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Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard: reference List

references secondary books
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 4 Lightfoot, Wonder and the Marvellous from Homer to the Hellenistic World (2021), 67
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 4.13 Neis, When a Human Gives Birth to a Raven: Rabbis and the Reproduction of Species (2012), 105
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 4.878a1-3 Neis, When a Human Gives Birth to a Raven: Rabbis and the Reproduction of Species (2012), 44
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 4.878a1-4 Neis, When a Human Gives Birth to a Raven: Rabbis and the Reproduction of Species (2012), 210
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 4.878a9 Neis, When a Human Gives Birth to a Raven: Rabbis and the Reproduction of Species (2012), 44
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 4.878a20-24 Neis, When a Human Gives Birth to a Raven: Rabbis and the Reproduction of Species (2012), 43
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 4.878a25-29 Neis, When a Human Gives Birth to a Raven: Rabbis and the Reproduction of Species (2012), 44
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 4.878a30-33 Neis, When a Human Gives Birth to a Raven: Rabbis and the Reproduction of Species (2012), 210
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 7 Lightfoot, Wonder and the Marvellous from Homer to the Hellenistic World (2021), 67
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 8 Lightfoot, Wonder and the Marvellous from Homer to the Hellenistic World (2021), 67
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 9 Lightfoot, Wonder and the Marvellous from Homer to the Hellenistic World (2021), 66, 67, 68
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 10 Lightfoot, Wonder and the Marvellous from Homer to the Hellenistic World (2021), 66, 67, 68
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 11 Lightfoot, Wonder and the Marvellous from Homer to the Hellenistic World (2021), 66, 67, 68
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 12 Lightfoot, Wonder and the Marvellous from Homer to the Hellenistic World (2021), 66, 67, 68
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 13 Lightfoot, Wonder and the Marvellous from Homer to the Hellenistic World (2021), 67
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 14 Lightfoot, Wonder and the Marvellous from Homer to the Hellenistic World (2021), 67
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 18 Kazantzidis, Lucretius on Disease: The Poetics of Morbidity in De rerum natura (2021), 110, 111
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 58 Huttner, Early Christianity in the Lycus Valley (2013), 174
Roller, A Guide to the Geography of Pliny the Elder (2022), 320
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 66 Kazantzidis, Lucretius on Disease: The Poetics of Morbidity in De rerum natura (2021), 110
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 77 Kazantzidis, Lucretius on Disease: The Poetics of Morbidity in De rerum natura (2021), 110
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 78 Kazantzidis, Lucretius on Disease: The Poetics of Morbidity in De rerum natura (2021), 111
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 81 Kazantzidis, Lucretius on Disease: The Poetics of Morbidity in De rerum natura (2021), 117
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 165 Lightfoot, Wonder and the Marvellous from Homer to the Hellenistic World (2021), 63
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 800a Tupamahu, Contesting Languages: Heteroglossia and the Politics of Language in the Early Church (2022), 111
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 800b Tupamahu, Contesting Languages: Heteroglossia and the Politics of Language in the Early Church (2022), 202
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 801b Tupamahu, Contesting Languages: Heteroglossia and the Politics of Language in the Early Church (2022), 111
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 802b Tupamahu, Contesting Languages: Heteroglossia and the Politics of Language in the Early Church (2022), 111
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 830a5-847b10 Edmunds, Greek Myth (2021), 58
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 834a Gagne, Cosmography and the Idea of Hyperborea in Ancient Greece (2021), , 16
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 838a Gorman, Gorman, Corrupting Luxury in Ancient Greek Literature (2014), 201, 202, 7
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 842a Bernabe et al., Redefining Dionysos (2013), 346
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 844a Gorman, Gorman, Corrupting Luxury in Ancient Greek Literature (2014), 214
Aristotle, On Marvelous Things Heard, 901b Tupamahu, Contesting Languages: Heteroglossia and the Politics of Language in the Early Church (2022), 110