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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Lycurgus, Fragments: reference List

references secondary books
Lycurgus, Fragments, 6.2 Mikalson, New Aspects of Religion in Ancient Athens: Honors, Authorities, Esthetics, and Society (2016), 237
Lycurgus, Fragments, 6.4 Mikalson, New Aspects of Religion in Ancient Athens: Honors, Authorities, Esthetics, and Society (2016), 125
Lycurgus, Fragments, 6.10_(conomis_1970)
Lycurgus, Fragments, 7 Mikalson, New Aspects of Religion in Ancient Athens: Honors, Authorities, Esthetics, and Society (2016), 202
Lycurgus, Fragments, 9_conomis_=_14_burtt_=_8_durrbach
Lycurgus, Fragments, 10 Riess, Performing interpersonal violence: court, curse, and comedy in fourth-century BCE Athens (2012), 127, 76
Lycurgus, Fragments, 10-11.6 Riess, Performing interpersonal violence: court, curse, and comedy in fourth-century BCE Athens (2012), 78
Lycurgus, Fragments, 11 Riess, Performing interpersonal violence: court, curse, and comedy in fourth-century BCE Athens (2012), 127, 76
Lycurgus, Fragments, 14 Naiden, Smoke Signals for the Gods: Ancient Greek Sacrifice from the Archaic through Roman Periods (2013), 218
Lycurgus, Fragments, 50 Naiden, Smoke Signals for the Gods: Ancient Greek Sacrifice from the Archaic through Roman Periods (2013), 48
Lycurgus, Fragments, 50_blass
Lycurgus, Fragments, 82 Parker, Polytheism and Society at Athens (2005), 205
Lycurgus, Fragments, 83 Parker, Polytheism and Society at Athens (2005), 205, 330
Lycurgus, Fragments, 84 Parker, Polytheism and Society at Athens (2005), 330
Lycurgus, Fragments, 85 Parker, Polytheism and Society at Athens (2005), 330
Lycurgus, Fragments, i_f1
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Lycurgus, Fragments, ii_f1
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Lycurgus, Fragments, ii_f5
Lycurgus, Fragments, ii_f6
Lycurgus, Fragments, ii_f7
Lycurgus, Fragments, iii_f1
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Lycurgus, Fragments, iii_f3
Lycurgus, Fragments, iv_f1
Lycurgus, Fragments, ix_f2
Lycurgus, Fragments, ix_f3
Lycurgus, Fragments, v_f4
Lycurgus, Fragments, v_f6
Lycurgus, Fragments, v_f7
Lycurgus, Fragments, v_f9
Lycurgus, Fragments, v_f10
Lycurgus, Fragments, vi_f2
Lycurgus, Fragments, vi_f3
Lycurgus, Fragments, vi_f4
Lycurgus, Fragments, vi_f6
Lycurgus, Fragments, vi_f8
Lycurgus, Fragments, vi_f9
Lycurgus, Fragments, vi_f10
Lycurgus, Fragments, vi_f11
Lycurgus, Fragments, vi_f12
Lycurgus, Fragments, vi_f15
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Lycurgus, Fragments, vi_f20
Lycurgus, Fragments, vi_f21
Lycurgus, Fragments, vii_f1a
Lycurgus, Fragments, vii_f2
Lycurgus, Fragments, vii_f4
Lycurgus, Fragments, vii_f5
Lycurgus, Fragments, x/xi_f1
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Lycurgus, Fragments, x/xi_f7
Lycurgus, Fragments, x/xi_f10
Lycurgus, Fragments, x/xi_f11
Lycurgus, Fragments, xii_f1
Lycurgus, Fragments, xiv_f1
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Lycurgus, Fragments, xiv_f3
Lycurgus, Fragments, xiv_f4
Lycurgus, Fragments, xiv_f5
Lycurgus, Fragments, xiv_f6
Lycurgus, Fragments, xiv_f11