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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Anon., Apocryphon Of John(Nhc Iv.1): reference List

references secondary books
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 1.2 Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 90
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 1.3 Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 90
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 1.4 Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 90
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 2 Ando, Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire (2013), 334
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 2.25-9.24 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 175
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 3.18 Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 93
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 3.19 Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 93
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 3.20 Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 93
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 3.21 Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 93
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 7.3 Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 192
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 7.4 Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 192
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 8.2 Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 192
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 8.3 Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 192
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 9.33 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 172
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 10.26-13.1 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 175
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 13.18, Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 21, 499
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.13 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.14 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.15 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.16 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.17 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.18 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.19 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.20 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.21 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.22 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.23 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.24 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.25 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.26 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.27 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.28 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.29 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.30 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.31 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.32 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.33 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 14.34 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 15 Scopello, The Gospel of Judas in Context: Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Gospel of Judas (2008), 44
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 15.2 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 493
van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 15.3 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 493
van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 15.4 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 493
van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 15.5 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 15.6 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 15.7 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 15.8 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 15.9 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 15.10 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 15.11 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 15.12 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 15.13 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 216
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 15.29-17.32 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 141
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 16 Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 75
Scopello, The Gospel of Judas in Context: Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Gospel of Judas (2008), 44
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 16.7 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 493
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 16.8 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 493
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 16.9 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 493
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 17 Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 75
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 20 Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010), 1545
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 22.5 Thomassen, Before Valentinus: The Gnostics of Irenaeus (2023), 40
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 22.6 Thomassen, Before Valentinus: The Gnostics of Irenaeus (2023), 40
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 22.7 Thomassen, Before Valentinus: The Gnostics of Irenaeus (2023), 40
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 22.8 Thomassen, Before Valentinus: The Gnostics of Irenaeus (2023), 40
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 22.9 Thomassen, Before Valentinus: The Gnostics of Irenaeus (2023), 40
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 22.10 Thomassen, Before Valentinus: The Gnostics of Irenaeus (2023), 40
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 22.11 Thomassen, Before Valentinus: The Gnostics of Irenaeus (2023), 40
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 22.12 Thomassen, Before Valentinus: The Gnostics of Irenaeus (2023), 40
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 22.13 Thomassen, Before Valentinus: The Gnostics of Irenaeus (2023), 40
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.8 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 176
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.9 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 176
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.10 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 176
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.11 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 176
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.12 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 176
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.13 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 176
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.14 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 176
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.15 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 176, 219
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.16 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 176, 219
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.17 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 176, 219
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.18 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 176, 219
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.19 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 176, 219
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.20 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 176, 219
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.21 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 176, 219
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.22 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 176, 219
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.23 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 176, 219
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.24 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 176, 219
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.25 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 176, 219
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.26 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 219
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.27 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 219
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.28 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 219
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.29 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 219
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.30 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 219
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.31 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 219
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.32 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 219
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.33 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 219
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.34 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 219
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 24.35-25.2 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 176
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 26.14 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 497
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 26.15 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 497
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 26.16 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 497
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 26.17 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 497
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 26.18 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 497
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 26.19 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 497
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 29.6 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 177
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 29.7 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 177
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 29.8 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 177
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 29.9 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 177
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 29.10 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 177
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 29.11 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 177
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 29.12 van den Broek, Gnostic Religion in Antiquity (2013), 177
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 31.9 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 496
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 31.23-32.1 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 496
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 31.23-32.3 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 497
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 32.6 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 498
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 32.7 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 498
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 32.8 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 498
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 36.1 Thomassen, Before Valentinus: The Gnostics of Irenaeus (2023), 64
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 36.16 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 497
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 36.17 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 497
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 36.18 Thomassen, Before Valentinus: The Gnostics of Irenaeus (2023), 71
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 36.19 Thomassen, Before Valentinus: The Gnostics of Irenaeus (2023), 71
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 36.20 Thomassen, Before Valentinus: The Gnostics of Irenaeus (2023), 71
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 38.17 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 497
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 38.18 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 497
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 38.19 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 497
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 38.20 Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008), 497
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 49.11 Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 93
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 49.12 Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 90
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 49.13 Bull, Lied and Turner, Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (2011), 90
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 49.27 Scopello, The Gospel of Judas in Context: Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Gospel of Judas (2008), 184
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 49.28 Scopello, The Gospel of Judas in Context: Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Gospel of Judas (2008), 184
Anon., Apocryphon of John(Nhc Iv.1), 44197 Ando, Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire (2013), 334