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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Ancient Near Eastern Sources, Vat: reference List

references secondary books
Ancient Near Eastern Sources, Vat, 2.42 Feder, Purity and Pollution in the Hebrew Bible: From Embodied Experience to Moral Metaphor (2022), 63
Ancient Near Eastern Sources, Vat, 2.43 Feder, Purity and Pollution in the Hebrew Bible: From Embodied Experience to Moral Metaphor (2022), 63
Ancient Near Eastern Sources, Vat, 2.44 Feder, Purity and Pollution in the Hebrew Bible: From Embodied Experience to Moral Metaphor (2022), 63
Ancient Near Eastern Sources, Vat, 2.45 Feder, Purity and Pollution in the Hebrew Bible: From Embodied Experience to Moral Metaphor (2022), 63
Ancient Near Eastern Sources, Vat, 8539 Flynn, Children in Ancient Israel: The Hebrew Bible and Mesopotamia in Comparative Perspective (2018), 35
Ancient Near Eastern Sources, Vat, 8869 Flynn, Children in Ancient Israel: The Hebrew Bible and Mesopotamia in Comparative Perspective (2018), 34, 46, 54, 90
Ancient Near Eastern Sources, Vat, 9426 Arboll, Medicine in Ancient Assur: A Microhistorical Study of the Neo-Assyrian Healer Ki?ir-Aššur (2020), 85
Ancient Near Eastern Sources, Vat, 10035 Arboll, Medicine in Ancient Assur: A Microhistorical Study of the Neo-Assyrian Healer Ki?ir-Aššur (2020), 85
Ancient Near Eastern Sources, Vat, 10493+ Arboll, Medicine in Ancient Assur: A Microhistorical Study of the Neo-Assyrian Healer Ki?ir-Aššur (2020), 257, 258
Ancient Near Eastern Sources, Vat, 13723+ Arboll, Medicine in Ancient Assur: A Microhistorical Study of the Neo-Assyrian Healer Ki?ir-Aššur (2020), 169
Ancient Near Eastern Sources, Vat, 13833 Flynn, Children in Ancient Israel: The Hebrew Bible and Mesopotamia in Comparative Perspective (2018), 115
Ancient Near Eastern Sources, Vat, 13988 Arboll, Medicine in Ancient Assur: A Microhistorical Study of the Neo-Assyrian Healer Ki?ir-Aššur (2020), 148
Ancient Near Eastern Sources, Vat, 20401 Arboll, Medicine in Ancient Assur: A Microhistorical Study of the Neo-Assyrian Healer Ki?ir-Aššur (2020), 86