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Cicero, Arati Phaenomena: reference List

references secondary books
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 1.1 Konstan and Garani, The Philosophizing Muse: The Influence of Greek Philosophy on Roman Poetry (2014), 49
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 2 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 226
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 3 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 189, 197, 213, 228, 83
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 6 Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010), 136
Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 201
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 9 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 190, 213, 221, 85, 86
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 13 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 196
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 14 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 202, 231
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 15 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 206, 90
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 16 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 195, 226, 75
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 18 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 192, 48, 49
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 18.3 Gale, Virgil on the Nature of Things: The Georgics, Lucretius and the Didactic Tradition (2000), 107
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 20 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 226, 75
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 21 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 191
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 22 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 218
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 23 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 225, 229
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 24 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 100, 201, 215, 229, 98, 99
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 26 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 201, 203
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 27 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 206
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 31 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 191, 230
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 32 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 194, 202, 205, 220, 73
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 33 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 194, 202, 205, 220, 73
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 33.242 Clay and Vergados, Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greco-Roman Didactic Poetry (2022), 99
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 33.243 Clay and Vergados, Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greco-Roman Didactic Poetry (2022), 99
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 33.244 Clay and Vergados, Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greco-Roman Didactic Poetry (2022), 99
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 33.245 Clay and Vergados, Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greco-Roman Didactic Poetry (2022), 99
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 33.246 Clay and Vergados, Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greco-Roman Didactic Poetry (2022), 99
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 33.247 Clay and Vergados, Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greco-Roman Didactic Poetry (2022), 99
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 33.248 Clay and Vergados, Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greco-Roman Didactic Poetry (2022), 99
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 33.249 Clay and Vergados, Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greco-Roman Didactic Poetry (2022), 99
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 33.250 Clay and Vergados, Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greco-Roman Didactic Poetry (2022), 99
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 33.251 Clay and Vergados, Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greco-Roman Didactic Poetry (2022), 99
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 33.252 Clay and Vergados, Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greco-Roman Didactic Poetry (2022), 99
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 37 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 225
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 39 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 228
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 40 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 200, 228
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 47 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 196, 203
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 53 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 87, 88, 89
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 54 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 206, 216, 225, 87, 88, 89, 95
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 55 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 206, 216, 225, 87, 88, 89, 95
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 56 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 206, 216, 225, 87, 88, 89, 95
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 57 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 206, 214, 216, 225, 87, 88, 89, 95
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 58 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 206, 216, 225, 87, 88, 89, 95
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 59 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 203, 206, 216, 225, 87, 88, 89, 95
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 60 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 199, 221, 87, 88, 89
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 61 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 199, 221, 87, 88, 89
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 67 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 193
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 69 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 100, 194, 196, 230
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 70 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 100
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 71 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 100, 190, 195, 204, 226, 74, 75
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 74 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 205
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 80 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 196
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 88 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 191, 212, 220
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 90 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 198
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 94 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 204
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 95 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 207
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 96 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 227
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 99 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 200, 219
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 100 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 219
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 104 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 191, 205
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 105 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 206
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 107 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 226, 92
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 108 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 205, 226, 92
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 109 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 226, 92
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 110 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 204, 212, 225, 226, 92, 95
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 111 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 195, 204, 212, 226, 92
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 112 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 204, 212, 226, 92
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 113 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 192, 194, 213, 216, 226, 229, 92
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 114 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 192, 194, 226, 92
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 115 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 194, 226, 92
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 116 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 191, 194, 217, 218, 226, 92, 96, 97
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 117 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 194, 226, 92
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 118 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 194, 226, 92
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 119 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 194, 226, 92
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 120 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 195
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 121 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 202
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 122 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 190, 202
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 126 Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014), 36
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 127 Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014), 36
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 128 Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014), 36
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 129 Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014), 36
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 130 Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014), 36
Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 197, 224
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 131 Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014), 36
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 132 Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014), 36
Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 207, 217
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 133 Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014), 36
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 134 Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014), 36
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 135 Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014), 36
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 136 Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014), 36
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 137 Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014), 36
Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 217, 223, 224
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 138 Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014), 36
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 145 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 206
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 146 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 193, 199
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 148 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 206
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 149 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 210
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 150 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 210
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 151 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 210
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 152 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 198, 210
Manolaraki, Noscendi Nilum Cupido: Imagining Egypt from Lucan to Philostratus (2012), 67
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 155 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 104
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 156 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 104, 201
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 157 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 104, 217
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 158 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 104
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 159 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 104, 201
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 160 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 104, 193
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 161 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 104, 193
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 162 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 104, 193, 224, 79, 80
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 163 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 104, 193, 224, 79, 80
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 164 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 104, 193, 224, 79, 80
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 165 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 104, 193, 224, 79, 80
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 166 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 104, 193, 224, 79, 80
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 170 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 100, 101, 102, 117, 208
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 171 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 100, 101, 102, 117
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 172 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 100, 101, 102, 117
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 173 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 100, 101, 102, 117
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 174 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 100, 101, 102, 117
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 175 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 100, 101, 102, 117
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 176 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 100, 101, 102, 117
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 177 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 100, 101, 102, 117, 190, 219
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 178 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 100, 101, 102, 117
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 179 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 100, 101, 102, 117
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 180 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 100, 101, 102, 117
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 181 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 100, 101, 102, 117
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 182 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 100, 101, 102, 117
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 185 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 196, 230
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 186 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 209
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 188 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 219
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 190 Fletcher, The Ass of the Gods: Apuleius Golden Ass, the Onos Attributed to Lucian, and Graeco-Roman Metamorphosis Literature (2023), 192, 193, 200
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 193 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 190, 207, 210
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 194 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 230
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 197 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 231
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 198 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 193, 228
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 212 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 191, 202
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 213 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 191
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 214 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 218, 91, 92
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 215 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 218, 229, 91, 92
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 222 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 202
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 223 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 105, 106, 119, 120, 121, 215, 84, 85
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 224 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 105, 106, 119, 120, 121, 84, 85
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 225 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 105, 106, 119, 120, 121, 218, 84, 85
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 226 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 104, 105, 106, 119, 120, 121, 189, 200, 225, 83, 84, 85
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 227 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 104, 105, 106, 107, 119, 120, 121, 197, 200, 231, 83, 84, 85
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 228 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 104, 105, 106, 119, 120, 121, 197, 200, 210, 83, 84, 85
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 229 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 104, 105, 106, 119, 120, 121, 197, 84, 85
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 230 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 104, 105, 106, 119, 120, 121, 124, 189, 197, 63, 83, 84, 85
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 231 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 104, 105, 106, 119, 120, 121, 124, 189, 197, 198, 63, 83, 84, 85
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 232 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 119, 120, 121, 196, 198, 212, 222, 227, 229, 44, 45, 84, 85
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 233 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 119, 120, 121, 196, 212, 222, 227, 44, 45, 84, 85
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 234 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 103, 104, 105, 106, 119, 120, 121, 208, 222, 84, 85
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 235 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 103, 104, 105, 106, 119, 120, 121, 124, 222, 84, 85
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 236 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 103, 104, 105, 222
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 237 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 58, 77, 78
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 238 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 58, 77, 78
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 239 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 219, 77, 78
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 240 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 77, 78
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 241 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 77, 78
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 242 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 211, 77, 78
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 243 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 211, 77, 78
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 244 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 77, 78
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 245 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 209
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 246 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 209
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 247 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 209, 224
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 248 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 209
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 249 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 209
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 250 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 223
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 252 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 213, 223, 227
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 253 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 217
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 268 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 223
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 280 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 222, 223
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 281 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 220, 222
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 282 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 222
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 283 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 222
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 287 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 211
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 288 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 211, 223
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 289 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 206
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 292 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 209
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 297 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 199
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 299 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 213
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 300 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 213
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 301 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 225
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 302 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 78, 79
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 303 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 78, 79
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 304 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 78, 79
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 305 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 192, 219, 227, 78, 79
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 306 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 78, 79
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 312 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 207
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 314 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 220
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 317 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 223
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 318 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 223
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 321 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 208
Donna Shalev, 'Collected Papers on Greek into Latin in the Context of Translation in Antiquity: John Glucker and Charles Burnett (eds.), Greek into Latin from Antiquity until the Nineteenth Century. Warburg Institute Colloquia, 18. London – Turin: The Warburg Institute – Nino Aragno Editore, 2012. xiii + 226. ISBN 978-1-908590-41-1.', Scripta Classica Israelica 34 (2015), 227-245, at 235
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 329 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 189, 225
Donna Shalev, 'Collected Papers on Greek into Latin in the Context of Translation in Antiquity: John Glucker and Charles Burnett (eds.), Greek into Latin from Antiquity until the Nineteenth Century. Warburg Institute Colloquia, 18. London – Turin: The Warburg Institute – Nino Aragno Editore, 2012. xiii + 226. ISBN 978-1-908590-41-1.', Scripta Classica Israelica 34 (2015), 227-245, at 235
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 330 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 229
Donna Shalev, 'Collected Papers on Greek into Latin in the Context of Translation in Antiquity: John Glucker and Charles Burnett (eds.), Greek into Latin from Antiquity until the Nineteenth Century. Warburg Institute Colloquia, 18. London – Turin: The Warburg Institute – Nino Aragno Editore, 2012. xiii + 226. ISBN 978-1-908590-41-1.', Scripta Classica Israelica 34 (2015), 227-245, at 235
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 331 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 203, 229
Donna Shalev, 'Collected Papers on Greek into Latin in the Context of Translation in Antiquity: John Glucker and Charles Burnett (eds.), Greek into Latin from Antiquity until the Nineteenth Century. Warburg Institute Colloquia, 18. London – Turin: The Warburg Institute – Nino Aragno Editore, 2012. xiii + 226. ISBN 978-1-908590-41-1.', Scripta Classica Israelica 34 (2015), 227-245, at 235
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 332 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 199, 221, 223, 228, 59
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 333 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 199, 221, 223, 228, 59
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 335 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 202, 224
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 336 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 224
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 337 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 214, 221, 222, 224
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 341 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 199
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 344 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 208, 215, 229
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 345 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 208, 215, 229
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 346 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 203, 208
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 350 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 190
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 355 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 207
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 359 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 206
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 360 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 227
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 365 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 214
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 369 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 198, 214
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 370 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 208
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 371 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 200
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 378 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 208
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 379 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 190, 192, 85
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 380 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 190, 191, 192, 85
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 381 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 211
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 386 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 214
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 388 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 209
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 390 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 189, 225
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 394 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 205
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 402 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 215
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 405 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 213
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 431 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 228
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 432 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 228, 230
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 433 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 205, 230
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 435 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 230
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 438 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 230
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 447 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 195
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 450 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 89, 90
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 451 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 194, 206, 89, 90
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 452 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 191, 89, 90
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 453 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 198, 89, 90
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 454 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 89, 90
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 458 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 220
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 459 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 220
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 462 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 207
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 472 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 190
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 473 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 198, 214
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 475 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 194
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 479 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 217, 231
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, 481 Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (2013), 207
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, fr._1
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, fr._19
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, fr._33.20
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, fr._33.37-41
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, fr._33.57-9
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, fr._33.89-90
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, fr._33.107-19
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, fr._33.155-66
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, fr._33.188
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, fr._33.198-202
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, fr._33.294
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, fr._33.320
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, fr._33.381-2
Cicero, Arati Phaenomena, fr._33.416