the eleventh or twelfth? for Zeus Horios, a sheep, 12 dr.n for . . a sheep, 11 dr.n ...? the following . . . . in the year of the - in (?) . . eachn (15) . . in order as is writtenn . . the one on then . . by the Eleusinion . . in Kynosouran . . by the Herakleion;11 (20) ...? fourthn quarter, Mounichion,n . . a sheep, 12 dr.;n ...? firstn quarter, Hekatombaion,n (25) on the date,n for Apollo? Apotropaios, a goat, 12 dr.;n second quarter, Pyanopsion,n . . a pregt sheep, 17 dr.;n fourth quarter, Mounichion,n (30) . . a goat, 12 dr.n . . 12 dr.;n ...? fourthn quarter, Mounichion,n . . -aios, a goat, 12 dr.n (35) . . a sheep, 12 dr.n . . a sheep, 12 dr.n . . a sheep, 12 dr.;n . . prior? sequence (dramosunē),n (40) second quarter, Pyanopsion,n . . a bovine, 90 dr.;n third quarter, Gamelion,n . . -idai, a pregt sow, 70 (?) dr.;n fourth quarter, Mounichion,n (45) . . Nymphagetes, a goat, 12 dr.;n Thargelion? . . river (?), a ram, 12 dr.n . . a goat, 12 dr.n . . a ram, 12 dr.n (50) . . a goat, 12 dr.n . . a sheep, 12 dr.n . . a sheep, 11 dr.;n Skirophorion?n . . a sheep, 12 dr.n (55) for Athena Hellotis,10 a piglet, 3 dr.n . . n col. 2 n . . these the demarch of Marathon sacrifices . . within ten days, for the hero . . a piglet, 3 dr. table for the hero, 1 dr.?;n (5) Boedromion, before the Mysteries . . a bovine, 90 dr. a sheep, 12 dr. for Kourotrophos a sheep, 11 dr.?;n second quarter, Posideon . . a bovine, 150 dr. a sheep, 12 dr. for the heroine a sheep, 11 dr.? priestly dues (hierōsuna),n 7 dr. for Earth in the fields (Gēi eg guais), a pregt bovine, 90 (?) dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 4 dr.?n (10) at the rite (teletēi), baskets (?) (spuridia??), 40 dr.;n third quarter, Gamelion . . for Daira, a pregt sheep, 16 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 1 dr.n for Earth at the oracle (Gēi epi tōi manteiōi), a sheep, 11 dr. for Zeus Hypatos? . . for Ioleus, a sheep, 12 dr. for Kourotrophos, a piglet, 3 dr. a table,n (15) 1 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 2 dr. 1½ ob. for the hero Pheraios a sheep, 12 dr. ?n for the heroine, a sheep, 11 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 3 dr.;n Elaphebolion, on the tenth, for Earth at the oracle (Gēi epi tōi manteiōi), a completely black he-goat, 15 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna) . . ;n fourth quarter, Mounichion, for Aristomachos, (20) a bovine, 90 dr. a sheep, 12 dr. for the heroine, a sheep, 11 dr. priestlyn dues (hierōsuna), 7 dr. for the Youth (Neaniai), a bovine, 90 dr. a sheep, 12 dr. a piglet 3 dr.n for the heroine, a sheep, 11 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 7 dr. 1½ ob.;n these the demarch of Marathon sacrifices, for the hero inn Drasileia, a sheep, 12 dr. a table, 1 dr. for the heroine, a sheep, 11 dr.n (25) for the hero by the marsh sanctuary (Hellōtion), a sheep, 12 dr. a table, 1 dr.n for the heroine, a sheep, 11 dr.;n Thargelion, for Achaia, a ram, 12 dr. a female (i.e. a ewe), 11 dr.n priestly dues (hierōsuna), 3 dr. for the Fates (Moirais), a piglet, 3 dr.n priestly dues (hierōsuna), 1½ ob.;n (30) Skirophorion, before Skira, for Hyttenios, the annual offerings (hōraia),n a sheep, 12 dr. for Kourotrophos, a piglet, 3 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 2 dr. 1½ ob.n for the Tritopatreis, a sheep, 12 dr.? priestly dues (hierōsuna), 2 dr. for the Akamantes, a sheep, 12 dr. priestly dues (hiereōsuna), 2 dr.;n these every other year, prior sequence (protera dramosunē),n (35) Hekatombaion, for Athena Hellotis,10 a bovine, 90 dr.n three sheep, 33 dr. a piglet, 3 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 7 dr. 1½ ob.n for Kourotrophos, a sheep, 11 dr. a piglet, 3 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 1 dr. 1½ ob.n for the laurel-bearers (daphnēphorois), 7 dr.;n these are sacrificed every other year, after the archonship of Euboulosn (40) for the Tetrapoleis, posterior sequence (hustera dramosunē),n Hekatombaion, for Athena Hellotis,10 a sheep, 11 dr.n for Kourotrophos, a piglet, 3 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 1 dr. 1½ ob.;n Metageitnion, for Eleusinia, a bovine, 90 dr.n for the Girl (Korēi), a ram, 12 dr. 3 piglets, 9 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna),n (45) 6 dr. 4½ ob. a sixth (hekteus) of barley, 4 ob. a chous of wine 1 dr.n for Kourotrophos, a sheep, 11 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 1 dr.n for Zeus Anthaleus, a sheep, 12 dr. priestly dues (hierōsuna), 2 dr.;n Anthesterion, for Eleusinia, a pregt sow, 70 (?) dr.n priestly dues (hierōsuna), 1 dr. for Chloe by the property of Meidylos, a pregt sow, 70 dr.?n (50) priestly dues (hierōsuna), 1 dr. a sixth (hekteus) of barley, 4 ob. a chous of wine 1 dr.;n Skirophorion, before Skira, for Galios, a ram, 12 dr.n priestly dues (hierōsuna), 2 dr. for the well (?) (phreatos), 6 dr. for the Tritopatreis, a table, 1 dr..n At Trikorynthos these every year, first quarter,n (55) Metageitnion, for Hera,12 a bovine, 90 dr. a sheep, 11 dr.n . . for Kourotrophos . . n Face B n . . -sistratos of Marathon . . of Marathon, 20 dr. Archenautes of Marathon, 22 (?) dr.n . . (≥) 10 dr. Hegesistratos of Marathon,n . . -doros . . Isodikos of Oinoe, (≥) 10 dr.n (5) . . -gonos, Hagnostratos of Marathon, . . Patrokles of Oinoe, (≥) 10 dr.n . . 612 dr. 3 ob. (?), . . of Marathon, . . of Oinoe, . . . . -chos . . of Marathon . . . . (≥) 30 dr. (?)n . . (≥) 20 dr. (?)n (10) . . (≥) 20 dr. (?)n . . . . of Marathon . . . . (≥) 11 dr. (?)n . . (15) . . (≥) 20 dr. (?) . . . . . . (≥) 3 dr. (?)n . . of Marathon, 60 dr. (?)n . . of Marathon, 12 dr. (?)n (20) . . . . About 28 lines illegible (50) . . Hagetor of Probalinthos (?) . . . . (≥) 70 dr. . . .n . . of Marathon, 11 dr. (?), . . About 8 lines illegible (61) . . (≥) 2 dr. (?) . . . . n text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 50.168 - The sacrificial calendar of the Marathonian Tetrapolis , |