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Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna: reference List

references secondary books
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 2 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 113
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 4 Castelli and Sluiter, Agents of Change in the Greco-Roman and Early Modern Periods: Ten Case Studies in Agency in Innovation (2023), 154
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 8 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 341
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 94 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 341
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 95 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 341
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 96 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 341
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 97 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 341
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 98 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 341
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 99 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 341
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 100 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 341
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 101 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 341
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 179 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 114
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 180 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 113
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 181 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 113
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 182 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 113
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 183 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 113
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 189 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 341
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 190 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 341
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 192 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 114
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 193 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 114
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 194 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 114
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 195 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 114
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 196 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 114
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 203 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 113, 342
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 204 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 113, 342
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 205 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 113, 342
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 206 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 113, 342
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 224 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 114
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 225 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 114
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 252 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 114
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 253 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 114
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 255 Konstan and Garani, The Philosophizing Muse: The Influence of Greek Philosophy on Roman Poetry (2014), 167, 168
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 256 Konstan and Garani, The Philosophizing Muse: The Influence of Greek Philosophy on Roman Poetry (2014), 167, 168
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 324 Gerolemou and Kazantzidis, Body and Machine in Classical Antiquity (2023), 255
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 325 Gerolemou and Kazantzidis, Body and Machine in Classical Antiquity (2023), 255
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 326 Gerolemou and Kazantzidis, Body and Machine in Classical Antiquity (2023), 255
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 327 Gerolemou and Kazantzidis, Body and Machine in Classical Antiquity (2023), 255
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 328 Gerolemou and Kazantzidis, Body and Machine in Classical Antiquity (2023), 255
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 329 Gerolemou and Kazantzidis, Body and Machine in Classical Antiquity (2023), 255
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 332 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 342
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 341 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 342
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 349 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 342
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 465 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 114
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 466 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 114
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 505 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 114
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 506 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 114
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 507 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 114
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 601 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 115
Anon., Appendix Vergiliana. Aetna, 602 Konig, The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (2022), 115