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Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans: reference List

references secondary books
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 1 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 186
Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 440
Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 919
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 1-6.1 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 187
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 1.1 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 182, 186, 245, 66
Merz and Tieleman, Ambrosiasters Political Theology (2012), 136
Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 109, 217, 222, 96
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022), 197
Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010), 820, 824
Iricinschi et al., Beyond the Gnostic Gospels: Studies Building on the Work of Elaine Pagels (2013), 116
Linjamaa, The Ethics of The Tripartite Tractate (NHC I, 5): A Study of Determinism and Early Christian Philosophy of Ethics (2019), 120, 130
Marquis, Epistolary Fiction in Ancient Greek Literature (2023), 189
Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 323, 338
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020), 106
Ramelli, The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis: A Critical Assessment from the New Testament to Eriugena (2013), 63
Tellbe Wasserman and Nyman, Healing and Exorcism in Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity (2019), 115
Tomson, Studies on Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries (2019), 294
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 1.1-3.3 Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 214, 215
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 1.2 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 182
Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 164, 217
Cain, The Greek Historia Monachorum in Aegypto: Monastic Hagiography in the Late Fourth Century (2016), 187
Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (2004), 252
Lieu, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century (2015), 368
Marquis, Epistolary Fiction in Ancient Greek Literature (2023), 188
Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021), 185, 194, 223, 245
Tomson, Studies on Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries (2019), 295
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 1.7 Ramelli, The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis: A Critical Assessment from the New Testament to Eriugena (2013), 63
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 1.11 Ramelli, The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis: A Critical Assessment from the New Testament to Eriugena (2013), 63
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 2 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 186
Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 123, 231
Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 518, 919
Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010), 820
Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (2004), 296
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022), 157
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 2.1 Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 162
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022), 15, 197, 198, 22
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 2.2 Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 162
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 2_62.
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 3 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 186, 245
Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 123
Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 518, 919
Lieu, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century (2015), 376
Linjamaa, The Ethics of The Tripartite Tractate (NHC I, 5): A Study of Determinism and Early Christian Philosophy of Ethics (2019), 250
Marquis, Epistolary Fiction in Ancient Greek Literature (2023), 175
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 3.1 Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 210, 217
Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010), 820
Lieu, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century (2015), 220
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 3.2 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 134
Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 101, 123, 210, 217
Edelmann-Singer et al., Sceptic and Believer in Ancient Mediterranean Religions (2020), 213
Lieu, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century (2015), 220, 221
Luck, Arcana mundi: magic and the occult in the Greek and Roman worlds: a collection of ancient texts (2006), 208
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 3.3 Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 210, 217
Lieu, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century (2015), 221
Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021), 206
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 4 Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 919
Tabbernee, Fake Prophecy and Polluted Sacraments: Ecclesiastical and Imperial Reactions to Montanism (2007), 202, 212
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 4.1 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 187
Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 218
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022), 22
Despotis and Lohr, Religious and Philosophical Conversion in the Ancient Mediterranean Traditions (2022), 266
Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (2004), 297
Malherbe et al., Light from the Gentiles: Hellenistic Philosophy and Early Christianity: Collected Essays of Abraham J (2014), 51
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 4.2 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 187, 194, 245
Ayres and Ward, The Rise of the Early Christian Intellectual (2021), 23
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022), 196
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022), 22, 25
Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010), 829
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 4.2-5.2 Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022), 24
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 5 Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 919
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 5.1 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 186, 201
Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 211
Ayres and Ward, The Rise of the Early Christian Intellectual (2021), 23
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007), 712
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 5.2 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 187, 195
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022), 17, 18, 197, 198
Lieu, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century (2015), 399, 400
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 5.3 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 187
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022), 22, 23
Despotis and Lohr, Religious and Philosophical Conversion in the Ancient Mediterranean Traditions (2022), 266
Marquis, Epistolary Fiction in Ancient Greek Literature (2023), 188
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 6 Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 919
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009), 184
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 6.1 Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 219
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022), 17, 18, 23
Huttner, Early Christianity in the Lycus Valley (2013), 113
Ramelli, The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis: A Critical Assessment from the New Testament to Eriugena (2013), 63
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007), 712
Tabbernee, Fake Prophecy and Polluted Sacraments: Ecclesiastical and Imperial Reactions to Montanism (2007), 89
Tite, Valentinian Ethics and Paraenetic Discourse: Determining the Social Function of Moral Exhortation in Valentinian Christianity (2009), 156
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 6.1-7.2 Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 215
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 6.2 Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009), 270
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022), 25
A. Dihle, 'Doxa', Scripta Classica Israelica 15 (1996), 32-43, at 41
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 6.2-9.2 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 187
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 6.3 Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022), 25
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 6.4 Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022), 25
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 6.5 Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022), 25
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 6.6 Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022), 25
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 6.7 Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022), 25
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 7 Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 919
Geljon and Vos, Rituals in Early Christianity: New Perspectives on Tradition and Transformation (2020), 87
Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (2004), 135
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 7.1 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 190, 201
Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 155
Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009), 104, 131, 134
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022), 403
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022), 15, 16, 17, 197, 198
Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 483
Poorthuis Schwartz and Turner, Interaction Between Judaism and Christianity in History, Religion, Art, and Literature (2009), 310
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 7.2 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 186, 187
Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 211
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022), 17, 18, 198
Lieu, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century (2015), 399, 400
Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021), 199
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007), 712
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 8 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 105
Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 517
Geljon and Vos, Rituals in Early Christianity: New Perspectives on Tradition and Transformation (2020), 87, 91
Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010), 963
König, Saints and Symposiasts: The Literature of Food and the Symposium in Greco-Roman and Early Christian Culture (2012), 124
Marquis, Epistolary Fiction in Ancient Greek Literature (2023), 182
Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021), 198
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 8.1 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 187, 190
Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009), 135, 230, 72, 73
Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 163, 164, 215, 218
Cain, Jerome and the Monastic Clergy: A Commentary on Letter 52 to Nepotian (2013), 177
Dijkstra, The Early Reception and Appropriation of the Apostle Peter (60-800 CE): The Anchors of the Fisherman (2020), 232
Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 317
Huttner, Early Christianity in the Lycus Valley (2013), 221
Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021), 194, 197, 198
Zetterholm, The Formation of Christianity in Antioch: A Social-Scientific Approach to the Separation Between Judaism and Christianity (2003), 210
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 8.1-9.1 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 188
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022), 196
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 8.2 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 190
Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009), 104, 135, 143
Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 163, 164, 219, 238
Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (2004), 234
Moss, Ancient Christian Martyrdom: Diverse Practices, Theologies, and Traditions (2012), 69
Ogereau, Early Christianity in Macedonia: From Paul to the Late Sixth Century (2023), 114
Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021), 185, 194, 7
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 9 Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010), 963
Marquis, Epistolary Fiction in Ancient Greek Literature (2023), 182
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 9.1 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 188
Ayres and Ward, The Rise of the Early Christian Intellectual (2021), 23
Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021), 198
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 9.2 Bremmer, Greek Religion and Culture, the Bible, and the Ancient Near East (2008), 211
Wilson, The Sentences of Sextus (2012), 232
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 9.7 Linjamaa, The Ethics of The Tripartite Tractate (NHC I, 5): A Study of Determinism and Early Christian Philosophy of Ethics (2019), 250
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 10 Tabbernee, Fake Prophecy and Polluted Sacraments: Ecclesiastical and Imperial Reactions to Montanism (2007), 212
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 10.1 Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 214
Burton, Dionysus and Rome: Religion and Literature (2009), 5
Malherbe et al., Light from the Gentiles: Hellenistic Philosophy and Early Christianity: Collected Essays of Abraham J (2014), 72
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 10.2 Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 114
Doble and Kloha, Texts and Traditions: Essays in Honour of J. Keith Elliott (2014), 366
Marquis, Epistolary Fiction in Ancient Greek Literature (2023), 184
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 11 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 178
Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 422
Tabbernee, Fake Prophecy and Polluted Sacraments: Ecclesiastical and Imperial Reactions to Montanism (2007), 205, 212
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 11.1 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 177
Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 164
Doble and Kloha, Texts and Traditions: Essays in Honour of J. Keith Elliott (2014), 364
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023), 864
Marquis, Epistolary Fiction in Ancient Greek Literature (2023), 184, 190, 192
Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021), 197, 202
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 11.2 Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 164
Marquis, Epistolary Fiction in Ancient Greek Literature (2023), 190
Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021), 245
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 12.1 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 186
Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 214
Czajkowski et al., Law in the Roman Provinces (2020), 140
Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 470
Marquis, Epistolary Fiction in Ancient Greek Literature (2023), 177
Moss, The Other Christs: Imitating Jesus in Ancient Christian Ideologies of Martyrdom (2010), 42, 43
Ogereau, Early Christianity in Macedonia: From Paul to the Late Sixth Century (2023), 95
Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021), 202
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 12.2 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 192
Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 155
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022), 177
Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 217
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022), 25
Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (2004), 200
Marquis, Epistolary Fiction in Ancient Greek Literature (2023), 182
Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021), 198, 202, 206
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 12.2-13.2 Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021), 202
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 13.2 Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 214
Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021), 202
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 159 Tite, Valentinian Ethics and Paraenetic Discourse: Determining the Social Function of Moral Exhortation in Valentinian Christianity (2009), 179
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 216.24 Johnston, Ancient Greek Divination (2008), 160
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 234n, Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009), 270
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 426 Avemarie, van Henten, and Furstenberg, Jewish Martyrdom in Antiquity (2023), 452
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 829 Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010), 831
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 2018-01-02_00:00:00
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, 2018-01-03_00:00:00
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, inscr. Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021), 202
Ignatius, To The Smyrnaeans, inscription Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021), 164