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Antiphon, The Murder Of Herodes: reference List

references secondary books
Antiphon, The Murder of Herodes, 0 Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018), 732
Antiphon, The Murder of Herodes, 14 Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019), 411
Antiphon, The Murder of Herodes, 20 Vlassopoulos, Historicising Ancient Slavery (2021), 86
Antiphon, The Murder of Herodes, 32 Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019), 209
Antiphon, The Murder of Herodes, 52 Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019), 209
Antiphon, The Murder of Herodes, 61.1 Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019), 94
Antiphon, The Murder of Herodes, 74 Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019), 209, 210, 211
Antiphon, The Murder of Herodes, 75 Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019), 210, 211
Antiphon, The Murder of Herodes, 82.5 Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020), 183
Antiphon, The Murder of Herodes, 84 Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019), 209, 93
Antiphon, The Murder of Herodes, 85 Martin and Whitlark, Inventing Hebrews: Design and Purpose in Ancient Rhetoric (2018), 223
Antiphon, The Murder of Herodes, 87 Iribarren and Koning, Hesiod and the Beginnings of Greek Philosophy (2022), 255
Antiphon, The Murder of Herodes, 88 Iribarren and Koning, Hesiod and the Beginnings of Greek Philosophy (2022), 255
Antiphon, The Murder of Herodes, 89 Iribarren and Koning, Hesiod and the Beginnings of Greek Philosophy (2022), 255
Antiphon, The Murder of Herodes, 92 Hankinson, Cause and Explanation in Ancient Greek Thought (1998), 72
Antiphon, The Murder of Herodes, 93 Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019), 209
Antiphon, The Murder of Herodes, 93.6 Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020), 183
Antiphon, The Murder of Herodes, 93.9 Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020), 183