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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Epigraphy, Ik Estremo Oriente: reference List

references secondary books
Epigraphy, Ik Estremo Oriente, 76 Jim, Saviour Gods and Soteria in Ancient Greece (2022), 197
Epigraphy, Ik Estremo Oriente, 103 Jim, Saviour Gods and Soteria in Ancient Greece (2022), 191, 199, 211
Epigraphy, Ik Estremo Oriente, 147_=_427
Epigraphy, Ik Estremo Oriente, 261 Renberg, Where Dreams May Come: Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World (2017), 111
Epigraphy, Ik Estremo Oriente, 381 Miller and Clay, Tracking Hermes, Pursuing Mercury (2019), 246
Epigraphy, Ik Estremo Oriente, 416 Jim, Saviour Gods and Soteria in Ancient Greece (2022), 118, 153, 21, 87
Epigraphy, Ik Estremo Oriente, 417 Jim, Saviour Gods and Soteria in Ancient Greece (2022), 21, 87
Epigraphy, Ik Estremo Oriente, 418 Jim, Saviour Gods and Soteria in Ancient Greece (2022), 110, 21, 22, 87