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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Acusilaus, Fragments: reference List

references secondary books
Acusilaus, Fragments, 2_f28_(=_f28_fowler)
Acusilaus, Fragments, 2_f33
Acusilaus, Fragments, 5_=fowler_6a
Acusilaus, Fragments, 7_=_7fowler
Acusilaus, Fragments, 23-7_owler
Acusilaus, Fragments, 23a_=_23afowler
Acusilaus, Fragments, 24 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 170, 179
Acusilaus, Fragments, 28 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 137, 176, 276
Pirenne-Delforge and Pironti, The Hera of Zeus: Intimate Enemy, Ultimate Spouse (2022), 126
Cingano, E., 'Tra epos e storia: la genealogia di Cianippo e dei Biantidi in Ibico (Suppl. Lyr. Gr. 151 Page) e . . .', ZPE 0790 (1989), p. 33
Acusilaus, Fragments, 28_=_28fowler
Acusilaus, Fragments, 35_=_35fowler
Acusilaus, Fragments, 37_=_37fowler
Acusilaus, Fragments, 41_fowler
Acusilaus, Fragments, 363 Parker, Polytheism and Society at Athens (2005), 87
Acusilaus, Fragments, a3 Cornelli, In Search of Pythagoreanism: Pythagoreanism as an Historiographical Category (2013), 73
Acusilaus, Fragments, a4 Cornelli, In Search of Pythagoreanism: Pythagoreanism as an Historiographical Category (2013), 73
Acusilaus, Fragments, b Bremmer, Greek Religion and Culture, the Bible, and the Ancient Near East (2008), 16, 8
Acusilaus, Fragments, b1 Munn, The Mother of the Gods, Athens, and the Tyranny of Asia: A Study of Sovereignty in Ancient Religion (2006), 35
Acusilaus, Fragments, f1_fowler
Acusilaus, Fragments, f5 Edmunds, Greek Myth (2021), 5
Acusilaus, Fragments, f33 Graf and Johnston, Ritual texts for the afterlife: Orpheus and the Bacchic Gold Tablets (2007), 198
Acusilaus, Fragments, f35 Graf and Johnston, Ritual texts for the afterlife: Orpheus and the Bacchic Gold Tablets (2007), 202
Acusilaus, Fragments, f39 Edmunds, Greek Myth (2021), 39
Acusilaus, Fragments, f_30
Acusilaus, Fragments, fr.20 Sommerstein and Torrance, Oaths and Swearing in Ancient Greece (2014), 319
Acusilaus, Fragments, t2 Edmunds, Greek Myth (2021), 2
Acusilaus, Fragments, t_5_203