1. Plato, Epinomis, 984c, 984d, 984b (5th cent. BCE - 4th cent. BCE) Tagged with subjects: •nan Found in books: Pinheiro et al., Philosophy and the Ancient Novel (2015) 93 |
2. Plato, Phaedrus, 242c (5th cent. BCE - 4th cent. BCE) Tagged with subjects: •kleve, k. Found in books: Pinheiro et al., Philosophy and the Ancient Novel (2015) 93 242c. —ἀεὶ δέ με ἐπίσχει ὃ ἂν μέλλω πράττειν—καί τινα φωνὴν ἔδοξα αὐτόθεν ἀκοῦσαι, ἥ με οὐκ ἐᾷ ἀπιέναι πρὶν ἂν ἀφοσιώσωμαι, ὡς δή τι ἡμαρτηκότα εἰς τὸ θεῖον. εἰμὶ δὴ οὖν μάντις μέν, οὐ πάνυ δὲ σπουδαῖος, ἀλλʼ ὥσπερ οἱ τὰ γράμματα φαῦλοι, ὅσον μὲν ἐμαυτῷ μόνον ἱκανός· σαφῶς οὖν ἤδη μανθάνω τὸ ἁμάρτημα. ὡς δή τοι, ὦ ἑταῖρε, μαντικόν γέ τι καὶ ἡ ψυχή· ἐμὲ γὰρ ἔθραξε μέν τι καὶ πάλαι λέγοντα τὸν λόγον, καί πως ἐδυσωπούμην κατʼ Ἴβυκον, μή τι παρὰ θεοῖς | 242c. that usually comes to me came—it always holds me back from something I am about to do—and I thought I heard a voice from it which forbade my going away before clearing my conscience, as if I had committed some sin against deity. Now I am a seer, not a very good one, but, as the bad writers say, good enough for my own purposes; so now I understand my error. How prophetic the soul is, my friend! For all along, while I was speaking my discourse, something troubled me, and as Ibycus says, |
3. Aristotle, Metaphysics, 987b2, 987b1 (4th cent. BCE - 4th cent. BCE) Tagged with subjects: •nan Found in books: Pinheiro et al., Philosophy and the Ancient Novel (2015) 93 |
4. Cicero, Academica, 1.15 (2nd cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE) Tagged with subjects: •kleve, k. Found in books: Pinheiro et al., Philosophy and the Ancient Novel (2015) 93 1.15. Tum Varro ita exorsus est: 'Socrates mihi videtur, id quod constat inter omnes, primus a rebus occultis et ab ipsa natura involutis, in quibus omnibus *d omnes ante eum philosophi occupati fuerunt, avocavisse philosophiam et ad vitam communem adduxisse, ut de virtutibus et de vitiis omninoque de de 1 om. *d bonis rebus et malis quaereret, caelestia autem vel procul esse a nostra cognitione censeret vel, si maxime cognita essent, nihil tamen ad bene vivendum. | |
5. Cicero, Tusculan Disputations, 5.10 (2nd cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE) Tagged with subjects: •kleve, k. Found in books: Pinheiro et al., Philosophy and the Ancient Novel (2015) 93 5.10. Nec vero Pythagoras nominis solum inventor, sed rerum etiam ipsarum amplificator amplicator G fuit. qui cum post cum post ( eras. q) K hunc Phliasium sermonem in Italiam venisset, exornavit eam Graeciam, quae magna dicta est, et privatim et publice praestantissumis et institutis et artibus. cuius de disciplina aliud tempus fuerit fortasse dicendi. sed ab antiqua philosophia usque ad Socratem, qui Archelaum, Anaxagorae discipulum, audierat, numeri motusque tractabantur, et unde omnia orerentur orarentur K quove reciderent, recederent X corr. V 1 aut c s studioseque ab is siderum magnitudines intervalla cursus currus G 1 antiquirebantur G ( alt. i e corr. 2 ) anquirebantur et cuncta caelestia. Socrates autem primus philosophiam devocavit e caelo et in urbibus conlocavit et in domus domos s ac fort. V 1 (u e corr. c ) domibus Gr. etiam introduxit et coëgit de vita et moribus rebusque bonis et malis quaerere. | |
6. Plutarch, On Superstition, 168d, 7 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE) Tagged with subjects: •nan Found in books: Pinheiro et al., Philosophy and the Ancient Novel (2015) 93 |
7. Apuleius, On The God of Socrates, 3.124, 20.165 (2nd cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE) Tagged with subjects: •kleve, k. Found in books: Pinheiro et al., Philosophy and the Ancient Novel (2015) 93 |