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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Hippocrates, Of Ulcers: reference List

references secondary books
Hippocrates, of Ulcers, 3_(6.404,14_l.)
Hippocrates, of Ulcers, 11._l_6.410.16
Hippocrates, of Ulcers, 11_(6.410,23_l.)
Hippocrates, of Ulcers, 12=6.412__50.
Hippocrates, of Ulcers, 16.418.22 Lloyd, The Revolutions of Wisdom: Studies in the Claims and Practice of Ancient Greek Science (1989), 19
Hippocrates, of Ulcers, 16.418.23 Lloyd, The Revolutions of Wisdom: Studies in the Claims and Practice of Ancient Greek Science (1989), 19
Hippocrates, of Ulcers, 17.420.6 Lloyd, The Revolutions of Wisdom: Studies in the Claims and Practice of Ancient Greek Science (1989), 19
Hippocrates, of Ulcers, 17.420.7 Lloyd, The Revolutions of Wisdom: Studies in the Claims and Practice of Ancient Greek Science (1989), 19
Hippocrates, of Ulcers, 18 Jouanna, Greek Medicine from Hippocrates to Galen (2012), 92
Hippocrates, of Ulcers, 21 Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023), 379
Hippocrates, of Ulcers, 21.4 Hitch, Animal sacrifice in the ancient Greek world (2017), 97
Hippocrates, of Ulcers, 22 Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023), 379
Hippocrates, of Ulcers, 24 Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023), 379
Hippocrates, of Ulcers, nan10_(6.410,2-3_l.)_90,_93