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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Aristotle, On Breath: reference List

references secondary books
Aristotle, On Breath, 1_481a17
Aristotle, On Breath, 3,_482b8
Aristotle, On Breath, 4-5_483a23-b4
Aristotle, On Breath, 4_482b21-25
Aristotle, On Breath, 4_482b29-36
Aristotle, On Breath, 4_483a3-5
Aristotle, On Breath, 5 Carter, Aristotle on Earlier Greek Psychology: The Science of Soul (2019), 7
Aristotle, On Breath, 5,_483a25
Aristotle, On Breath, 5,_483b5
Aristotle, On Breath, 5_483b8-15
Aristotle, On Breath, 8_485a4-5
Aristotle, On Breath, 9_485b6-7
Aristotle, On Breath, 438b Kingsley Monti and Rood, The Authoritative Historian: Tradition and Innovation in Ancient Historiography (2022), 323
Aristotle, On Breath, 483a13 Trott, Aristotle on the Matter of Form: ? Feminist Metaphysics of Generation (2019), 181
Aristotle, On Breath, 483a30-5 Trott, Aristotle on the Matter of Form: ? Feminist Metaphysics of Generation (2019), 180
Aristotle, On Breath, 483a30-33 Carter, Aristotle on Earlier Greek Psychology: The Science of Soul (2019), 7
Aristotle, On Breath, 483b5 Inwood and Warren, Body and Soul in Hellenistic Philosophy (2020), 12
Aristotle, On Breath, 483b13 Inwood and Warren, Body and Soul in Hellenistic Philosophy (2020), 12
Aristotle, On Breath, 483b14 Inwood and Warren, Body and Soul in Hellenistic Philosophy (2020), 12
Aristotle, On Breath, 483b15 Inwood and Warren, Body and Soul in Hellenistic Philosophy (2020), 12
Aristotle, On Breath, 483b16 Inwood and Warren, Body and Soul in Hellenistic Philosophy (2020), 12
Aristotle, On Breath, 485a28-9 van der EIjk, Medicine and Philosophy in Classical Antiquity: Doctors and Philosophers on Nature, Soul, Health and Disease (2005), 94
Aristotle, On Breath, 485a28-485b8 Trott, Aristotle on the Matter of Form: ? Feminist Metaphysics of Generation (2019), 154