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Cicero, On The Haruspices: reference List

references secondary books
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 2 Walters, Imagery of the Body Politic in Ciceronian Rome (2020), 71
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 2.28 Clark, Divine Qualities: Cult and Community in Republican Rome (2007), 130, 21, 236, 27, 35
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 4.77 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 84
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 5.83_and
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 8 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 76, 82
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 8.15 Ferrándiz, Shipwrecks, Legal Landscapes and Mediterranean Paradigms: Gone Under Sea (2022), 191
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 9 Mackey, Belief and Cult: Rethinking Roman Religion (2022), 93
Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 76, 82
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 102, 116
Sider, Christian and Pagan in the Roman Empire: The Witness of Tertullian (2001), 50
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 9.19 Ando, Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire (2013), 392
Mackey, Belief and Cult: Rethinking Roman Religion (2022), 293
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 10 Mackey, Belief and Cult: Rethinking Roman Religion (2022), 93, 94
Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 76
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 11 Ker and Wessels, The Values of Nighttime in Classical Antiquity: Between Dusk and Dawn (2020), 214
Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 76
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 11.24 Bremmer, Greek Religion and Culture, the Bible, and the Ancient Near East (2008), 295
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 12 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 76
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103, 41
Shannon-Henderson, Power Play in Latin Love Elegy and its Multiple Forms of Continuity in Ovid’s (2019), 161
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 13 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 76
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 13.28 Dignas, Economy of the Sacred in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor (2002), 231
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 13.29 Dignas, Economy of the Sacred in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor (2002), 231
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 14 Ando and Ruepke, Religion and Law in Classical and Christian Rome (2006), 135
Mackey, Belief and Cult: Rethinking Roman Religion (2022), 371
Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 76
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 15 Ando and Ruepke, Religion and Law in Classical and Christian Rome (2006), 135
Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 76
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Walters, Imagery of the Body Politic in Ciceronian Rome (2020), 73
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 16 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 76
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 17 Kaster, Emotion, Restraint, and Community in Ancient Rome (2005), 171
Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 76
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 18 Green, Carthage in Virgils Aeneid: Staging the Enemy under Augustus (2014), 77
Bryan, Authors and Authorities in Ancient Philosophy (2018), 287
Konrad, The Challenge to the Auspices: Studies on Magisterial Power in the Middle Roman Republic (2022), 40
Mackey, Belief and Cult: Rethinking Roman Religion (2022), 123
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103, 104, 112
Wardy and Warren, Authors and Authorities in Ancient Philosophy (2018), 287
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 18-19.80 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 84
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 19 Green, Carthage in Virgils Aeneid: Staging the Enemy under Augustus (2014), 77
Bryan, Authors and Authorities in Ancient Philosophy (2018), 287
Gruen, Rethinking the Other in Antiquity (2011), 133
Mackey, Belief and Cult: Rethinking Roman Religion (2022), 128
Mueller, Roman Religion in Valerius Maximus (2002), 180
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103, 104
Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021), 177
Wardy and Warren, Authors and Authorities in Ancient Philosophy (2018), 287
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 20 Green, Carthage in Virgils Aeneid: Staging the Enemy under Augustus (2014), 77
Clark, Divine Qualities: Cult and Community in Republican Rome (2007), 186
Mackey, Belief and Cult: Rethinking Roman Religion (2022), 92, 93
Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 74
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 21 Clark, Divine Qualities: Cult and Community in Republican Rome (2007), 186
Mackey, Belief and Cult: Rethinking Roman Religion (2022), 275
Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 74, 76
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Shannon-Henderson, Power Play in Latin Love Elegy and its Multiple Forms of Continuity in Ovid’s (2019), 161
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 21.44 Panoussi, Brides, Mourners, Bacchae: Womens Rituals in Roman Literature (2019), 251
Gazzarri and Weiner, Searching for the Cinaedus in Ancient Rome (2023), 137
Goldman, Color-Terms in Social and Cultural Context in Ancient Rome (2013), 60
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 22 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 74, 76
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 23 Mackey, Belief and Cult: Rethinking Roman Religion (2022), 129
Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 74, 76
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Shannon-Henderson, Power Play in Latin Love Elegy and its Multiple Forms of Continuity in Ovid’s (2019), 115
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 24 Alvar Ezquerra, Romanising Oriental Gods: Myth, Salvation, and Ethics in the Cults of Cybele, Isis, and Mithras (2008), 282
Clark, Divine Qualities: Cult and Community in Republican Rome (2007), 186, 187, 80
Horkey, Cosmos in the Ancient World (2019), 216
Jenkyns, God, Space, and City in the Roman Imagination (2013), 28
Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 74, 76
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 24.52 Weissenrieder, Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances (2016), 275
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 25 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 74, 76
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Shannon-Henderson, Power Play in Latin Love Elegy and its Multiple Forms of Continuity in Ovid’s (2019), 276
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 26 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 74, 76
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 27 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 74, 76
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 28 Breed, Keitel and Wallace, Lucilius and Satire in Second-Century BC Rome (2018), 147
Bremmer, Greek Religion and Culture, the Bible, and the Ancient Near East (2008), 291
Dignas Parker and Stroumsa, Priests and Prophets Among Pagans, Jews and Christians (2013), 19
Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 74, 76
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 29 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 74, 76
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103, 38, 44
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 30 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 76
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 30-33.74 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 76
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 31 Nelsestuen, Varro the Agronomist: Political Philosophy, Satire, and Agriculture in the Late Republic (2015), 112
Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 77
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 32 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 77
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 33 Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 34 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 77
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 34-35.74 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 77
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 35 Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Walters, Imagery of the Body Politic in Ciceronian Rome (2020), 35
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 36 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 74
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 37 Roller, Disclosure and Discretion in Roman Astrology: Manilius and his Augustan Contemporaries (2018), 126
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 37.74 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 77
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 38 Roller, Disclosure and Discretion in Roman Astrology: Manilius and his Augustan Contemporaries (2018), 126
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 39 Duffalo, The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Romes Transition to a Principate (2006), 46
Gorain, Language in the Confessions of Augustine (2019), 169
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 40 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 78
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 102, 103
Walters, Imagery of the Body Politic in Ciceronian Rome (2020), 83
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 41 Pausch and Pieper, The Scholia on Cicero’s Speeches: Contexts and Perspectives (2023), 180
Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 80
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 42 Hubbard, A Companion to Greek and Roman Sexualities (2014), 434
Walters, Imagery of the Body Politic in Ciceronian Rome (2020), 82, 83
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 43 Cain, Jerome and the Monastic Clergy: A Commentary on Letter 52 to Nepotian (2013), 244
Walters, Imagery of the Body Politic in Ciceronian Rome (2020), 82
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 44 Duffalo, The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Romes Transition to a Principate (2006), 136
Edmondson, Roman Dress and the Fabrics of Roman Culture (2008), 188
Gazzarri and Weiner, Searching for the Cinaedus in Ancient Rome (2023), 210
Radicke, Roman Women’s Dress: Literary Sources, Terminology, and Historical Development (2022), 205, 260, 466, 546
Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 77
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 45 Duffalo, The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Romes Transition to a Principate (2006), 136
Walters, Imagery of the Body Politic in Ciceronian Rome (2020), 73
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 46 Kaster, Emotion, Restraint, and Community in Ancient Rome (2005), 163
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 47 Walters, Imagery of the Body Politic in Ciceronian Rome (2020), 73, 74
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 48 Walters, Imagery of the Body Politic in Ciceronian Rome (2020), 59
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 49 Clark, Divine Qualities: Cult and Community in Republican Rome (2007), 212
Walters, Imagery of the Body Politic in Ciceronian Rome (2020), 59
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 52 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 83
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 53 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 78
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 54 Tuori, The Emperor of Law: The Emergence of Roman Imperial Adjudication< (2016), 56
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 55 Ker and Wessels, The Values of Nighttime in Classical Antiquity: Between Dusk and Dawn (2020), 222
Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 78
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 56 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 78
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 57 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 79
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 58 Walters, Imagery of the Body Politic in Ciceronian Rome (2020), 59
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 58.35 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 80
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 60 Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 78
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103, 106
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 61 Kaster, Emotion, Restraint, and Community in Ancient Rome (2005), 185
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 103, 106
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 62 Mackey, Belief and Cult: Rethinking Roman Religion (2022), 225, 226, 93, 94
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 62.1 Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 106
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 62.2 Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 106
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 62.3 Erker, Ambiguity and Religion in Ovid’s Fasti: Religious Innovation and the Imperial Family (2023), 145
Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 107
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 62.4 Erker, Ambiguity and Religion in Ovid’s Fasti: Religious Innovation and the Imperial Family (2023), 145
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 62.5 Erker, Ambiguity and Religion in Ovid’s Fasti: Religious Innovation and the Imperial Family (2023), 145
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 63 Mackey, Belief and Cult: Rethinking Roman Religion (2022), 226, 93, 94
Rosa and Santangelo, Cicero and Roman Religion: Eight Studies (2020), 79
Cicero, On The Haruspices, 2018-09-08_00:00:00
Cicero, On The Haruspices, "6" Serafim and Papioannou, Nonverbal Behaviour in Ancient Literature: Athenian Dialogues III (2023), 270, 272
Cicero, On The Haruspices, "13.27" Pasco-Pranger, Founding the Year: Ovids Fasti and the Poetics of the Roman Calendar (2006), 155, 156
Cicero, On The Haruspices, "16" Serafim and Papioannou, Nonverbal Behaviour in Ancient Literature: Athenian Dialogues III (2023), 273
Cicero, On The Haruspices, "17.37" Buszard, Greek Translations of Roman Gods (2023), 162
Cicero, On The Haruspices, "20-21.9" Serafim and Papioannou, Nonverbal Behaviour in Ancient Literature: Athenian Dialogues III (2023), 277, 278
Cicero, On The Haruspices, "27" Buszard, Greek Translations of Roman Gods (2023), 106, 108
Cicero, On The Haruspices, "37" Buszard, Greek Translations of Roman Gods (2023), 161, 162
Serafim and Papioannou, Nonverbal Behaviour in Ancient Literature: Athenian Dialogues III (2023), 272
Cicero, On The Haruspices, "42" Serafim and Papioannou, Nonverbal Behaviour in Ancient Literature: Athenian Dialogues III (2023), 271
Cicero, On The Haruspices, "44" Serafim and Papioannou, Nonverbal Behaviour in Ancient Literature: Athenian Dialogues III (2023), 272
Cicero, On The Haruspices, "50" Serafim and Papioannou, Nonverbal Behaviour in Ancient Literature: Athenian Dialogues III (2023), 272
Cicero, On The Haruspices, "58" Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022), 246
Cicero, On The Haruspices, "59" Serafim and Papioannou, Nonverbal Behaviour in Ancient Literature: Athenian Dialogues III (2023), 272
Cicero, On The Haruspices, "62" Serafim and Papioannou, Nonverbal Behaviour in Ancient Literature: Athenian Dialogues III (2023), 278, 279