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Alexander Of Aphrodisias, Problems: reference List

references secondary books
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 1.21 King, Common to Body and Soul: Philosophical Approaches to Explaining Living Behaviour in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2006), 184
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 1.26 King, Common to Body and Soul: Philosophical Approaches to Explaining Living Behaviour in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2006), 183
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 1.28 King, Common to Body and Soul: Philosophical Approaches to Explaining Living Behaviour in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2006), 177
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 1.102 Chrysanthou, Reconfiguring the Imperial Past: Narrative Patterns and Historical Interpretation in Herodian’s History of the Empire (2022), 224
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 1.120 Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014), 276
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 1.121 King, Common to Body and Soul: Philosophical Approaches to Explaining Living Behaviour in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2006), 183
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 1.136 Alexiou and Cairns, Greek Laughter and Tears: Antiquity and After (2017), 162
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 2.22 King, Common to Body and Soul: Philosophical Approaches to Explaining Living Behaviour in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2006), 184
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 2.27 King, Common to Body and Soul: Philosophical Approaches to Explaining Living Behaviour in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2006), 184
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 2.42 Jouanna, Greek Medicine from Hippocrates to Galen (2012), 135
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 2.63 King, Common to Body and Soul: Philosophical Approaches to Explaining Living Behaviour in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2006), 183
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 2.64 King, Common to Body and Soul: Philosophical Approaches to Explaining Living Behaviour in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2006), 184
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 2.67 King, Common to Body and Soul: Philosophical Approaches to Explaining Living Behaviour in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2006), 184
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 3.10 King, Common to Body and Soul: Philosophical Approaches to Explaining Living Behaviour in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2006), 184
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 3.11 King, Common to Body and Soul: Philosophical Approaches to Explaining Living Behaviour in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2006), 184
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 88.8 Motta and Petrucci, Isagogical Crossroads from the Early Imperial Age to the End of Antiquity (2022), 168
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 88.9 Motta and Petrucci, Isagogical Crossroads from the Early Imperial Age to the End of Antiquity (2022), 168
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 88.10 Motta and Petrucci, Isagogical Crossroads from the Early Imperial Age to the End of Antiquity (2022), 168
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 88.11 Motta and Petrucci, Isagogical Crossroads from the Early Imperial Age to the End of Antiquity (2022), 168
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 88.12 Motta and Petrucci, Isagogical Crossroads from the Early Imperial Age to the End of Antiquity (2022), 168
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 88.13 Motta and Petrucci, Isagogical Crossroads from the Early Imperial Age to the End of Antiquity (2022), 168
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 88.14 Motta and Petrucci, Isagogical Crossroads from the Early Imperial Age to the End of Antiquity (2022), 168
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 88.15 Motta and Petrucci, Isagogical Crossroads from the Early Imperial Age to the End of Antiquity (2022), 168
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 88.16 Motta and Petrucci, Isagogical Crossroads from the Early Imperial Age to the End of Antiquity (2022), 168
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 88.17 Motta and Petrucci, Isagogical Crossroads from the Early Imperial Age to the End of Antiquity (2022), 168
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 88.18 Motta and Petrucci, Isagogical Crossroads from the Early Imperial Age to the End of Antiquity (2022), 168
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 88.19 Motta and Petrucci, Isagogical Crossroads from the Early Imperial Age to the End of Antiquity (2022), 168
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 88.23 Motta and Petrucci, Isagogical Crossroads from the Early Imperial Age to the End of Antiquity (2022), 169
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 88.24 Motta and Petrucci, Isagogical Crossroads from the Early Imperial Age to the End of Antiquity (2022), 169
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problems, 88.25 Motta and Petrucci, Isagogical Crossroads from the Early Imperial Age to the End of Antiquity (2022), 169