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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith: reference List

references secondary books
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 1 Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 1186, 1187
Geljon and Vos, Violence in Ancient Christianity: Victims and Perpetrators (2014), 141
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 1.1 Van Nuffelen, Orosius and the Rhetoric of History (2012), 85
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 1.2.16 ODaly, Days Linked by Song: Prudentius Cathemerinon (2012), 337
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 1.35 Estes, The Tree of Life (2020), 227
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 1.36 Estes, The Tree of Life (2020), 227
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 1.37 Estes, The Tree of Life (2020), 227
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 1.38 Estes, The Tree of Life (2020), 227
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 1.39 Estes, The Tree of Life (2020), 227
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 1.40 Estes, The Tree of Life (2020), 227
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 1.41 Estes, The Tree of Life (2020), 227
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 1.42 Estes, The Tree of Life (2020), 227
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 1.43 Estes, The Tree of Life (2020), 227
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 1.44 Estes, The Tree of Life (2020), 227
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 2 Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 1186, 1187
Geljon and Vos, Violence in Ancient Christianity: Victims and Perpetrators (2014), 141
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 2.1 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 149
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 2.2 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 149
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 2.11 Nisula, Augustine and the Functions of Concupiscence (2012), 33
Wilson, Augustine\s Conversion from Traditional Free Choice to Non-free Free Will: A Comprehensive Methodology (2018), 92
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 2.16.139 Kahlos, Religious Dissent in Late Antiquity, 350-450 (2019), 131, 17, 22, 43, 48
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 2.16.140 Kahlos, Religious Dissent in Late Antiquity, 350-450 (2019), 131, 17, 22, 43, 48
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 2.136 Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 1187
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 2.137 Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 1187
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 2.138 Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 1187
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 2.139 Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 1187
Ruiz and Puertas, Emperors and Emperorship in Late Antiquity: Images and Narratives (2021), 191
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 2.140 Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 1187
Ruiz and Puertas, Emperors and Emperorship in Late Antiquity: Images and Narratives (2021), 191
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 2.141 Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 1187
Ruiz and Puertas, Emperors and Emperorship in Late Antiquity: Images and Narratives (2021), 191
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 2.142 Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 1187
Ruiz and Puertas, Emperors and Emperorship in Late Antiquity: Images and Narratives (2021), 191
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 2.143 Esler, The Early Christian World (2000), 1187
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 3.1 Nisula, Augustine and the Functions of Concupiscence (2012), 32
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 3.15.125 Ayres Champion and Crawford, The Intellectual World of Late Antique Christianity: Reshaping Classical Traditions (2023), 230
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 4.1 Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009), 57
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 5.2 Doble and Kloha, Texts and Traditions: Essays in Honour of J. Keith Elliott (2014), 233, 236
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 5.6 Wilson, Augustine\s Conversion from Traditional Free Choice to Non-free Free Will: A Comprehensive Methodology (2018), 92
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 5.12.148-16.192 Yates and Dupont, The Bible in Christian North Africa: Part I: Commencement to the Confessiones of Augustine (ca. 180 to 400 CE) (2020), 252
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 5.17 Nisula, Augustine and the Functions of Concupiscence (2012), 34
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 5.41 Pollmann and Vessey, Augustine and the Disciplines: From Cassiciacum to Confessions (2007), 192
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 5.42 Pollmann and Vessey, Augustine and the Disciplines: From Cassiciacum to Confessions (2007), 193
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 8.22 de Ste. Croix et al., Christian Persecution, Martyrdom, and Orthodoxy (2006), 363
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 8.54 Cain, Jerome and the Monastic Clergy: A Commentary on Letter 52 to Nepotian (2013), 168
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 9.21 Cain, Jerome and the Monastic Clergy: A Commentary on Letter 52 to Nepotian (2013), 168
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 18.31 Cain, Jerome and the Monastic Clergy: A Commentary on Letter 52 to Nepotian (2013), 92
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 19.19 Cain, Jerome and the Monastic Clergy: A Commentary on Letter 52 to Nepotian (2013), 77
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 19.44 Cain, Jerome and the Monastic Clergy: A Commentary on Letter 52 to Nepotian (2013), 196
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 47_1.3
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 47_1.4
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 53.2 Cain, Jerome and the Monastic Clergy: A Commentary on Letter 52 to Nepotian (2013), 251
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, 118_2.1
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, "1.13.79" Yates and Dupont, The Bible in Christian North Africa: Part II: Consolidation of the Canon to the Arab Conquest (ca. 393 to 650 CE). (2023), 490
Ambrose, On Orthodox Faith, "135" Geljon and Vos, Violence in Ancient Christianity: Victims and Perpetrators (2014), 145