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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Anon., Additions To Esther: reference List

references secondary books
Anon., Additions To Esther, 4.17 Levine Allison and Crossan, The Historical Jesus in Context (2006), 361
Trudinger, The Psalms of the Tamid Service: A Liturgical Text from the Second Temple (2004), 144
Anon., Additions To Esther, 4.17b Jonquière, Prayer in Josephus Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2007), 70
Anon., Additions To Esther, 4.17d Jonquière, Prayer in Josephus Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2007), 197
Anon., Additions To Esther, 4.17e Jonquière, Prayer in Josephus Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2007), 197
Anon., Additions To Esther, 4.17i Jonquière, Prayer in Josephus Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2007), 137
Anon., Additions To Esther, 4.17m Jonquière, Prayer in Josephus Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2007), 198
Anon., Additions To Esther, 4.21 Rojas, The Remains of the Past and the Invention of Archaeology in Roman Anatolia: Interpreters, Traces, Horizons (2019), 209
Anon., Additions To Esther, 4.22 Rojas, The Remains of the Past and the Invention of Archaeology in Roman Anatolia: Interpreters, Traces, Horizons (2019), 209
Anon., Additions To Esther, 4.23 Rojas, The Remains of the Past and the Invention of Archaeology in Roman Anatolia: Interpreters, Traces, Horizons (2019), 209
Anon., Additions To Esther, 5.1-2b Jonquière, Prayer in Josephus Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2007), 196
Anon., Additions To Esther, 8.12q Jonquière, Prayer in Josephus Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2007), 173
Anon., Additions To Esther, 8.21 Marcar, Divine Regeneration and Ethnic Identity in 1 Peter: Mapping Metaphors of Family, Race, and Nation (2022), 18
Anon., Additions To Esther, 10.3 Scales, Galilean Spaces of Identity: Judaism and Spatiality in Hasmonean and Herodian Galilee (2024), 250
Anon., Additions To Esther, 12a8.-x Jonquière, Prayer in Josephus Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2007), 196
Anon., Additions To Esther, 13.1 Gera, Judith (2014), 140
Jacobus, de Hemmer Gudme, and Guillaume, Studies on Magic and Divination in the Biblical World (2013), 69
Klutz, The Exorcism Stories in Luke-Acts: A Sociostylistic Reading (2004), 250
Anon., Additions To Esther, 13.2 Klutz, The Exorcism Stories in Luke-Acts: A Sociostylistic Reading (2004), 250
Anon., Additions To Esther, 13.3 Klutz, The Exorcism Stories in Luke-Acts: A Sociostylistic Reading (2004), 250
Anon., Additions To Esther, 13.4 Klutz, The Exorcism Stories in Luke-Acts: A Sociostylistic Reading (2004), 250
Anon., Additions To Esther, 13.5 Klutz, The Exorcism Stories in Luke-Acts: A Sociostylistic Reading (2004), 250
Anon., Additions To Esther, 13.6 Klutz, The Exorcism Stories in Luke-Acts: A Sociostylistic Reading (2004), 250
Anon., Additions To Esther, 13.7 Klutz, The Exorcism Stories in Luke-Acts: A Sociostylistic Reading (2004), 250
Anon., Additions To Esther, 13.8 Gera, Judith (2014), 298
Anon., Additions To Esther, 13.9 Gera, Judith (2014), 279, 298, 311
Anon., Additions To Esther, 13.10 Gera, Judith (2014), 298, 322, 323, 466
Anon., Additions To Esther, 13.11 Gera, Judith (2014), 298
Anon., Additions To Esther, 13.12 Gera, Judith (2014), 298
Anon., Additions To Esther, 13.13 Gera, Judith (2014), 298
Anon., Additions To Esther, 13.14 Gera, Judith (2014), 298
Anon., Additions To Esther, 13.15 Gera, Judith (2014), 298, 305
Anon., Additions To Esther, 13.16 Gera, Judith (2014), 298, 313
Anon., Additions To Esther, 13.17 Gera, Judith (2014), 298
Anon., Additions To Esther, 13.18 Gera, Judith (2014), 298
Anon., Additions To Esther, 13a3.-g Jonquière, Prayer in Josephus Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2007), 196
Anon., Additions To Esther, 14.1 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 296, 298, 300, 331, 44, 55
Anon., Additions To Esther, 14.2 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 296, 298, 300, 302, 44, 55
Anon., Additions To Esther, 14.3 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 296, 298, 300, 322, 44, 55
Anon., Additions To Esther, 14.4 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 296, 298, 300, 44, 55
Anon., Additions To Esther, 14.5 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 296, 298, 300, 44, 55
Anon., Additions To Esther, 14.6 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 296, 298, 300, 44, 55
Anon., Additions To Esther, 14.7 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 296, 298, 300, 44, 55
Anon., Additions To Esther, 14.8 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 296, 298, 300, 44, 55
Anon., Additions To Esther, 14.9 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 296, 298, 300, 44, 55
Anon., Additions To Esther, 14.10 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 296, 298, 300, 44, 55
Anon., Additions To Esther, 14.11 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 296, 298, 300, 44, 55
Anon., Additions To Esther, 14.12 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 296, 298, 300, 44, 55
Anon., Additions To Esther, 14.13 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 296, 298, 300, 320, 44, 55
Anon., Additions To Esther, 14.14 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 296, 298, 300, 44, 55
Anon., Additions To Esther, 14.15 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 296, 298, 300, 310, 311, 406, 44, 55
Anon., Additions To Esther, 14.16 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 296, 298, 300, 310, 311, 332, 44, 55
Anon., Additions To Esther, 14.17 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 296, 298, 300, 369, 370, 44, 55
Wilson, Paul and the Jewish Law: A Stoic Ethical Perspective on his Inconsistency (2022), 107
Anon., Additions To Esther, 14.18 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 296, 298, 300, 44, 55
Anon., Additions To Esther, 14.19 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 296, 298, 300, 44, 55
Anon., Additions To Esther, 15.1 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 302, 328, 331, 332, 344, 350, 386, 44
Anon., Additions To Esther, 15.2 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 271, 272, 328, 331, 335, 344, 350, 386, 44
Anon., Additions To Esther, 15.3 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 344, 350, 386, 44
Anon., Additions To Esther, 15.4 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 344, 350, 386, 44
Anon., Additions To Esther, 15.5 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 344, 350, 386, 44
Anon., Additions To Esther, 15.6 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 344, 346, 350, 386, 44
Anon., Additions To Esther, 15.7 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 271, 272, 344, 350, 386, 416, 44
Anon., Additions To Esther, 15.8 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 344, 350, 386, 416, 44
Anon., Additions To Esther, 15.9 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 344, 348, 350, 386, 44
Anon., Additions To Esther, 15.10 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 344, 350, 386, 44
Anon., Additions To Esther, 15.11 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 344, 350, 386, 44
Anon., Additions To Esther, 15.12 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 344, 350, 386, 44
Anon., Additions To Esther, 15.13 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 344, 350, 386, 44
Anon., Additions To Esther, 15.14 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 344, 350, 386, 44
Anon., Additions To Esther, 15.15 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 344, 350, 386, 44
Anon., Additions To Esther, 15.16 Gera, Judith (2014), 12, 344, 350, 386, 44
Anon., Additions To Esther, 16.1 Jacobus, de Hemmer Gudme, and Guillaume, Studies on Magic and Divination in the Biblical World (2013), 69
Anon., Additions To Esther, 16.2 Gera, Judith (2014), 140
Anon., Additions To Esther, 16.4 Gera, Judith (2014), 285
Anon., Additions To Esther, 16.16 Wright, The Letter of Aristeas: Aristeas to Philocrates or On the Translation of the Law of the Jews (2015), 139
Gera, Judith (2014), 408
Anon., Additions To Esther, 17a4.-h Jonquière, Prayer in Josephus Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2007), 238
Anon., Additions To Esther, 17a4.-z Jonquière, Prayer in Josephus Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2007), 194
Anon., Additions To Esther, 17k4.-z Jonquière, Prayer in Josephus Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2007), 223
Anon., Additions To Esther, 129 Rosen-Zvi, The Mishnaic Sotah Ritual: Temple, Gender and Midrash (2012), 199
Anon., Additions To Esther, 131 Rosen-Zvi, The Mishnaic Sotah Ritual: Temple, Gender and Midrash (2012), 230
Anon., Additions To Esther, 132 Rosen-Zvi, The Mishnaic Sotah Ritual: Temple, Gender and Midrash (2012), 230
Anon., Additions To Esther, a1 Roskovec and Hušek, Interactions in Interpretation: The Pilgrimage of Meaning through Biblical Texts and Contexts (2021), 30
Anon., Additions To Esther, a4-9 Roskovec and Hušek, Interactions in Interpretation: The Pilgrimage of Meaning through Biblical Texts and Contexts (2021), 27, 34
Anon., Additions To Esther, a4-10 Roskovec and Hušek, Interactions in Interpretation: The Pilgrimage of Meaning through Biblical Texts and Contexts (2021), 29, 31, 32
Anon., Additions To Esther, a4-11 Roskovec and Hušek, Interactions in Interpretation: The Pilgrimage of Meaning through Biblical Texts and Contexts (2021), 33
Anon., Additions To Esther, a4.5.7 Roskovec and Hušek, Interactions in Interpretation: The Pilgrimage of Meaning through Biblical Texts and Contexts (2021), 28
Anon., Additions To Esther, a5 Roskovec and Hušek, Interactions in Interpretation: The Pilgrimage of Meaning through Biblical Texts and Contexts (2021), 28
Anon., Additions To Esther, a5-6 Roskovec and Hušek, Interactions in Interpretation: The Pilgrimage of Meaning through Biblical Texts and Contexts (2021), 32
Anon., Additions To Esther, a6 Roskovec and Hušek, Interactions in Interpretation: The Pilgrimage of Meaning through Biblical Texts and Contexts (2021), 28
Anon., Additions To Esther, a8 Roskovec and Hušek, Interactions in Interpretation: The Pilgrimage of Meaning through Biblical Texts and Contexts (2021), 28, 29, 34
Anon., Additions To Esther, a10 Roskovec and Hušek, Interactions in Interpretation: The Pilgrimage of Meaning through Biblical Texts and Contexts (2021), 32
Anon., Additions To Esther, a11 Roskovec and Hušek, Interactions in Interpretation: The Pilgrimage of Meaning through Biblical Texts and Contexts (2021), 28, 29, 33
Anon., Additions To Esther, b2 Halser, Archival Historiography in Jewish Antiquity (2020), 105, 106
Anon., Additions To Esther, d Halser, Archival Historiography in Jewish Antiquity (2020), 181
Anon., Additions To Esther, d152 Edwards, In the Court of the Gentiles: Narrative, Exemplarity, and Scriptural Adaptation in the Court-Tales of Flavius Josephus (2023), 156
Anon., Additions To Esther, e2-3 Halser, Archival Historiography in Jewish Antiquity (2020), 105, 106
Anon., Additions To Esther, e16 Halser, Archival Historiography in Jewish Antiquity (2020), 105, 106
Anon., Additions To Esther, e19 Halser, Archival Historiography in Jewish Antiquity (2020), 105
Anon., Additions To Esther, e20 Halser, Archival Historiography in Jewish Antiquity (2020), 105, 106
Anon., Additions To Esther, f1 Roskovec and Hušek, Interactions in Interpretation: The Pilgrimage of Meaning through Biblical Texts and Contexts (2021), 34
Anon., Additions To Esther, f1-6 Roskovec and Hušek, Interactions in Interpretation: The Pilgrimage of Meaning through Biblical Texts and Contexts (2021), 27, 31, 34
Anon., Additions To Esther, f2 Roskovec and Hušek, Interactions in Interpretation: The Pilgrimage of Meaning through Biblical Texts and Contexts (2021), 29, 30
Anon., Additions To Esther, f3-5 Roskovec and Hušek, Interactions in Interpretation: The Pilgrimage of Meaning through Biblical Texts and Contexts (2021), 29
Anon., Additions To Esther, f3-6 Roskovec and Hušek, Interactions in Interpretation: The Pilgrimage of Meaning through Biblical Texts and Contexts (2021), 29
Anon., Additions To Esther, f5 Roskovec and Hušek, Interactions in Interpretation: The Pilgrimage of Meaning through Biblical Texts and Contexts (2021), 29
Anon., Additions To Esther, f6-10 Roskovec and Hušek, Interactions in Interpretation: The Pilgrimage of Meaning through Biblical Texts and Contexts (2021), 29