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11 results for "pontine"
1. Strabo, Geography, 5.3.6 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE)  Tagged with subjects: •pontine marshes Found in books: Tacoma, Cicero and Roman Education: The Reception of the Speeches and Ancient Scholarship (2020) 199
5.3.6. At 290 stadia from Antium is Mount Circaion, insulated by the sea and marshes. They say that it contains numerous roots, but this perhaps is only to harmonize with the myth relating to Circe. It has a small city, together with a sanctuary to Circe and an altar to Minerva; they likewise say that a cup is shown which belonged to Ulysses. Between [Antium and Circaion] is the river Stura, which has a station for ships: the rest of the coast is exposed to the southwest wind, with the exception of this small harbour of Circaion. Above this, in the interior, is the Pomentine plain: the region next to this was formerly inhabited by the Ausonians, who likewise possessed Campania: next after these the Osci, who also held part of Campania; now, however, as we have remarked, the whole, as far as Sinuessa, belongs to the Latini. A peculiar fate has attended the Osci and Ausonians; for although the Osci have ceased to exist as a distinct tribe, their dialect is extant among the Romans, dramatic and burlesque pieces composed in it being still represented at certain games which were instituted in ancient times. And as for the Ausonians, although they never have dwelt by the sea of Sicily, it is named the Ausonian Sea. At 100 stadia from Circaion is Tarracina, formerly named Trachina, on account of its ruggedness; before it is a great marsh, formed by two rivers, the larger of which is called the Aufidus. This is the first place where the Via Appia approaches the sea. This road is paved from Rome to Brundusium, and has great traffic. of the maritime cities, these alone are situated on it; Tarracina, beyond it Formiae, Minturnae, Sinuessa, and towards its extremity Tarentum and Brundusium. Near to Tarracina, advancing in the direction of Rome, a canal runs by the side of the Via Appia, which is supplied at intervals by water from the marshes and rivers. Travellers generally sail up it by night, embarking in the evening, and landing in the morning to travel the rest of their journey by the way; however, during the day the passage boat is towed by mules. Beyond is Formiae, founded by the Lacedemonians, and formerly called Hormiae, on account of its excellent port. Between these [two cities], is a gulf which they have named Caiata, in fact all gulfs are called by the Lacedemonians Caietae: some, however, say that the gulf received this appellation from [Caieta], the nurse of Aeneas. From Tarracina to the promontory of Caiata is a length of 100 stadia. Here are opened vast caverns, which contain large and sumptuous mansions. From hence to Formiae is a distance of 40 stadia. Between this city and Sinuessa, at a distance of about 80 stadia from each, is Minturnae. The river Liris, formerly named the Clanis, flows through it. It descends from the Apennines, passes through the country of the Vescini, and by the village of Fregellae, (formerly a famous city,) and so into a sacred grove situated below the city, and held in great veneration by the people of Minturnae. There are two islands, named Pandataria and Pontia, lying in the high sea, and clearly discernible from the caverns. Although small, they are well inhabited, are not at any great distance from each other, and at 250 stadia from the mainland. Caecubum is situated on the gulf of Caiata, and next to it Fundi, a city on the Via Appia. All these places produce excellent wines; but those of Caecubum, Fundi, and Setia are most in repute, and so are the Falernian, Alban, and Statanian wines. Sinuessa is situated in a gulf from which it takes its name, sinus signifying [in Latin] a gulf. Near to it are some fine hot-baths, good for the cure of various maladies. Such are the maritime cities of Latium.
2. Horace, Sermones, 1.5.1-1.5.22 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE)  Tagged with subjects: •pontine marshes Found in books: Tacoma, Cicero and Roman Education: The Reception of the Speeches and Ancient Scholarship (2020) 199
3. Juvenal, Satires, 3.12, 3.197, 3.232-3.238, 3.268-3.280, 3.282-3.288, 3.302-3.308, 6.115-6.132, 6.419-6.429, 7.27-7.29, 14.46, 14.189-14.195, 14.305-14.309 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)  Tagged with subjects: •pontine marshes Found in books: Price, Finkelberg and Shahar, Rome: An Empire of Many Nations: New Perspectives on Ethnic Diversity and Cultural Identity (2021) 150
4. Martial, Epigrams, 1.28, 11.104, 12.12 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)  Tagged with subjects: •pontine marshes Found in books: Price, Finkelberg and Shahar, Rome: An Empire of Many Nations: New Perspectives on Ethnic Diversity and Cultural Identity (2021) 150
5. Martial, Epigrams, 1.28, 11.104, 12.12 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)  Tagged with subjects: •pontine marshes Found in books: Price, Finkelberg and Shahar, Rome: An Empire of Many Nations: New Perspectives on Ethnic Diversity and Cultural Identity (2021) 150
6. Epigraphy, Cil, 10.6833, 11.10  Tagged with subjects: •pontine marshes Found in books: Tacoma, Cicero and Roman Education: The Reception of the Speeches and Ancient Scholarship (2020) 199, 202
7. Cass., Var., 2.21, 2.32, 4.22, 4.23, pref. 14  Tagged with subjects: •nan Found in books: Tacoma, Cicero and Roman Education: The Reception of the Speeches and Ancient Scholarship (2020) 202, 216
8. Proc., B.G., 1.1.9, 1.1.16-1.1.23, 1.11.1-1.11.2  Tagged with subjects: •pontine marshes Found in books: Tacoma, Cicero and Roman Education: The Reception of the Speeches and Ancient Scholarship (2020) 199, 202, 210
9. Theodosius, N.Th., 20.3  Tagged with subjects: •pontine marshes Found in books: Tacoma, Cicero and Roman Education: The Reception of the Speeches and Ancient Scholarship (2020) 217
10. Anon., Val., 11.49  Tagged with subjects: •pontine marshes Found in books: Tacoma, Cicero and Roman Education: The Reception of the Speeches and Ancient Scholarship (2020) 210