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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist.: reference List

references secondary books
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 1.2.1 Kaster, Emotion, Restraint, and Community in Ancient Rome (2005), 158
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 1.2.2 Kaster, Emotion, Restraint, and Community in Ancient Rome (2005), 203
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 1.2.4 Keener, First-Second Corinthians (2005), 220
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 1.2.9 Keener, First-Second Corinthians (2005), 222
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 1.3 Manolaraki, Noscendi Nilum Cupido: Imagining Egypt from Lucan to Philostratus (2012), 19, 247, 248, 249, 250
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 1.6.2 Czajkowski et al., Law in the Roman Provinces (2020), 191, 233
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 1.6.3 Czajkowski et al., Law in the Roman Provinces (2020), 191, 233
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 1.6.4 Czajkowski et al., Law in the Roman Provinces (2020), 191, 233
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 1.6.5 Czajkowski et al., Law in the Roman Provinces (2020), 191, 233
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 1.6.6 Czajkowski et al., Law in the Roman Provinces (2020), 191, 233
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 1.6.7 Czajkowski et al., Law in the Roman Provinces (2020), 191, 233
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 1.6.8 Czajkowski et al., Law in the Roman Provinces (2020), 191, 233
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 1.6.9 Czajkowski et al., Law in the Roman Provinces (2020), 191, 233
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 2.1.1 Manolaraki, Noscendi Nilum Cupido: Imagining Egypt from Lucan to Philostratus (2012), 247
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 2.2 Gunderson, The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (2022), 119
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 2.3.5 Manolaraki, Noscendi Nilum Cupido: Imagining Egypt from Lucan to Philostratus (2012), 250
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 2.6.2 Keener, First-Second Corinthians (2005), 199
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 2.9 Katzoff, On Jews in the Roman World: Collected Studies (2019), 228
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 3.7 Gunderson, The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (2022), 119
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 3.8 Gunderson, The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (2022), 119
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 4.2.2 Manolaraki, Noscendi Nilum Cupido: Imagining Egypt from Lucan to Philostratus (2012), 247
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., 4.12.6 Ando, Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire (2013), 232
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., "1" Fuhrer and Soldo, Fallibility and Fallibilism in Ancient Philosophy and Literature (2024), 199, 200, 201, 202, 203
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., "2" Fuhrer and Soldo, Fallibility and Fallibilism in Ancient Philosophy and Literature (2024), 199
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., "3" Fuhrer and Soldo, Fallibility and Fallibilism in Ancient Philosophy and Literature (2024), 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., "4" Fuhrer and Soldo, Fallibility and Fallibilism in Ancient Philosophy and Literature (2024), 199, 200, 214, 215
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., "4.3" Fuhrer and Soldo, Fallibility and Fallibilism in Ancient Philosophy and Literature (2024), 200, 203
Fronto, Ad M. Antoninum Imp. Epist., "4.13" Fuhrer and Soldo, Fallibility and Fallibilism in Ancient Philosophy and Literature (2024), 203