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1 results for "nazoaraeans"
1. Anon., 4 Baruch, 9.16-9.20  Tagged with subjects: •Nazoaraeans Found in books: Allison, 4 Baruch (2018) 67
9.16. And the tree of life planted in the midst of paradise will cause all the unfruitful trees to bear fruit, and will grow and sprout forth. 9.17. And the trees that had sprouted and became haughty and said:"We have supplied our power (?) to the air," he will cause them to wither, with the grandeur of their branches, and he will cause them to be judged -- that firmly rooted tree! 9.18. And what is crimson will become white as wool -- the snow will be blackened -- the sweet waters will become salty, and the salty sweet, in the intense light of the joy of God. 9.19. And he will bless the isles so that they become fruitful by the word of the mouth of his messiah. 9.20. For he shall come, and he will go out and choose for himself twelve apostles to proclaim the news among the nations-- he whom I have seen adorned by his father and coming into the world on the Mount of Olives -- and he shall fill the hungry souls.