references | secondary books |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 1.16 | Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 416 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 1.17 | Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 416 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 1.25 | Castagnoli and Ceccarelli, Greek Memories: Theories and Practices (2019), 337 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 1.31 | Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 465, 471, 479 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 1.32 | Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 465, 479 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 4.3 | Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 405 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 4.4 | Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 234 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 5 | Hirsch-Luipold, Plutarch and the New Testament in Their Religio-Philosophical Contexts (2022), 194 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 6 | Hirsch-Luipold, Plutarch and the New Testament in Their Religio-Philosophical Contexts (2022), 194 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 6.5 | Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 421, 469 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 7 | Hirsch-Luipold, Plutarch and the New Testament in Their Religio-Philosophical Contexts (2022), 194 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 7.1 | Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 410 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 7.2 | Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 410, 421 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 8 | Hirsch-Luipold, Plutarch and the New Testament in Their Religio-Philosophical Contexts (2022), 194 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 9 | Hirsch-Luipold, Plutarch and the New Testament in Their Religio-Philosophical Contexts (2022), 194 Pachoumi, The Concepts of the Divine in the Greek Magical Papyri (2017), 107 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 9.10 | Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 417, 418 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 10 | Hirsch-Luipold, Plutarch and the New Testament in Their Religio-Philosophical Contexts (2022), 194 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 11 | Hirsch-Luipold, Plutarch and the New Testament in Their Religio-Philosophical Contexts (2022), 194 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 11.14 | Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 418 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 15.1 | Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 408, 421 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 15.10 | Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 466, 468, 469 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 15.11 | Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 466, 468, 470 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 18 | Veltri, Libraries, Translations, and Canonic Texts: The Septuagint, Aquila and Ben Sira in the Jewish and Christian Traditions (2006), 114 Pachoumi, The Concepts of the Divine in the Greek Magical Papyri (2017), 114 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 19 | Pachoumi, The Concepts of the Divine in the Greek Magical Papyri (2017), 114 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 20 | Pachoumi, The Concepts of the Divine in the Greek Magical Papyri (2017), 114 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 21 | Pachoumi, The Concepts of the Divine in the Greek Magical Papyri (2017), 114 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 22 | Pachoumi, The Concepts of the Divine in the Greek Magical Papyri (2017), 114 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 23 | Pachoumi, The Concepts of the Divine in the Greek Magical Papyri (2017), 114 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 26 | Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002), 83 Pachoumi, The Concepts of the Divine in the Greek Magical Papyri (2017), 95 Mastrocinque, A., 'Studi sulle gemme gnostiche', ZPE 1221 (1998), p. 117 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 27 | Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002), 83 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 28 | Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002), 83 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 29 | Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002), 83 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 30 | Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002), 83 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, 31 | Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002), 83 |
Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, libellvs_i |