references | secondary books |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 1.5 | Estes, The Tree of Life (2020), 224 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 2.9 | Cain, The Greek Historia Monachorum in Aegypto: Monastic Hagiography in the Late Fourth Century (2016), 79 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 2.11 | Nisula, Augustine and the Functions of Concupiscence (2012), 206 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 3.9 | Birnbaum and Dillon, Philo of Alexandria: On the Life of Abraham: Introduction, Translation, and Commentary (2020), 187 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 3.16 | Hillier, Arator on the Acts of the Apostles: A Baptismal Commentary (1993), 101 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 4.25.8 | Lieu, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century (2015), 365 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 5.28 | Estes, The Tree of Life (2020), 224 Lieu, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century (2015), 364 Pedersen, Demonstrative Proof in Defence of God: A Study of Titus of Bostra’s Contra Manichaeos (2004), 221, 223 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 5.29 | Estes, The Tree of Life (2020), 224 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 6.3 | Pedersen, Demonstrative Proof in Defence of God: A Study of Titus of Bostra’s Contra Manichaeos (2004), 221, 223 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 6.31 | Beatrice, The Transmission of Sin: Augustine and the Pre-Augustinian Sources (2013), 149 Pedersen, Demonstrative Proof in Defence of God: A Study of Titus of Bostra’s Contra Manichaeos (2004), 221, 222 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 6.32 | Lieu, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century (2015), 364 Pedersen, Demonstrative Proof in Defence of God: A Study of Titus of Bostra’s Contra Manichaeos (2004), 221, 222 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 6.34 | Nisula, Augustine and the Functions of Concupiscence (2012), 33, 35 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 7.6 | dHoine and Martijn, All From One: A Guide to Proclus (2017), 202 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 7.7 | dHoine and Martijn, All From One: A Guide to Proclus (2017), 202 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 7.8 | dHoine and Martijn, All From One: A Guide to Proclus (2017), 202 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 7.9 | dHoine and Martijn, All From One: A Guide to Proclus (2017), 202 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 7.10 | dHoine and Martijn, All From One: A Guide to Proclus (2017), 202 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 7.11 | dHoine and Martijn, All From One: A Guide to Proclus (2017), 202 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 7.35 | Beatrice, The Transmission of Sin: Augustine and the Pre-Augustinian Sources (2013), 145 Estes, The Tree of Life (2020), 224 Pedersen, Demonstrative Proof in Defence of God: A Study of Titus of Bostra’s Contra Manichaeos (2004), 221, 222, 223 Ramelli, The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis: A Critical Assessment from the New Testament to Eriugena (2013), 618 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 8.4 | Pedersen, Demonstrative Proof in Defence of God: A Study of Titus of Bostra’s Contra Manichaeos (2004), 221, 223 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 8.38 | Pedersen, Demonstrative Proof in Defence of God: A Study of Titus of Bostra’s Contra Manichaeos (2004), 221, 222 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 8.41 | Pedersen, Demonstrative Proof in Defence of God: A Study of Titus of Bostra’s Contra Manichaeos (2004), 221, 222 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 10.36-11.14 | dHoine and Martijn, All From One: A Guide to Proclus (2017), 186 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 12.58 | Pignot, The Catechumenate in Late Antique Africa (4th–6th Centuries): Augustine of Hippo, His Contemporaries and Early Reception (2020), 76 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 13.67 | Beatrice, The Transmission of Sin: Augustine and the Pre-Augustinian Sources (2013), 146 Karfíková, Grace and the Will According to Augustine (2012), 330 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 14.72 | Grypeou and Spurling, The Exegetical Encounter between Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity (2009), 73 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 28 | Lieu, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century (2015), 309 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 1896) | Pedersen, Demonstrative Proof in Defence of God: A Study of Titus of Bostra’s Contra Manichaeos (2004), 221 |
Ambrose, On Paradise, 2018-05-08_00:00:00 |