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9 results for "lots"
1. Aeschylus, Eumenides, 1-4, 6-8, 5 (6th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)  Tagged with subjects: •nan Found in books: Eidinow and Driediger-Murphy, Esther Eidinow, Ancient Divination and Experience (2019) 113
5. λάχει, θελούσης, οὐδὲ πρὸς βίαν τινός,
2. Euripides, Medea, 660-861, 863-868, 862 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)  Tagged with subjects: •nan Found in books: Eidinow and Driediger-Murphy, Esther Eidinow, Ancient Divination and Experience (2019) 113
3. Apollonius of Rhodes, Argonautica, 1.308 (schol.) (3rd cent. BCE - 3rd cent. BCE)  Tagged with subjects: •lots, stones Found in books: Eidinow and Driediger-Murphy, Esther Eidinow, Ancient Divination and Experience (2019) 116
4. Strabo, Geography, 14.5.16, 8.6.22, 14.5.16 (schol.) (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE)  Tagged with subjects: •nan Found in books: Eidinow and Driediger-Murphy, Esther Eidinow, Ancient Divination and Experience (2019) 116
14.5.16. After the Cydnus River one comes to the Pyramus River, which flows from Cataonia, a river which I have mentioned before. According to Artemidorus, the distance thence to Soli in a straight voyage is five hundred stadia. Near by, also, is Mallos, situated on a height, founded by Amphilochus and Mopsus, the latter the son of Apollo and Manto, concerning whom many myths are told. And indeed I, too, have mentioned them in my account of Calchas and of the quarrel between Calchas and Mopsus about their powers of divination. For some writers transfer this quarrel, Sophocles, for example, to Cilicia, which he, following the custom of tragic poets, calls Pamphylia, just as he calls Lycia Caria and Troy and Lydia Phrygia. And Sophocles, among others, tells us that Calchas died there. But, according to the myth, the contest concerned, not only the power of divination, but also the sovereignty; for they say that Mopsus and Amphilochus went from Troy and founded Mallos, and that Amphilochus then went away to Argos, and, being dissatisfied with affairs there, returned to Mallos, but that, being excluded from a share in the government there, he fought a duel with Mopsus, and that both fell in the duel and were buried in places that were not in sight of one another. And today their tombs are to be seen in the neighborhood of Magarsa near the Pyramus River. This was the birthplace of Crates the grammarian, of whom Panaetius is said to have been a pupil.
5. Diodorus Siculus, Historical Library, 4.66.5f. (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE)  Tagged with subjects: •lots, stones Found in books: Eidinow and Driediger-Murphy, Esther Eidinow, Ancient Divination and Experience (2019) 116
6. Apollodorus, Bibliotheca, 3.74 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)  Tagged with subjects: •lots, stones Found in books: Eidinow and Driediger-Murphy, Esther Eidinow, Ancient Divination and Experience (2019) 116
7. Pausanias, Description of Greece, 20.5.6 (2nd cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)  Tagged with subjects: •lots, stones Found in books: Eidinow and Driediger-Murphy, Esther Eidinow, Ancient Divination and Experience (2019) 113
8. Gregory of Nazianzus, Or., 5.32, 39.13  Tagged with subjects: •lots, stones Found in books: Eidinow and Driediger-Murphy, Esther Eidinow, Ancient Divination and Experience (2019) 116
9. Suda, S.V. Pytho (Π‎, s.v. pytho (π‎3137)  Tagged with subjects: •lots, stones Found in books: Eidinow and Driediger-Murphy, Esther Eidinow, Ancient Divination and Experience (2019) 116