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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Copa: reference List

references secondary books
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Copa, 1 Keith and Myers, Vergil and Elegy (2023), 212
McGinn, The Economy of Prostitution in the Roman world: A study of Social History & The Brothel (2004), 17
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Copa, 2 McGinn, The Economy of Prostitution in the Roman world: A study of Social History & The Brothel (2004), 17
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Copa, 3 McGinn, The Economy of Prostitution in the Roman world: A study of Social History & The Brothel (2004), 17, 20
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Copa, 4 McGinn, The Economy of Prostitution in the Roman world: A study of Social History & The Brothel (2004), 17
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Copa, 7 McGinn, The Economy of Prostitution in the Roman world: A study of Social History & The Brothel (2004), 215
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Copa, 16 Jenkyns, God, Space, and City in the Roman Imagination (2013), 18, 19
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Copa, 19 Radicke, Roman Women’s Dress: Literary Sources, Terminology, and Historical Development (2022), 419
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Copa, 20 Keith and Myers, Vergil and Elegy (2023), 212
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Copa, 31 Radicke, Roman Women’s Dress: Literary Sources, Terminology, and Historical Development (2022), 471, 473
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Copa, 32 Radicke, Roman Women’s Dress: Literary Sources, Terminology, and Historical Development (2022), 471, 473
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Copa, 33 McGinn, The Economy of Prostitution in the Roman world: A study of Social History & The Brothel (2004), 17