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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Eunapius, Fragments: reference List

references secondary books
Eunapius, Fragments, 1.15 Niccolai, Christianity, Philosophy, and Roman Power: Constantine, Julian, and the Bishops on Exegesis and Empire (2023), 292
Eunapius, Fragments, 18.1 Niccolai, Christianity, Philosophy, and Roman Power: Constantine, Julian, and the Bishops on Exegesis and Empire (2023), 211
Eunapius, Fragments, 18.6 Niccolai, Christianity, Philosophy, and Roman Power: Constantine, Julian, and the Bishops on Exegesis and Empire (2023), 211
Eunapius, Fragments, 27 Niccolai, Christianity, Philosophy, and Roman Power: Constantine, Julian, and the Bishops on Exegesis and Empire (2023), 211, 212
Eunapius, Fragments, 28.1 Niccolai, Christianity, Philosophy, and Roman Power: Constantine, Julian, and the Bishops on Exegesis and Empire (2023), 292
Eunapius, Fragments, 28.6 Niccolai, Christianity, Philosophy, and Roman Power: Constantine, Julian, and the Bishops on Exegesis and Empire (2023), 212
Eunapius, Fragments, 29 Burgersdijk and Ross, Imagining Emperors in the Later Roman Empire (2018), 245
Eunapius, Fragments, 29.1 Burgersdijk and Ross, Imagining Emperors in the Later Roman Empire (2018), 234, 248
Rohmann, Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity (2016), 240
Eunapius, Fragments, 35.3 Seim and Okland, Metamorphoses: Resurrection, Body and Transformative Practices in Early Christianity (2009), 179
Eunapius, Fragments, 35.4 Seim and Okland, Metamorphoses: Resurrection, Body and Transformative Practices in Early Christianity (2009), 179
Eunapius, Fragments, 35.5 Seim and Okland, Metamorphoses: Resurrection, Body and Transformative Practices in Early Christianity (2009), 179
Eunapius, Fragments, 38 Niccolai, Christianity, Philosophy, and Roman Power: Constantine, Julian, and the Bishops on Exegesis and Empire (2023), 211, 212
Eunapius, Fragments, 39 Rohmann, Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity (2016), 69
Eunapius, Fragments, 48.2 Weissenrieder, Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances (2016), 125
Eunapius, Fragments, 53 Ruiz and Puertas, Emperors and Emperorship in Late Antiquity: Images and Narratives (2021), 212
Eunapius, Fragments, 62 Burgersdijk and Ross, Imagining Emperors in the Later Roman Empire (2018), 313
Eunapius, Fragments, 72.1 Fowler, Plato in the Third Sophistic (2014), 149
Eunapius, Fragments, 482 Walters, Imagery of the Body Politic in Ciceronian Rome (2020), 66
Eunapius, Fragments, 483 Walters, Imagery of the Body Politic in Ciceronian Rome (2020), 66