Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database
Papyri, P.Mert.: reference List
references |
secondary books |
Papyri, P.Mert., 1.11 |
Capponi, Augustan Egypt: The Creation of a Roman Province (2005), 202, 208 |
Papyri, P.Mert., 2.62 |
Capponi, Augustan Egypt: The Creation of a Roman Province (2005), 203, 67 |
Papyri, P.Mert., 2.90 |
Stavrianopoulou, Ritual and Communication in the Graeco-Roman World (2006), 304 |
Papyri, P.Mert., 2.91 |
Humfress, Oppians Halieutica: Charting a Didactic Epic (2007), 42 |
Papyri, P.Mert., 2.96 |
Blumell, Reading Sidonius Epistles (2012), 107, 118, 125 |
Papyri, P.Mert., 3.104 |
Capponi, Augustan Egypt: The Creation of a Roman Province (2005), 201 |
Papyri, P.Mert., 83,_23-24 |