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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Cicero, Somnium Scipionem: reference List

references secondary books
Cicero, Somnium Scipionem, 2.4_rep._6.12
Cicero, Somnium Scipionem, 3.4-4.3 Beck, The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire: Mysteries of the Unconquered Sun (2006), 118
Cicero, Somnium Scipionem, 3.5_rep._6.13
Cicero, Somnium Scipionem, 3.7 Beck, The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire: Mysteries of the Unconquered Sun (2006), 113
Cicero, Somnium Scipionem, 5.10_rep._6.18
Cicero, Somnium Scipionem, 5.11_rep._6.19
Cicero, Somnium Scipionem, 6.13_rep._6.21
Cicero, Somnium Scipionem, 7.16_rep._6.24
Cicero, Somnium Scipionem, 7.23 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 269
Cicero, Somnium Scipionem, 14 Delcomminette, d’Hoine, and Gavray, Ancient Readings of Plato’s Phaedo (2015), 89
Rüpke, The individual in the religions of the ancient Mediterranean (2014), 461
Cicero, Somnium Scipionem, 15 Rüpke, The individual in the religions of the ancient Mediterranean (2014), 461
Cicero, Somnium Scipionem, 16 Rüpke, The individual in the religions of the ancient Mediterranean (2014), 461
Cicero, Somnium Scipionem, 26 Delcomminette, d’Hoine, and Gavray, Ancient Readings of Plato’s Phaedo (2015), 89
Cicero, Somnium Scipionem, 27 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 173
Cicero, Somnium Scipionem, 29 Delcomminette, d’Hoine, and Gavray, Ancient Readings of Plato’s Phaedo (2015), 89
Cicero, Somnium Scipionem, "1.53" Rüpke, The individual in the religions of the ancient Mediterranean (2014), 460
Cicero, Somnium Scipionem, "16" Rüpke, The individual in the religions of the ancient Mediterranean (2014), 461, 476, 478