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Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk: reference List

references secondary books
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 0 Falcetta, Early Christian Teachers: The Didaskaloi From Their Origins to the Middle of the Second Century (2020), 91
Jacobus, de Hemmer Gudme, and Guillaume, Studies on Magic and Divination in the Biblical World (2013), 106
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 1.1 Hayes, Whats Divine about Divine Law?: Early Perspectives (2015), 102
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 1.1-5.10 Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 1.2 Hayes, Whats Divine about Divine Law?: Early Perspectives (2015), 102
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 1.3 Hayes, Whats Divine about Divine Law?: Early Perspectives (2015), 102
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 1.6-2.10 Klawans, Heresy, Forgery, Novelty: Condemning, Denying, and Asserting Innovation in Ancient Judaism (2019), 83
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 1.7 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 47
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 1.8 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 47
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 1.11 van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 188, 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 1.12 van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 1.13 van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 1.14 Hayes, Whats Divine about Divine Law?: Early Perspectives (2015), 104, 200
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 1.15 Hayes, Whats Divine about Divine Law?: Early Perspectives (2015), 104, 200
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 1qphab Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 23, 25, 29, 30
Piotrkowski, Priests in Exile: The History of the Temple of Onias and Its Community in the Hellenistic Period (2019), 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 2, 388, 8
Potter Suh and Holladay, Hellenistic Jewish Literature and the New Testament: Collected Essays (2021), 319
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 1qphab_7.5-6
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 1qs Hayes, Whats Divine about Divine Law?: Early Perspectives (2015), 101, 133
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 2 Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 188, 20, 30, 41, 43, 96
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 2.1 Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 25
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011), 42
Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (2004), 154
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 149
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 206, 207, 208, 213
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 215, 216
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 188, 201, 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 2.2 Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 25
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011), 42
Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (2004), 154
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 149
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 206, 208, 213
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 215, 216
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 188, 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 2.3 Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 25
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 194
Klawans, Heresy, Forgery, Novelty: Condemning, Denying, and Asserting Innovation in Ancient Judaism (2019), 83, 86, 87, 89
Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (2004), 154
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 149
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 206, 213
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 215, 216
Vanhoye, Moore, Ounsworth, A Perfect Priest: Studies in the Letter to the Hebrews (2018), 157
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 188, 201, 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 2.4 Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 25
Klawans, Heresy, Forgery, Novelty: Condemning, Denying, and Asserting Innovation in Ancient Judaism (2019), 83
Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (2004), 154
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 206, 213
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 215, 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 2.5 Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 23, 25
Fisch, , Written for Us: Paul’s Interpretation of Scripture and the History of Midrash (2023), 178
Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (2004), 154
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 206, 207, 213
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 215, 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 2.6 Beckwith, Calendar, Chronology and Worship: Studies in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2005), 72
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 23, 25
DeJong, A Prophet like Moses (Deut 18:15, 18): The Origin, History, and Influence of the Mosaic Prophetic Succession (2022), 152
Fisch, , Written for Us: Paul’s Interpretation of Scripture and the History of Midrash (2023), 178
Klawans, Heresy, Forgery, Novelty: Condemning, Denying, and Asserting Innovation in Ancient Judaism (2019), 83
Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (2004), 154
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 206, 207, 213
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 215, 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 2.7 Beckwith, Calendar, Chronology and Worship: Studies in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2005), 72
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 23, 25
Carr, Writing on the Tablet of the Heart: Origins of Scripture and Literature (2004), 217
DeJong, A Prophet like Moses (Deut 18:15, 18): The Origin, History, and Influence of the Mosaic Prophetic Succession (2022), 152
Feldman, Goldman and Dimant, Scripture and Interpretation: Qumran Texts That Rework the Bible (2014), 231
Fisch, , Written for Us: Paul’s Interpretation of Scripture and the History of Midrash (2023), 178
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011), 42, 57
Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (2004), 154
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 206, 207, 213
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 215, 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 2.8 Beckwith, Calendar, Chronology and Worship: Studies in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2005), 72
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 23, 25
Carr, Writing on the Tablet of the Heart: Origins of Scripture and Literature (2004), 216, 217
DeJong, A Prophet like Moses (Deut 18:15, 18): The Origin, History, and Influence of the Mosaic Prophetic Succession (2022), 152
Fisch, , Written for Us: Paul’s Interpretation of Scripture and the History of Midrash (2023), 178
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011), 42, 57
Klawans, Heresy, Forgery, Novelty: Condemning, Denying, and Asserting Innovation in Ancient Judaism (2019), 89
Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (2004), 154
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 206, 207, 213
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 215, 216
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 2.9 Beckwith, Calendar, Chronology and Worship: Studies in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2005), 72
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 23, 25
Carr, Writing on the Tablet of the Heart: Origins of Scripture and Literature (2004), 216, 217
DeJong, A Prophet like Moses (Deut 18:15, 18): The Origin, History, and Influence of the Mosaic Prophetic Succession (2022), 152
Fisch, , Written for Us: Paul’s Interpretation of Scripture and the History of Midrash (2023), 178
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011), 42, 57
Klawans, Heresy, Forgery, Novelty: Condemning, Denying, and Asserting Innovation in Ancient Judaism (2019), 89
Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (2004), 154
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 206, 207
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 215, 216
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 2.10 Beckwith, Calendar, Chronology and Worship: Studies in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2005), 72
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 23
Carr, Writing on the Tablet of the Heart: Origins of Scripture and Literature (2004), 217
DeJong, A Prophet like Moses (Deut 18:15, 18): The Origin, History, and Influence of the Mosaic Prophetic Succession (2022), 152
Fisch, , Written for Us: Paul’s Interpretation of Scripture and the History of Midrash (2023), 178
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011), 42, 57, 83
Klawans, Heresy, Forgery, Novelty: Condemning, Denying, and Asserting Innovation in Ancient Judaism (2019), 89
Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (2004), 154
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 206, 207
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 215, 216
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201, 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 2.11 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 206, 207
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 2.12 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 112
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 199
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 2.13 Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 25
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 199
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 2.14 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 112
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 2.15 Allen and Dunne, Ancient Readers and their Scriptures: Engaging the Hebrew Bible in Early Judaism and Christianity (2022), 66
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 2.16 Allen and Dunne, Ancient Readers and their Scriptures: Engaging the Hebrew Bible in Early Judaism and Christianity (2022), 66
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 112
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 2.17 Allen and Dunne, Ancient Readers and their Scriptures: Engaging the Hebrew Bible in Early Judaism and Christianity (2022), 66
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 3.1 Allen and Dunne, Ancient Readers and their Scriptures: Engaging the Hebrew Bible in Early Judaism and Christianity (2022), 66
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 134
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 199
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 3.2 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 134
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 3.3 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 134
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 3.4 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 112, 134
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 199, 200
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 3.5 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 134
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 199
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 3.6 van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 3.8 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 324
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 3.9 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 324
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 112
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 3.10 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 324
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 199, 200
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 3.11 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 324
Crabb, Luke/Acts and the End of History (2020), 288
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 199, 200
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 3.12 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 324
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 199, 200, 204
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 3.13 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 324
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 199, 200
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 3.14 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 324
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 3.15 Hayes, Whats Divine about Divine Law?: Early Perspectives (2015), 102
Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 324
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 3.16 Hayes, Whats Divine about Divine Law?: Early Perspectives (2015), 102
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 3.17 Hayes, Whats Divine about Divine Law?: Early Perspectives (2015), 102
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 4.2 Feldman, Goldman and Dimant, Scripture and Interpretation: Qumran Texts That Rework the Bible (2014), 25
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 4.5 Feldman, Goldman and Dimant, Scripture and Interpretation: Qumran Texts That Rework the Bible (2014), 140
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 112
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 4.6 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 200
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 4.7 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 200
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 4.8 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 200
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 4.9 Feldman, Goldman and Dimant, Scripture and Interpretation: Qumran Texts That Rework the Bible (2014), 154
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 4.10 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 112
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 4.11 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 204
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 4.13 van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 5.2 Hayes, Whats Divine about Divine Law?: Early Perspectives (2015), 102
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 204
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 5.3 Bezzel and Pfeiffer, Prophecy and Hellenism (2021), 180
Feldman, Goldman and Dimant, Scripture and Interpretation: Qumran Texts That Rework the Bible (2014), 52
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011), 83
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 200, 204
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 5.4 Bezzel and Pfeiffer, Prophecy and Hellenism (2021), 180
Keener, First-Second Corinthians (2005), 28
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 204, 205
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201, 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 5.5 Bezzel and Pfeiffer, Prophecy and Hellenism (2021), 180
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011), 83
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201, 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 5.6 Bezzel and Pfeiffer, Prophecy and Hellenism (2021), 180
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 5.7 Hayes, Whats Divine about Divine Law?: Early Perspectives (2015), 132
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 5.8 Hayes, Whats Divine about Divine Law?: Early Perspectives (2015), 132
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 154
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020), 89, 90
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 188, 201, 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 5.8a Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 113
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 5.9 Hayes, Whats Divine about Divine Law?: Early Perspectives (2015), 102, 132
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 208
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020), 89, 90
Schwartz, 2 Maccabees (2008), 404
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 188, 201, 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 5.10 Hayes, Whats Divine about Divine Law?: Early Perspectives (2015), 132
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 149
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020), 89, 90
Schiffman, Testimony and the Penal Code (1983), 95
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 5.11 Hayes, Whats Divine about Divine Law?: Early Perspectives (2015), 132
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 149
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 208
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020), 89, 90
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 188, 201, 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 5.12 Hayes, Whats Divine about Divine Law?: Early Perspectives (2015), 132
Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 428
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020), 89, 90
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 188, 201, 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 5.12-6.8 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 154
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 6.1 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 112, 134, 47
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 204
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 6.2 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 134
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 6.3 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 134
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 199
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 6.4 Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 207
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 134
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 199
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 6.5 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 134
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 199
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 6.6 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 134
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 6.7 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 134
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 6.8 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 134
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 6.10 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 112
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 200
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 6.11 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 200
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 6.12 Allen and Dunne, Ancient Readers and their Scriptures: Engaging the Hebrew Bible in Early Judaism and Christianity (2022), 66
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 200
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 6.13 Allen and Dunne, Ancient Readers and their Scriptures: Engaging the Hebrew Bible in Early Judaism and Christianity (2022), 66
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 6.14 Allen and Dunne, Ancient Readers and their Scriptures: Engaging the Hebrew Bible in Early Judaism and Christianity (2022), 66
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 6.15 Allen and Dunne, Ancient Readers and their Scriptures: Engaging the Hebrew Bible in Early Judaism and Christianity (2022), 66
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 6.15-7.5 Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011), 42, 57
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 6.16 Allen and Dunne, Ancient Readers and their Scriptures: Engaging the Hebrew Bible in Early Judaism and Christianity (2022), 66
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 6.17-7.2 Allen and Dunne, Ancient Readers and their Scriptures: Engaging the Hebrew Bible in Early Judaism and Christianity (2022), 66
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 7 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 444
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009), 10, 142, 9
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 215, 217, 220
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 7.1 Bakker, The Secret of Time: Reconfiguring Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls (2023), 116
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 23
Fisch, , Written for Us: Paul’s Interpretation of Scripture and the History of Midrash (2023), 178, 182
Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism 200 BCE - 400 CE (2001), 174
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 213
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020), 89
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014), 190
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 216
Tomson, Studies on Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries (2019), 362
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 7.2 Bakker, The Secret of Time: Reconfiguring Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls (2023), 116
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 23
Fisch, , Written for Us: Paul’s Interpretation of Scripture and the History of Midrash (2023), 178, 182
Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism 200 BCE - 400 CE (2001), 174
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 213
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020), 89
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014), 190
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 7.3 Allen and Dunne, Ancient Readers and their Scriptures: Engaging the Hebrew Bible in Early Judaism and Christianity (2022), 66
Bakker, The Secret of Time: Reconfiguring Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls (2023), 116
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 23
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 188
Fisch, , Written for Us: Paul’s Interpretation of Scripture and the History of Midrash (2023), 178, 182
Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism 200 BCE - 400 CE (2001), 174
Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (2004), 34, 35
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 201, 213, 217, 218
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014), 190
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 7.4 Allen and Dunne, Ancient Readers and their Scriptures: Engaging the Hebrew Bible in Early Judaism and Christianity (2022), 66
Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 449
Bakker, The Secret of Time: Reconfiguring Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls (2023), 116
Beckwith, Calendar, Chronology and Worship: Studies in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2005), 72
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 23
Carr, Writing on the Tablet of the Heart: Origins of Scripture and Literature (2004), 216
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 188
DeJong, A Prophet like Moses (Deut 18:15, 18): The Origin, History, and Influence of the Mosaic Prophetic Succession (2022), 152
Fisch, , Written for Us: Paul’s Interpretation of Scripture and the History of Midrash (2023), 178, 182
Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism 200 BCE - 400 CE (2001), 174
Klawans, Heresy, Forgery, Novelty: Condemning, Denying, and Asserting Innovation in Ancient Judaism (2019), 89
Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (2004), 34, 35
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 149
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 201, 213, 217, 218
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020), 89
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014), 190
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 216
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 7.5 Allen and Dunne, Ancient Readers and their Scriptures: Engaging the Hebrew Bible in Early Judaism and Christianity (2022), 66
Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 449
Bakker, The Secret of Time: Reconfiguring Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls (2023), 116
Beckwith, Calendar, Chronology and Worship: Studies in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2005), 72
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 23, 41
Carr, Writing on the Tablet of the Heart: Origins of Scripture and Literature (2004), 216
DeJong, A Prophet like Moses (Deut 18:15, 18): The Origin, History, and Influence of the Mosaic Prophetic Succession (2022), 152
Fisch, , Written for Us: Paul’s Interpretation of Scripture and the History of Midrash (2023), 178, 182
Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism 200 BCE - 400 CE (2001), 174
Klawans, Heresy, Forgery, Novelty: Condemning, Denying, and Asserting Innovation in Ancient Judaism (2019), 89
Lester, Prophetic Rivalry, Gender, and Economics: A Study in Revelation and Sibylline Oracles 4-5 (2018), 37
Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (2004), 34, 35
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 149
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 201, 213, 217, 218
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020), 89
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014), 190
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 216
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 7.6 Bakker, The Secret of Time: Reconfiguring Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls (2023), 116
Beyerle and Goff, Notions of Time in Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature (2022), 411
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 41
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 195
Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism 200 BCE - 400 CE (2001), 174
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 201, 217, 218
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 7.7 Bakker, The Secret of Time: Reconfiguring Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls (2023), 116
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 41
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 195
Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism 200 BCE - 400 CE (2001), 174
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 201, 217, 218
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 20, 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 7.8 Bakker, The Secret of Time: Reconfiguring Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls (2023), 116
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 41
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 195
Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism 200 BCE - 400 CE (2001), 174
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 201, 217, 218
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 7.9 Bakker, The Secret of Time: Reconfiguring Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls (2023), 116
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 41
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 195
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 201
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 7.10 Bakker, The Secret of Time: Reconfiguring Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls (2023), 116
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 41
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 195
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 201
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 216
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 7.11 Bakker, The Secret of Time: Reconfiguring Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls (2023), 116
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 41
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008), 123
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 195
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011), 61
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 201
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 7.12 Bakker, The Secret of Time: Reconfiguring Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls (2023), 116
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 41
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 195
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 201
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 7.13 Bakker, The Secret of Time: Reconfiguring Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls (2023), 114, 116, 136
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 41
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 195
Feldman, Goldman and Dimant, Scripture and Interpretation: Qumran Texts That Rework the Bible (2014), 74
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 201
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 216
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 7.14 Bakker, The Secret of Time: Reconfiguring Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls (2023), 116
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 41
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 201
Ruzer, Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament: Reflections in the Dim Mirror (2020), 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 7.16 Feldman, Goldman and Dimant, Scripture and Interpretation: Qumran Texts That Rework the Bible (2014), 183
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 8 Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023), 949
Vanhoye, Moore, Ounsworth, A Perfect Priest: Studies in the Letter to the Hebrews (2018), 30
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 8.1 Hayes, Whats Divine about Divine Law?: Early Perspectives (2015), 102
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008), 123
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011), 61
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 207
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020), 88, 89, 90, 91, 96
Tomson, Studies on Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries (2019), 158, 362
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 188, 191, 200, 201, 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 8.2 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 207, 217
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020), 88, 89, 90, 91, 96
Tomson, Studies on Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries (2019), 158, 362
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201, 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 8.3 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 207, 217
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020), 88, 89, 90, 91, 96
Tomson, Studies on Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries (2019), 158, 362
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201, 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 8.3-13a Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 113
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 8.4 Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020), 91
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 8.5 Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020), 91
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 8.6 Feldman, Goldman and Dimant, Scripture and Interpretation: Qumran Texts That Rework the Bible (2014), 52
Gordon, Land and Temple: Field Sacralization and the Agrarian Priesthood of Second Temple Judaism (2020), 198
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020), 91
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 8.7 Gordon, Land and Temple: Field Sacralization and the Agrarian Priesthood of Second Temple Judaism (2020), 198
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 115
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020), 91
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 8.8 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Ammann et al., Collective Violence and Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean (2023), 88
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 29
Flatto, The Crown and the Courts (2021), 270, 79
Gordon, Land and Temple: Field Sacralization and the Agrarian Priesthood of Second Temple Judaism (2020), 198
Klawans, Purity, Sacrifice, and the Temple: Symbolism and Supersessionism in the Study of Ancient Judaism (2009), 147, 148, 152, 177, 294
Levine Allison and Crossan, The Historical Jesus in Context (2006), 278
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 116, 164
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 204, 207
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020), 91
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 8.9 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Ammann et al., Collective Violence and Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean (2023), 88
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 29
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 185
Flatto, The Crown and the Courts (2021), 270, 281, 79
Gordon, Land and Temple: Field Sacralization and the Agrarian Priesthood of Second Temple Judaism (2020), 198
Klawans, Purity, Sacrifice, and the Temple: Symbolism and Supersessionism in the Study of Ancient Judaism (2009), 147, 148, 152, 177, 294
Levine Allison and Crossan, The Historical Jesus in Context (2006), 278
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 116, 138, 164
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 204, 207
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 188, 191, 200
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 8.10 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Ammann et al., Collective Violence and Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean (2023), 88
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 29
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 185
Flatto, The Crown and the Courts (2021), 270, 79
Gordon, Land and Temple: Field Sacralization and the Agrarian Priesthood of Second Temple Judaism (2020), 198
Klawans, Purity, Sacrifice, and the Temple: Symbolism and Supersessionism in the Study of Ancient Judaism (2009), 147, 148, 152, 177, 294
Levine Allison and Crossan, The Historical Jesus in Context (2006), 278
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 116, 138, 160, 164
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 204, 205, 207
Schiffman, Testimony and the Penal Code (1983), 179
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 188, 191, 200, 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 8.11 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Ammann et al., Collective Violence and Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean (2023), 88
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 29
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 185
Flatto, The Crown and the Courts (2021), 270, 79
Gordon, Land and Temple: Field Sacralization and the Agrarian Priesthood of Second Temple Judaism (2020), 198
Klawans, Purity, Sacrifice, and the Temple: Symbolism and Supersessionism in the Study of Ancient Judaism (2009), 147, 148, 152, 177, 294
Levine Allison and Crossan, The Historical Jesus in Context (2006), 278
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 116, 138, 160, 164, 47
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 204, 205, 207
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 8.12 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Ammann et al., Collective Violence and Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean (2023), 88
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 29
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 185
Flatto, The Crown and the Courts (2021), 270, 79
Gordon, Land and Temple: Field Sacralization and the Agrarian Priesthood of Second Temple Judaism (2020), 198
Klawans, Purity, Sacrifice, and the Temple: Symbolism and Supersessionism in the Study of Ancient Judaism (2009), 147, 148, 152, 177, 294
Levine Allison and Crossan, The Historical Jesus in Context (2006), 278
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 138, 164, 47
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 204, 205, 207
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 8.13 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Ammann et al., Collective Violence and Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean (2023), 88
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 29
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 185
Flatto, The Crown and the Courts (2021), 270, 79
Gordon, Land and Temple: Field Sacralization and the Agrarian Priesthood of Second Temple Judaism (2020), 198
Klawans, Purity, Sacrifice, and the Temple: Symbolism and Supersessionism in the Study of Ancient Judaism (2009), 147, 148, 152, 177, 294
Levine Allison and Crossan, The Historical Jesus in Context (2006), 278
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 138
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 204, 207, 255
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 8.13-9.2 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 8.13b-19 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 115
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 8.15 Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 47
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 9 Vanhoye, Moore, Ounsworth, A Perfect Priest: Studies in the Letter to the Hebrews (2018), 30
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 9.1 Feldman, Goldman and Dimant, Scripture and Interpretation: Qumran Texts That Rework the Bible (2014), 187
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 205, 211
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 9.2 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 205, 211
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 9.3 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 205
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 9.4 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008), 77
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 47
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 204, 205, 208
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 9.5 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 47
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 204, 205
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 9.6 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 134, 47
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 204, 205
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 9.7 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 112, 134, 47
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 204, 205
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 9.8 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 185
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 39
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 9.9 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 185
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 149
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 39
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 9.10 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 185
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 149
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 211, 39
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 9.11 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 185
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 204, 211, 39
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 9.12 Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 185
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 204, 39
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 9.12-10.5 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 9.25 Bakker, The Secret of Time: Reconfiguring Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls (2023), 127
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 9.26 Bakker, The Secret of Time: Reconfiguring Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls (2023), 127
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 10 Vanhoye, Moore, Ounsworth, A Perfect Priest: Studies in the Letter to the Hebrews (2018), 30
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 10.1 Feldman, Goldman and Dimant, Scripture and Interpretation: Qumran Texts That Rework the Bible (2014), 30
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 10.5 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 10.6 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 10.7 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 359
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 10.8 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 10.9 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 207, 208, 216
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020), 107
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 10.10 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 207, 216
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020), 107
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 10.11 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 207, 216
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020), 107
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 10.12 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 207, 216, 217
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020), 107
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 10.13 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 204, 207, 216, 217
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020), 107
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 11 Vanhoye, Moore, Ounsworth, A Perfect Priest: Studies in the Letter to the Hebrews (2018), 30
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 11.2 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 215, 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 11.3 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 215, 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 11.4 Beckwith, Calendar, Chronology and Worship: Studies in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2005), 15
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 27
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011), 274
Klawans, Purity, Sacrifice, and the Temple: Symbolism and Supersessionism in the Study of Ancient Judaism (2009), 157
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 149
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 215, 216
Najman, The Significance of Sinai: Traditions about Sinai and Divine Revelation in Judaism and Christianity (2010), 149
Shemesh, Halakhah in the Making: The Development of Jewish Law from Qumran to the Rabbis (2009), 18
Tomson, Studies on Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries (2019), 505, 527
VanderKam, Calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Measuring Time (1998), 44
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 11.5 Beckwith, Calendar, Chronology and Worship: Studies in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2005), 15
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 27
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011), 274
Klawans, Purity, Sacrifice, and the Temple: Symbolism and Supersessionism in the Study of Ancient Judaism (2009), 157
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 149
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 204, 215, 216
Najman, The Significance of Sinai: Traditions about Sinai and Divine Revelation in Judaism and Christianity (2010), 149
Shemesh, Halakhah in the Making: The Development of Jewish Law from Qumran to the Rabbis (2009), 18
Tomson, Studies on Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries (2019), 505, 527
VanderKam, Calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Measuring Time (1998), 44
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 11.6 Beckwith, Calendar, Chronology and Worship: Studies in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2005), 15
Beyerle and Goff, Notions of Time in Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature (2022), 411
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 27
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011), 274
Klawans, Purity, Sacrifice, and the Temple: Symbolism and Supersessionism in the Study of Ancient Judaism (2009), 157, 165
Lidonnici and Lieber, Heavenly Tablets: Interpretation, Identity and Tradition in Ancient Judaism (2007), 160
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 149, 150
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 204, 215, 216
Shemesh, Halakhah in the Making: The Development of Jewish Law from Qumran to the Rabbis (2009), 18
Tomson, Studies on Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries (2019), 47, 505, 527
VanderKam, Calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Measuring Time (1998), 44
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 11.7 Beckwith, Calendar, Chronology and Worship: Studies in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2005), 15
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 27
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011), 274
Klawans, Purity, Sacrifice, and the Temple: Symbolism and Supersessionism in the Study of Ancient Judaism (2009), 157
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 215, 216
Shemesh, Halakhah in the Making: The Development of Jewish Law from Qumran to the Rabbis (2009), 18
Tomson, Studies on Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries (2019), 47, 505, 527
VanderKam, Calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Measuring Time (1998), 44
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 11.8 Beckwith, Calendar, Chronology and Worship: Studies in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2005), 15
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 27
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011), 274
Klawans, Purity, Sacrifice, and the Temple: Symbolism and Supersessionism in the Study of Ancient Judaism (2009), 157
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 215, 216
Shemesh, Halakhah in the Making: The Development of Jewish Law from Qumran to the Rabbis (2009), 18
Tomson, Studies on Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries (2019), 47, 505
VanderKam, Calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Measuring Time (1998), 44
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 11.9 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 215, 216
Tomson, Studies on Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries (2019), 505
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 11.10 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 215, 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 11.11 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 215, 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 11.12 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 114, 116
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 215, 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 11.13 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 185
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 114, 116
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 215, 216
Poorthuis Schwartz and Turner, Interaction Between Judaism and Christianity in History, Religion, Art, and Literature (2009), 120
Schiffman, Testimony and the Penal Code (1983), 107
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 11.14 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2016), 185
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 215, 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 11.15 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 215, 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 11.16 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203, 215, 216
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 11.17-12.6 Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 30
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 11.17-12.10 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 203
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 12 Vanhoye, Moore, Ounsworth, A Perfect Priest: Studies in the Letter to the Hebrews (2018), 30
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 12.2 Ammann et al., Collective Violence and Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean (2023), 88
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 115
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 12.3 Ammann et al., Collective Violence and Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean (2023), 88
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 30
Keener, First-Second Corinthians (2005), 138
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 115
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 208
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009), 237
Tomson, Studies on Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries (2019), 158
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 12.4 Albrecht, The Divine Father: Religious and Philosophical Concepts of Divine Parenthood in Antiquity (2014), 212
Ammann et al., Collective Violence and Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean (2023), 88
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 30
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008), 123
Keener, First-Second Corinthians (2005), 138
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 115
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 208
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009), 237
Tomson, Studies on Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries (2019), 158, 362
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 188, 191, 200, 201, 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 12.5 Hayes, Whats Divine about Divine Law?: Early Perspectives (2015), 102
Ammann et al., Collective Violence and Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean (2023), 88
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008), 123
Keener, First-Second Corinthians (2005), 138
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 115
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 204, 217
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201, 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 12.6 Ammann et al., Collective Violence and Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean (2023), 88
Keener, First-Second Corinthians (2005), 138
Klawans, Purity, Sacrifice, and the Temple: Symbolism and Supersessionism in the Study of Ancient Judaism (2009), 148, 152
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 115
Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 204, 217
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 12.7 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 29
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008), 77
Keener, First-Second Corinthians (2005), 138
Klawans, Purity, Sacrifice, and the Temple: Symbolism and Supersessionism in the Study of Ancient Judaism (2009), 148, 152
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 115
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 12.8 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 29
Gordon, Land and Temple: Field Sacralization and the Agrarian Priesthood of Second Temple Judaism (2020), 161
Keener, First-Second Corinthians (2005), 138
Klawans, Purity, Sacrifice, and the Temple: Symbolism and Supersessionism in the Study of Ancient Judaism (2009), 148, 152
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 115
Scopello, The Gospel of Judas in Context: Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Gospel of Judas (2008), 129
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 12.9 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 29
Gordon, Land and Temple: Field Sacralization and the Agrarian Priesthood of Second Temple Judaism (2020), 161, 198
Keener, First-Second Corinthians (2005), 138
Klawans, Purity, Sacrifice, and the Temple: Symbolism and Supersessionism in the Study of Ancient Judaism (2009), 148, 152
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 115
Scopello, The Gospel of Judas in Context: Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Gospel of Judas (2008), 129
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 188, 191, 200, 202
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 12.10 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 29
Gordon, Land and Temple: Field Sacralization and the Agrarian Priesthood of Second Temple Judaism (2020), 198
Keener, First-Second Corinthians (2005), 138
Klawans, Purity, Sacrifice, and the Temple: Symbolism and Supersessionism in the Study of Ancient Judaism (2009), 148, 152
Mathews, Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013), 115
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 12.10-13.4 Mermelstein, Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in Formation (2021), 204
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 12.11 van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 12.12 van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 12.13 Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023), 719
van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 12.14 van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 13.1 van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 13.2 van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 13.3 van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 13.4 van Maaren, The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE (2022), 201
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 16-10.1 Allison, 4 Baruch (2018), 192
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, 712 Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007), 2, 7
Dead Sea Scrolls, Pesher On Habakkuk, nan6.15-vii,_5