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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Ephrem, Homily On Our Lord: reference List

references secondary books
Ephrem, Homily On Our Lord, 1.2 Ramelli, The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis: A Critical Assessment from the New Testament to Eriugena (2013), 332
Ephrem, Homily On Our Lord, 2.12 Ramelli, The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis: A Critical Assessment from the New Testament to Eriugena (2013), 340
Ephrem, Homily On Our Lord, 3 Ramelli, The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis: A Critical Assessment from the New Testament to Eriugena (2013), 335
Ephrem, Homily On Our Lord, Ramelli, The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis: A Critical Assessment from the New Testament to Eriugena (2013), 340
Ephrem, Homily On Our Lord, 4.4 Ayres Champion and Crawford, The Intellectual World of Late Antique Christianity: Reshaping Classical Traditions (2023), 521
Ephrem, Homily On Our Lord, 13 Ramelli, The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis: A Critical Assessment from the New Testament to Eriugena (2013), 340
Ephrem, Homily On Our Lord, 14 Ramelli, The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis: A Critical Assessment from the New Testament to Eriugena (2013), 340
Ephrem, Homily On Our Lord, 21 Ramelli, The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis: A Critical Assessment from the New Testament to Eriugena (2013), 341
Ephrem, Homily On Our Lord, 42 Ramelli, The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis: A Critical Assessment from the New Testament to Eriugena (2013), 340
Ephrem, Homily On Our Lord, 55 Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010), 1156