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Ambrose, On The Holy Spirit: reference List

references secondary books
Ambrose, On The Holy Spirit, 1 Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 1187
Ambrose, On The Holy Spirit, 1.11 Cheuk-Yin Yam, Trinity and Grace in Augustine (2019), 184
Ambrose, On The Holy Spirit, 1.19 Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 1187
Ambrose, On The Holy Spirit, 1.20 Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 1187
Ambrose, On The Holy Spirit, 1.21 Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 1187
Ambrose, On The Holy Spirit, 1.32 Doble and Kloha, Texts and Traditions: Essays in Honour of J. Keith Elliott (2014), 294
Ambrose, On The Holy Spirit, 2.6 Bar Asher Siegal, Jewish-Christian Dialogues on Scripture in Late Antiquity: Heretic Narratives of the Babylonian Talmud (2018), 78, 79
Hayes, The Literature of the Sages: A Re-Visioning (2022), 392
Herman, Rubenstein, The Aggada of the Bavli and Its Cultural World (2018), 253
Ambrose, On The Holy Spirit, 2.7 Brakke, Satlow, Weitzman, Religion and the Self in Antiquity (2005), 161
Ambrose, On The Holy Spirit, 2.10 Doble and Kloha, Texts and Traditions: Essays in Honour of J. Keith Elliott (2014), 233
Ambrose, On The Holy Spirit, 2.10.112 Hillier, Arator on the Acts of the Apostles: A Baptismal Commentary (1993), 119
Ambrose, On The Holy Spirit, 2.11.114 Hillier, Arator on the Acts of the Apostles: A Baptismal Commentary (1993), 119
Ambrose, On The Holy Spirit, 2.13 Doble and Kloha, Texts and Traditions: Essays in Honour of J. Keith Elliott (2014), 236
Ambrose, On The Holy Spirit, 7.52 Bar Asher Siegal, Jewish-Christian Dialogues on Scripture in Late Antiquity: Heretic Narratives of the Babylonian Talmud (2018), 148