references | secondary books |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 1 | Bua, Roman Political Culture: Seven Studies of the Senate and City Councils of Italy from the First to the Sixth Century AD (2019), 23 Pausch and Pieper, The Scholia on Cicero’s Speeches: Contexts and Perspectives (2023), 112, 38 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 2 | Bua, Roman Political Culture: Seven Studies of the Senate and City Councils of Italy from the First to the Sixth Century AD (2019), 23 Pausch and Pieper, The Scholia on Cicero’s Speeches: Contexts and Perspectives (2023), 112 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 3 | Bua, Roman Political Culture: Seven Studies of the Senate and City Councils of Italy from the First to the Sixth Century AD (2019), 23 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 4 | Bua, Roman Political Culture: Seven Studies of the Senate and City Councils of Italy from the First to the Sixth Century AD (2019), 23 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 5 | Bua, Roman Political Culture: Seven Studies of the Senate and City Councils of Italy from the First to the Sixth Century AD (2019), 23 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 15 | Pausch and Pieper, The Scholia on Cicero’s Speeches: Contexts and Perspectives (2023), 103 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 17 | Pausch and Pieper, The Scholia on Cicero’s Speeches: Contexts and Perspectives (2023), 105 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 18 | Pausch and Pieper, The Scholia on Cicero’s Speeches: Contexts and Perspectives (2023), 111 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 19 | Arampapaslis, Augoustakis, Froedge, Schroer, Dynamics Of Marginality: Liminal Characters and Marginal Groups in Neronian and Flavian Literature (2023), 40 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 23 | Perry, Gender, Manumission, and the Roman Freedwoman (2014), 196 Lebek, W. D., 'Standeswürde und Berufsverbot unter Tiberius: das SC der Tabula Larinas', ZPE 0810 (1990), p. 46, 49 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 26 | Ferrándiz, Shipwrecks, Legal Landscapes and Mediterranean Paradigms: Gone Under Sea (2022), 112 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 35 | Pausch and Pieper, The Scholia on Cicero’s Speeches: Contexts and Perspectives (2023), 105 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 37 | Pausch and Pieper, The Scholia on Cicero’s Speeches: Contexts and Perspectives (2023), 33 Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020), 247, 38 Alföldy, G., 'Eine Bauinschrift aus dem Colosseum', ZPE 1091 (1995), p. 219 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 38 | Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020), 247, 38 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 39 | Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020), 247, 38 Philipp Scheibelreiter, 'Die Sachenrechtliche Konzeption Des Darlehens Im Römischen Und Griechischen Recht: Zwischen „Wirtschaftlichem Eigentum“ Und „Surrogationsprinzip“ ', Dike 23 (2020), 43-81, at 45 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 46 | Bua, Roman Political Culture: Seven Studies of the Senate and City Councils of Italy from the First to the Sixth Century AD (2019), 312 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 47 | Bua, Roman Political Culture: Seven Studies of the Senate and City Councils of Italy from the First to the Sixth Century AD (2019), 312 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 50 | Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020), 237, 247, 31, 77 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 63 | Pausch and Pieper, The Scholia on Cicero’s Speeches: Contexts and Perspectives (2023), 111 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 66 | Poulsen, Usages of the Past in Roman Historiography (2021), , 206 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 74 | Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020), 38 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 75 | Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020), 38 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 84 | Kingsley Monti and Rood, The Authoritative Historian: Tradition and Innovation in Ancient Historiography (2022), 370 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 91 | Ker and Wessels, The Values of Nighttime in Classical Antiquity: Between Dusk and Dawn (2020), 212, 213 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 96 | Arampapaslis, Augoustakis, Froedge, Schroer, Dynamics Of Marginality: Liminal Characters and Marginal Groups in Neronian and Flavian Literature (2023), 40 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 128 | Walters, Imagery of the Body Politic in Ciceronian Rome (2020), 46 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 143 | Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020), 247 Waldner et al., Burial Rituals, Ideas of Afterlife, and the Individual in the Hellenistic World and the Roman Empire (2016), 222 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 149 | Walters, Imagery of the Body Politic in Ciceronian Rome (2020), 46 |
Cicero, Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo, 154 | Walters, Imagery of the Body Politic in Ciceronian Rome (2020), 42, 46 |