Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 126 |
Marincola et al., Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones and Calum Maciver, Greek Notions of the Past in the Archaic and Classical Eras: History Without Historians (2021), 334 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 209 |
Pirenne-Delforge and Pironti, The Hera of Zeus: Intimate Enemy, Ultimate Spouse (2022), 223 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 238 |
Ekroth, The Sacrificial Rituals of Greek Hero-Cults in the Archaic to the Early Hellenistic Period (2013), 60 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 268 |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015), 568 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 402 |
Renberg, Where Dreams May Come: Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World (2017), 209 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 426 |
Lalone, Athena Itonia: Geography and Meaning of an Ancient Greek War Goddess (2019), 16, 214 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 427 |
Lalone, Athena Itonia: Geography and Meaning of an Ancient Greek War Goddess (2019), 16, 214 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 429 |
Lalone, Athena Itonia: Geography and Meaning of an Ancient Greek War Goddess (2019), 16, 214 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 636 |
de Jáuregui, Orphism and Christianity in Late Antiquity (2010), 314 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 645 |
Papazarkadas, Sacred and Public Land in Ancient Athens (2011), 104, 253, 40, 48 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 647 |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 304 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 665 |
Pirenne-Delforge and Pironti, The Hera of Zeus: Intimate Enemy, Ultimate Spouse (2022), 215 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 760 |
Stavrianopoulou, Ritual and Communication in the Graeco-Roman World (2006), 260 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 829 |
Hallmannsecker, Roman Ionia: Constructions of Cultural Identity in Western Asia Minor (2022), 82 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 914 |
Renberg, Where Dreams May Come: Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World (2017), 384, 385 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 917 |
Gabrielsen and Paganini, Private Associations in the Ancient Greek World: Regulations and the Creation of Group Identity (2021), 223 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 918 |
Gabrielsen and Paganini, Private Associations in the Ancient Greek World: Regulations and the Creation of Group Identity (2021), 223 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 930 |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture, Volume 2: Comedy, Herodotus, Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Poetry, the Novels (2023), 466 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 966 |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015), 508 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 971 |
Ando, Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire (2013), 264 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1003 |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture, Volume 2: Comedy, Herodotus, Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Poetry, the Novels (2023), 227 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1014 |
Bremmer, Greek Religion and Culture, the Bible, and the Ancient Near East (2008), 226 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1085_=_ogis_679_=_igr_i_136_=_igur_62 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1089_=_gvi_2050 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1097 |
Gagarin and Cohen, The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Law (2005), 362 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1097_=_igur_216 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1183_=_igur_1526_=_kaibel_1085 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1184 |
Henderson, The Springtime of the People: The Athenian Ephebeia and Citizen Training from Lykourgos to Augustus (2020), 173 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1188_=_igur_1532_=_kaibel_1084 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1222 |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018), 1081 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1284_i_10 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1296 |
Hallmannsecker, Roman Ionia: Constructions of Cultural Identity in Western Asia Minor (2022), 47 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1297 |
Bremmer, Greek Religion and Culture, the Bible, and the Ancient Near East (2008), 269 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1389.1 |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture, Volume 2: Comedy, Herodotus, Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Poetry, the Novels (2023), 297 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1389.2 |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture, Volume 2: Comedy, Herodotus, Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Poetry, the Novels (2023), 297 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1389.40 |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture, Volume 2: Comedy, Herodotus, Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Poetry, the Novels (2023), 297, 298 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1389.41 |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture, Volume 2: Comedy, Herodotus, Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Poetry, the Novels (2023), 297, 298 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1389.42 |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture, Volume 2: Comedy, Herodotus, Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Poetry, the Novels (2023), 297, 298 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1389.43 |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture, Volume 2: Comedy, Herodotus, Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Poetry, the Novels (2023), 297, 298 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1389.44 |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture, Volume 2: Comedy, Herodotus, Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Poetry, the Novels (2023), 297, 298 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1389.45 |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture, Volume 2: Comedy, Herodotus, Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Poetry, the Novels (2023), 297, 298 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1389.46 |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture, Volume 2: Comedy, Herodotus, Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Poetry, the Novels (2023), 297, 298 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1389.47 |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture, Volume 2: Comedy, Herodotus, Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Poetry, the Novels (2023), 297, 298 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1389.48 |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture, Volume 2: Comedy, Herodotus, Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Poetry, the Novels (2023), 297, 298 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1389.49 |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture, Volume 2: Comedy, Herodotus, Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Poetry, the Novels (2023), 297, 298 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1389.50 |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture, Volume 2: Comedy, Herodotus, Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Poetry, the Novels (2023), 297, 298 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1389_=_igur_1155 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1390 |
Mackil and Papazarkadas, Greek Epigraphy and Religion: Papers in Memory of Sara B (2020), 100 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1442 |
de Jáuregui, Orphism and Christianity in Late Antiquity (2010), 402 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 1976_=_igur_1321_=_kaibel_642_=_gvi_1169 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 2054 |
Bremmer, Greek Religion and Culture, the Bible, and the Ancient Near East (2008), 29 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 2139_=_igur_1151_=_kaibel_728_=_gvi_722 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 2282 |
Bremmer, Greek Religion and Culture, the Bible, and the Ancient Near East (2008), 256 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 2381 |
Belayche and Massa, Mystery Cults in Visual Representation in Graeco-Roman Antiquity (2021), 154 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 2413 |
Renberg, Where Dreams May Come: Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World (2017), 623 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 2431 |
Kazantzidis and Spatharas, Hope in Ancient Literature, History, and Art (2018), 355 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, 2566 |
Chaniotis, Unveiling Emotions: Sources and Methods for the Study of Emotions in the Greek World vol (2012), 105 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, "422" |
Bodel and Kajava, Dediche sacre nel mondo greco-romano: diffusione, funzioni, tipologie = Religious dedications in the Greco-Roman world: distribution, typology, use: Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, American Academy in Rome, 19-20 aprile, 2006 (2009), 177 |
Epigraphy, Ig Xiv, "647" |
Bodel and Kajava, Dediche sacre nel mondo greco-romano: diffusione, funzioni, tipologie = Religious dedications in the Greco-Roman world: distribution, typology, use: Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, American Academy in Rome, 19-20 aprile, 2006 (2009), 49 |