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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Alexander Of Aphrodisias, Problems And Solutions: reference List

references secondary books
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.1/_4.1
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.4/_10.29
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.24 Gerson and Wilberding, The New Cambridge Companion to Plotinus (2022), 308
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25 Marmodoro and Prince, Causation and Creation in Late Antiquity (2015), 41, 62
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_34
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_40.8
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_40.9
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_40.10
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_40.17
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_40.18
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_40.19
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_40.20
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_40.21
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_40.22
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_40.23
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_40.25
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_40.26
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_40.27
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_40.28
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_40.29
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_40.30
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_41.4
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_41.5
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_41.6
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_41.7
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_41.8
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_41.9
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_41.10
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_41.11
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_41.12
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_41.13
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_41.14
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_41.15
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_41.16
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_41.17
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 1.25/_41.18
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.3 Marmodoro and Prince, Causation and Creation in Late Antiquity (2015), 40
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.3/_47.30
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.3/_47.31
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.3/_47.32
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.3/_48.18
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.3/_48.19
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.3/_48.20
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.3/_48.21
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.3/_48.22
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.3/_48.25
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.3/_48.29-49.1
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.3/_49.5
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.3/_49.6
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.3/_49.7
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.3/_49.8
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.3/_49.25
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.3/_49.26
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.3/_49.27
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.3/_49.28
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.3/_49.29
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.3/_49.30
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.17/_62.1
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.18/_62.28
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.18/_62.29
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.18/_62.30
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.19 Marmodoro and Prince, Causation and Creation in Late Antiquity (2015), 41, 62
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.19/_34
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.19/_63.15
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.19/_63.20
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.21/_65.25
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.21/_66.33-67.22
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.21/_68.19
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 2.21/_70.9
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, Gerson and Wilberding, The New Cambridge Companion to Plotinus (2022), 309
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, Gerson and Wilberding, The New Cambridge Companion to Plotinus (2022), 309
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, Gerson and Wilberding, The New Cambridge Companion to Plotinus (2022), 309
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, Gerson and Wilberding, The New Cambridge Companion to Plotinus (2022), 309
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, Gerson and Wilberding, The New Cambridge Companion to Plotinus (2022), 309
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, Gerson and Wilberding, The New Cambridge Companion to Plotinus (2022), 309
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 4.3 Jedan, Stoic Virtues: Chrysippus and the Religious Character of Stoic Ethics (2009), 194
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 71.3-72.8 Dimas Falcon and Kelsey, Aristotle: On Generation and Corruption Book II Introduction, Translation, and Interpretative Essays (2022), 243
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems and Solutions, 87.22-89.24 Dimas Falcon and Kelsey, Aristotle: On Generation and Corruption Book II Introduction, Translation, and Interpretative Essays (2022), 243