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Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document: reference List

references secondary books
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 0 Allen and Dunne, Ancient Readers and their Scriptures: Engaging the Hebrew Bible in Early Judaism and Christianity (2022), 52, 53
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 1.1 Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020), 95
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 1.2 Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020), 95
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 3.11 Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020), 96
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 4.7 Noam, Shifting Images of the Hasmoneans: Second Temple Legends and Their Reception in Josephus and Rabbinic Literature (2018), 104, 65
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020), 96
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 4.8 Noam, Shifting Images of the Hasmoneans: Second Temple Legends and Their Reception in Josephus and Rabbinic Literature (2018), 104
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020), 96
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 4.9 Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020), 96
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 4q213-14 Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 167, 168, 175, 303
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 5.8 Noam, Shifting Images of the Hasmoneans: Second Temple Legends and Their Reception in Josephus and Rabbinic Literature (2018), 104, 65
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 6.3 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 44
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 6.6 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 44
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 6.7 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 44
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 6.8 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 44
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 6.9 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 44
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 6.10 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 44
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 8.6 Noam, Shifting Images of the Hasmoneans: Second Temple Legends and Their Reception in Josephus and Rabbinic Literature (2018), 104, 65
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 12.4 Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020), 98
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 12.6 Feldman, Goldman and Dimant, Scripture and Interpretation: Qumran Texts That Rework the Bible (2014), 146
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 12.8 Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020), 95
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 13.1 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 44
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 13.2 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 44
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 13.3 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 44
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 13.4 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 168, 44
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020), 96
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 13.5 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 44
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020), 96
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 13.6 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 44
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020), 96
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 13.7 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 44
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020), 96
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 13.8 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 44
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020), 96
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 13.9 Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020), 96
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 13.10 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 126, 138, 43, 84
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020), 96
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 13.11 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 138, 43, 44, 84
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 13.12 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 126, 138, 43, 44, 84, 87
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 13.13 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 126, 84, 87
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 13.14 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 84, 87
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 13.15 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 84
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 25 Balberg, Blood for Thought: The Reinvention of Sacrifice in Early Rabbinic Literature (2017), 69, 70
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 26 Balberg, Blood for Thought: The Reinvention of Sacrifice in Early Rabbinic Literature (2017), 69, 70
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 27 Balberg, Blood for Thought: The Reinvention of Sacrifice in Early Rabbinic Literature (2017), 69, 70
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 28 Balberg, Blood for Thought: The Reinvention of Sacrifice in Early Rabbinic Literature (2017), 69, 70
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 29 Balberg, Blood for Thought: The Reinvention of Sacrifice in Early Rabbinic Literature (2017), 69, 70
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 30 Balberg, Blood for Thought: The Reinvention of Sacrifice in Early Rabbinic Literature (2017), 69, 70
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 31 Balberg, Blood for Thought: The Reinvention of Sacrifice in Early Rabbinic Literature (2017), 69, 70
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 32 Balberg, Blood for Thought: The Reinvention of Sacrifice in Early Rabbinic Literature (2017), 69, 70
Dead Sea Scrolls, Aramaic Levi Document, 57 Najman, The Significance of Sinai: Traditions about Sinai and Divine Revelation in Judaism and Christianity (2010), 42