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Ephorus, Fragments: reference List

references secondary books
Ephorus, Fragments, 1 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 708
Ephorus, Fragments, 2 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 708
Ephorus, Fragments, 3 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 708
Ephorus, Fragments, 4 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 677, 679, 708
Ephorus, Fragments, 5 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 677, 679, 708
Ephorus, Fragments, 6 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 708
Ephorus, Fragments, 7 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 708
Ephorus, Fragments, 8 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 708
Ephorus, Fragments, 9 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 677, 708
Ephorus, Fragments, 10 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 708
Ephorus, Fragments, 11 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 677, 678, 708
Ephorus, Fragments, 12 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 677, 678, 708
Ephorus, Fragments, 13 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 677, 678, 708
Ephorus, Fragments, 14 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 677, 708
Ephorus, Fragments, 15 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 677, 708
Ephorus, Fragments, 16 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 677, 708
Ephorus, Fragments, 17 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 677
Ephorus, Fragments, 18 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 677
Ephorus, Fragments, 18b Hawes, Pausanias in the World of Greek Myth (2021), 112, 113
Ephorus, Fragments, 19 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 677, 708
Ephorus, Fragments, 20 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 677
Ephorus, Fragments, 31b Bremmer, Greek Religion and Culture, the Bible, and the Ancient Near East (2008), 155
Kingsley Monti and Rood, The Authoritative Historian: Tradition and Innovation in Ancient Historiography (2022), 316
Ephorus, Fragments, 56 Pirenne-Delforge and Pironti, The Hera of Zeus: Intimate Enemy, Ultimate Spouse (2022), 108
Ephorus, Fragments, 64 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 678
Ephorus, Fragments, 65 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 678
Ephorus, Fragments, 66 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 678
Ephorus, Fragments, 67 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 678
Ephorus, Fragments, 70 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 713
Ephorus, Fragments, 70_f_115
Ephorus, Fragments, 70f134 Stephens and Winkler, Ancient Greek Novels: The Fragments: Introduction, Text, Translation, and Commentary (1995), 123
Ephorus, Fragments, 149 Gorman, Gorman, Corrupting Luxury in Ancient Greek Literature (2014), 284, 285
Ephorus, Fragments, 149_fgrh
Ephorus, Fragments, 178 Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016), 96
Ephorus, Fragments, 186 Kingsley Monti and Rood, The Authoritative Historian: Tradition and Innovation in Ancient Historiography (2022), 152
Ephorus, Fragments, 189 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 678
Ephorus, Fragments, 190 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 678
Ephorus, Fragments, 191 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 678
Ephorus, Fragments, 192 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 678, 685
Ephorus, Fragments, 193 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 678
Naiden, Ancient Suppliation (2006), 207
Ephorus, Fragments, 194 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 678
Ephorus, Fragments, 195 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 678
Ephorus, Fragments, 196 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 678
Ephorus, Fragments, 197 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 679
Ephorus, Fragments, 198 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 679
Ephorus, Fragments, 199 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 679
Ephorus, Fragments, 206 Eidinow, Oracles, Curses, and Risk Among the Ancient Greeks (2007), 268
Ephorus, Fragments, 438_no._2
Ephorus, Fragments, 1351_f1
Ephorus, Fragments, ap._strabo_10.4.19
Ephorus, Fragments, f16 Hau, Moral History from Herodotus to Diodorus Siculus (2017), 253
Ephorus, Fragments, f22 Bianchetti et al., Brill’s Companion to Ancient Geography: The Inhabited World in Greek and Roman Tradition (2015), 76
Ephorus, Fragments, f30 Roller, A Guide to the Geography of Pliny the Elder (2022), 399
Ephorus, Fragments, f30a Roller, A Guide to the Geography of Pliny the Elder (2022), 211, 228, 255, 302, 334
Ephorus, Fragments, f31(b) Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture, Volume 2: Comedy, Herodotus, Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Poetry, the Novels (2023), 212
Ephorus, Fragments, f31b Gagne, Cosmography and the Idea of Hyperborea in Ancient Greece (2021), , 108
Ephorus, Fragments, f42 Gagne, Cosmography and the Idea of Hyperborea in Ancient Greece (2021), , 236, 239
Ephorus, Fragments, f63 Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021), 623
Munn, The Mother of the Gods, Athens, and the Tyranny of Asia: A Study of Sovereignty in Ancient Religion (2006), 271
Ephorus, Fragments, f94a Lalone, Athena Itonia: Geography and Meaning of an Ancient Greek War Goddess (2019), 138
Ephorus, Fragments, f97 Lalone, Athena Itonia: Geography and Meaning of an Ancient Greek War Goddess (2019), 45
Ephorus, Fragments, f104 Graf and Johnston, Ritual texts for the afterlife: Orpheus and the Bacchic Gold Tablets (2007), 151, 170, 171
Ephorus, Fragments, f113 Roller, A Guide to the Geography of Pliny the Elder (2022), 195, 201
Ephorus, Fragments, f115 Gagne, Cosmography and the Idea of Hyperborea in Ancient Greece (2021), , 10
Heymans, The Origins of Money in the Iron Age Mediterranean World (2021), 183
Ephorus, Fragments, f118 Ekroth, The Sacrificial Rituals of Greek Hero-Cults in the Archaic to the Early Hellenistic Period (2013), 196, 197
Ephorus, Fragments, f119.3 Lalone, Athena Itonia: Geography and Meaning of an Ancient Greek War Goddess (2019), 89, 96
Ephorus, Fragments, f134 Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture, Volume 2: Comedy, Herodotus, Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Poetry, the Novels (2023), 645
Ephorus, Fragments, f146 Montanari and Rengakos, In the Company of Many Good Poets. Collected Papers of Franco Montanari: Vol. I: Ancient Scholarship (2023), 406, 407
Ephorus, Fragments, f151 Roller, A Guide to the Geography of Pliny the Elder (2022), 220
Ephorus, Fragments, f162 Roller, A Guide to the Geography of Pliny the Elder (2022), 325
Ephorus, Fragments, f172 Roller, A Guide to the Geography of Pliny the Elder (2022), 399
Ephorus, Fragments, f176 Heymans, The Origins of Money in the Iron Age Mediterranean World (2021), 183
Ephorus, Fragments, f178 Heymans, The Origins of Money in the Iron Age Mediterranean World (2021), 144
Ephorus, Fragments, f180 Marincola et al., Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones and Calum Maciver, Greek Notions of the Past in the Archaic and Classical Eras: History Without Historians (2021), 4
Ephorus, Fragments, f183 Gorman, Gorman, Corrupting Luxury in Ancient Greek Literature (2014), 282, 283, 284
Ephorus, Fragments, f196 Marincola et al., Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones and Calum Maciver, Greek Notions of the Past in the Archaic and Classical Eras: History Without Historians (2021), 148
Ephorus, Fragments, f223 Lalone, Athena Itonia: Geography and Meaning of an Ancient Greek War Goddess (2019), 94
Ephorus, Fragments, fr.119 Sommerstein and Torrance, Oaths and Swearing in Ancient Greece (2014), 2495, 2775
Ephorus, Fragments, t8 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 713
Ephorus, Fragments, t11 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 677
Hau, Moral History from Herodotus to Diodorus Siculus (2017), 248
Ephorus, Fragments, t20 Rengakos and Tsakmakis, Brills Companion to Thucydides (2006), 677
Ephorus, Fragments, t23 Hau, Moral History from Herodotus to Diodorus Siculus (2017), 249, 250, 251
Ephorus, Fragments, t_8