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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Alexander Of Aphrodisias, "Commentaries On Aristotles Meteorologica": reference List

references secondary books
Alexander of Aphrodisias, "Commentaries On Aristotles Meteorologica", 3.4 Gale, Virgil on the Nature of Things: The Georgics, Lucretius and the Didactic Tradition (2000), 123
Alexander of Aphrodisias, "Commentaries On Aristotles Meteorologica", 6.5 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 34
Alexander of Aphrodisias, "Commentaries On Aristotles Meteorologica", 7.9 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 34
Alexander of Aphrodisias, "Commentaries On Aristotles Meteorologica", 7.10 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 34
Alexander of Aphrodisias, "Commentaries On Aristotles Meteorologica", 7.11 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 34
Alexander of Aphrodisias, "Commentaries On Aristotles Meteorologica", 7.12 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 34
Alexander of Aphrodisias, "Commentaries On Aristotles Meteorologica", 7.13 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 34
Alexander of Aphrodisias, "Commentaries On Aristotles Meteorologica", 7.14 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 34
Alexander of Aphrodisias, "Commentaries On Aristotles Meteorologica", 61,_34-62,_11
Alexander of Aphrodisias, "Commentaries On Aristotles Meteorologica", 75.26 Xenophontos and Marmodoro, The Reception of Greek Ethics in Late Antiquity and Byzantium (2021), 197
Alexander of Aphrodisias, "Commentaries On Aristotles Meteorologica", 186 Trott, Aristotle on the Matter of Form: ? Feminist Metaphysics of Generation (2019), 158, 19, 20, 21
Alexander of Aphrodisias, "Commentaries On Aristotles Meteorologica", 208 Trott, Aristotle on the Matter of Form: ? Feminist Metaphysics of Generation (2019), 158, 21
Alexander of Aphrodisias, "Commentaries On Aristotles Meteorologica", (ed.hayduck)_p._181
Alexander of Aphrodisias, "Commentaries On Aristotles Meteorologica", cag_p._67,12