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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Papyri, P.Ant.: reference List

references secondary books
Papyri, P.Ant., 1
Papyri, P.Ant., 1.15 Riess, Performing interpersonal violence: court, curse, and comedy in fourth-century BCE Athens (2012), 342
Papyri, P.Ant., 1.44 Blumell, Reading Sidonius Epistles (2012), 140
Papyri, P.Ant., 2.54 Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014), 304, 306
Papyri, P.Ant., 2.64 Amsler, Knowledge Construction in Late Antiquity (2023), 146
Papyri, P.Ant., 3.125 Amsler, Knowledge Construction in Late Antiquity (2023), 147
Papyri, P.Ant., 3.126 Amsler, Knowledge Construction in Late Antiquity (2023), 151
Papyri, P.Ant., 3.183 Amsler, Knowledge Construction in Late Antiquity (2023), 144, 146
Papyri, P.Ant., 3.184 Amsler, Knowledge Construction in Late Antiquity (2023), 143
Papyri, P.Ant., 3.186 Amsler, Knowledge Construction in Late Antiquity (2023), 147
Papyri, P.Ant., 3.207 Kyriakou Sistakou and Rengakos, Brills Companion to Theocritus (2014), 305, 307, 314, 315
Papyri, P.Ant., 6.42 Edmonds, Myths of the Underworld Journey: Plato, Aristophanes, and the ‘Orphic’ Gold Tablets (2004), 209
Papyri, P.Ant., 15 Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019), 62