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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Anon., Challah: reference List

references secondary books
Anon., Challah, 1 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 129, 131
Anon., Challah, 1.1 Noam, Shifting Images of the Hasmoneans: Second Temple Legends and Their Reception in Josephus and Rabbinic Literature (2018), 79, 95
Anon., Challah, 1.3 Porton, Gentiles and Israelites in Mishnah-Tosefta (1988), 116, 185, 83, 91
Anon., Challah, 1.6 Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011), 466
Anon., Challah, 1.10 Rubin Time and the Life Cycle in Talmud and Midrash: Socio-Anthropological Perspectives (2008), 46
Anon., Challah, 1.12 Lavee, The Rabbinic Conversion of Judaism The Unique Perspective of the Bavli on Conversion and the Construction of Jewish Identity (2017), 190
Anon., Challah, 2 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 132
Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 78
Anon., Challah, 2.1 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 91
Anon., Challah, 2.2 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 79
Anon., Challah, 2.5 Tomson, Studies on Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries (2019), 114
Anon., Challah, 2.6 Porton, Gentiles and Israelites in Mishnah-Tosefta (1988), 103, 107, 116, 186, 192
Anon., Challah, 2.7 Rubin Time and the Life Cycle in Talmud and Midrash: Socio-Anthropological Perspectives (2008), 70
Anon., Challah, 2.8 Rubin Time and the Life Cycle in Talmud and Midrash: Socio-Anthropological Perspectives (2008), 70
Anon., Challah, 2.9 Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011), 304, 327
Rubin Time and the Life Cycle in Talmud and Midrash: Socio-Anthropological Perspectives (2008), 70
Anon., Challah, 2.12 Porton, Gentiles and Israelites in Mishnah-Tosefta (1988), 186
Anon., Challah, 3 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 131, 132
Anon., Challah, 3.1 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 79
Anon., Challah, 3.8 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 79
Anon., Challah, 4.2 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 87
Anon., Challah, 4.3 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 87
Anon., Challah, 8 Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010), 1540, 1541, 1545
Anon., Challah, 9.1 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 72, 79
Anon., Challah, 9.1-12.4 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 303, 304, 305
Anon., Challah, 9.2 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 72, 88
Anon., Challah, 9.3 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 72, 73, 79
Anon., Challah, 9.4 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 73, 77, 82
Anon., Challah, 9.4-10.1 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 71
Anon., Challah, 9.4-11.1 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 82
Anon., Challah, 9.5 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 128, 73, 74
Anon., Challah, 9.6 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 74, 86
Anon., Challah, 10.1 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 74, 76
Anon., Challah, 10.2 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 76, 80
Anon., Challah, 10.2-11.1 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 72
Anon., Challah, 10.3 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 73, 76, 80, 82
Anon., Challah, 10.4 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 76, 77
Anon., Challah, 10.5 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 76, 77
Anon., Challah, 10.6 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 76, 77
Anon., Challah, 10.8 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 76, 77, 78
Anon., Challah, 10.9 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 76
Anon., Challah, 10.19 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 139
Anon., Challah, 11 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 120
Anon., Challah, 11(22) Schliesser et al., Alexandria: Hub of the Hellenistic World (2021), 392
Anon., Challah, 11.1 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 72, 77, 80, 82
Anon., Challah, 11.1-12.3 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 78
Anon., Challah, 11.2 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 73, 75, 77
Anon., Challah, 11.2-12.2 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 110
Anon., Challah, 11.2-12.4 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 72
Anon., Challah, 11.3 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 78
Anon., Challah, 11.4 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 78, 80
Anon., Challah, 11.5 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 78
Anon., Challah, 11.6 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 78, 80
Anon., Challah, 11.7 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 78
Anon., Challah, 11.8 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 73
Anon., Challah, 12 Edelmann-Singer et al., Sceptic and Believer in Ancient Mediterranean Religions (2020), 213
Anon., Challah, 12.1 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 78, 80
Anon., Challah, 12.2 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 79
Anon., Challah, 12.3 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 79
Anon., Challah, 13.1 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 72
Anon., Challah, 14 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 135
Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 242
Anon., Challah, 15 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 138
Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 69
Anon., Challah, 16 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 135
Anon., Challah, 17 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 70
Anon., Challah, 18 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 139
Anon., Challah, 19 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 139, 140
Anon., Challah, 20 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 139, 140
Anon., Challah, 21 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 139, 140
Anon., Challah, 22 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 139, 140
Anon., Challah, 23 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 139, 140
Anon., Challah, 24 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 139, 140
Anon., Challah, 25 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 141
Anon., Challah, 26 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 141
Anon., Challah, 27 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 141
Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010), 1540, 1541, 1542, 1544, 1545
Anon., Challah, 27.1 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 83
Anon., Challah, 28 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 141
Anon., Challah, 29 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 141
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022), 63, 64
Anon., Challah, 31 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 142
Anon., Challah, 31.11 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 71, 86
Anon., Challah, 33 Bar Asher Siegal, Jewish-Christian Dialogues on Scripture in Late Antiquity: Heretic Narratives of the Babylonian Talmud (2018), 135
Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 69
Anon., Challah, 34 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 70
Anon., Challah, 36 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 70
Anon., Challah, 39.4 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 82
Anon., Challah, 39.5 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 82
Anon., Challah, 42 Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010), 1544
Anon., Challah, 43.1 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 82
Anon., Challah, 43.16 Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 68
Anon., Challah, 51 Vinzent, Christs Resurrection in Early Christianity and the Making of the New Testament (2013), 119
Ernst, Martha from the Margins: The Authority of Martha in Early Christian Tradition (2009), 72
Anon., Challah, 353 Schliesser et al., Alexandria: Hub of the Hellenistic World (2021), 392
Anon., Challah, 354 Schliesser et al., Alexandria: Hub of the Hellenistic World (2021), 392
Anon., Challah, 2018-01-02_00:00:00
Anon., Challah, 2018-09-10_00:00:00
Anon., Challah, 2018-09-11_00:00:00
Anon., Challah, 2018-10-02_00:00:00