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Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1: reference List

references secondary books
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 6 Jim, Saviour Gods and Soteria in Ancient Greece (2022), 194
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 127 Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015), 261
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 155 Gabrielsen and Paganini, Private Associations in the Ancient Greek World: Regulations and the Creation of Group Identity (2021), 12, 13, 17, 43, 48
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 260
Renberg, Where Dreams May Come: Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World (2017), 302, 303
Arnaoutoglou, I., 'and its Meaning in Inscriptions', ZPE 1041 (1994), p. 111
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 677 Gabrielsen and Paganini, Private Associations in the Ancient Greek World: Regulations and the Creation of Group Identity (2021), 93
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 259
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 742 Jim, Saviour Gods and Soteria in Ancient Greece (2022), 85
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 764 Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015), 107
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 773 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 252
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 786 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 264
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 789 Gabrielsen and Paganini, Private Associations in the Ancient Greek World: Regulations and the Creation of Group Identity (2021), 101, 96
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 791 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 236
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 792 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 236
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 793 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 236
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 794 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 236
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 795 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 236
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 796 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 236
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 797 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 236
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 798 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 236
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 799 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 236
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 800 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 236
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 801 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 236
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 802 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 236
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 803 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 236
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 804 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 236
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 867 Gabrielsen and Paganini, Private Associations in the Ancient Greek World: Regulations and the Creation of Group Identity (2021), 48
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 914 Jim, Saviour Gods and Soteria in Ancient Greece (2022), 141, 85
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 915 Jim, Saviour Gods and Soteria in Ancient Greece (2022), 141, 85
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 937 Gabrielsen and Paganini, Private Associations in the Ancient Greek World: Regulations and the Creation of Group Identity (2021), 53
Arnaoutoglou, I., 'and its Meaning in Inscriptions', ZPE 1041 (1994), p. 111
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 997 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 253
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 998 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 253
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 1033 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 253
Epigraphy, Ig Xii,1, 1237 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 77