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Please note: the results are produced through a computerized process which may frequently lead to errors, both in incorrect tagging and in other issues. Please use with caution.
Due to load times, full text fetching is currently attempted for validated results only.
Full texts for Hebrew Bible and rabbinic texts is kindly supplied by Sefaria; for Greek and Latin texts, by Perseus Scaife, for the Quran, by Tanzil.net

For a list of book indices included, see here.



All subjects (including unvalidated):
subject book bibliographic info
optimal, maturation time, wine, and Rohland, Carpe Diem: The Poetics of Presence in Greek and Latin Literature (2022) 80, 81
optimality, of cosmos Marmodoro and Prince, Causation and Creation in Late Antiquity (2015) 65
optimates Amendola, The Demades Papyrus (P.Berol. inv. 13045): A New Text with Commentary (2022) 201
Gilbert, Graver and McConnell, Power and Persuasion in Cicero's Philosophy (2023) 220, 232
Harrison, Brill's Companion to Roman Tragedy (2015) 157, 163
optimates, and populares Keeline, The Cambridge Companion to Cicero's Philosophy (2018) 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89
optimates, populares Poulsen, Usages of the Past in Roman Historiography (2021), 82, 246
optimism Osborne, Irenaeus of Lyons (2001) 251, 256, 257
optimism, anthropological Despotis and Lohr, Religious and Philosophical Conversion in the Ancient Mediterranean Traditions (2022) 215
optimism, in community Stern, From Rebuke to Consolation: Exegesis and Theology in the Liturgical Anthology of the Ninth of Av Season (2004) 90, 91
optimism, in seneca’s tragedies Konstan and Garani, The Philosophizing Muse: The Influence of Greek Philosophy on Roman Poetry (2014) 192
optimism, lamentations Stern, From Rebuke to Consolation: Exegesis and Theology in the Liturgical Anthology of the Ninth of Av Season (2004) 35, 36, 38, 39
optimism, regarding rabbinic sources, feminism Alexander, Gender and Timebound Commandments in Judaism (2013) 188
optimism, theocentric Osborne, Irenaeus of Lyons (2001) 256, 257
optimism, virgil, publius vergilius maro Giusti, Disclosure and Discretion in Roman Astrology: Manilius and his Augustan Contemporaries (2018) 10, 284

List of validated texts:
2 validated results for "optimates"
1. Vergil, Georgics, 1.1-1.5, 1.145-1.146 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE)
 Tagged with subjects: • optimism • optimism and pessimism, in the Aeneid

 Found in books: Gale, Virgil on the Nature of Things: The Georgics, Lucretius and the Didactic Tradition (2000) 31, 161; Perkell, The Poet's Truth: A Study of the Poet in Virgil's Georgics (1989) 6, 7

1.1 Quid faciat laetas segetes, quo sidere terram, 1.2 vertere, Maecenas, ulmisque adiungere vitis, 1.3 conveniat, quae cura boum, qui cultus habendo, 1.4 sit pecori, apibus quanta experientia parcis, 1.5 hinc canere incipiam. Vos, o clarissima mundi, 1.145 tum variae venere artes. Labor omnia vicit, 1.146 inprobus et duris urgens in rebus egestas.
1.1 What makes the cornfield smile; beneath what star, 1.2 Maecenas, it is meet to turn the sod, 1.3 Or marry elm with vine; how tend the steer; 1.4 What pains for cattle-keeping, or what proof, 1.5 of patient trial serves for thrifty bees;—,

Holds all the country, whence the hollow dyke,
Sweat steaming vapour?
2. Plutarch, Tiberius And Gaius Gracchus, 17 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)
 Tagged with subjects: • optimates • optimates, populares • populares, optimates

 Found in books: Harrison, Brill's Companion to Roman Tragedy (2015) 163; Poulsen, Usages of the Past in Roman Historiography (2021), 246


Please note: the results are produced through a computerized process which may frequently lead to errors, both in incorrect tagging and in other issues. Please use with caution.
Due to load times, full text fetching is currently attempted for validated results only.
Full texts for Hebrew Bible and rabbinic texts is kindly supplied by Sefaria; for Greek and Latin texts, by Perseus Scaife, for the Quran, by Tanzil.net

For a list of book indices included, see here.