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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Anon., Tab. Vind.: reference List

references secondary books
Anon., Tab. Vind., 2.118 Johnson and Parker, ?Ancient Literacies: The Culture of Reading in Greece and Rome (2009), 214
Anon., Tab. Vind., 2.119 Johnson and Parker, ?Ancient Literacies: The Culture of Reading in Greece and Rome (2009), 214
Anon., Tab. Vind., 2.133 Johnson and Parker, ?Ancient Literacies: The Culture of Reading in Greece and Rome (2009), 214
Anon., Tab. Vind., 2.154 Czajkowski et al., Law in the Roman Provinces (2020), 439
Anon., Tab. Vind., 2.182 Czajkowski et al., Law in the Roman Provinces (2020), 453
Anon., Tab. Vind., 2.193 Czajkowski et al., Law in the Roman Provinces (2020), 450
Anon., Tab. Vind., 2.213 Clackson et al., Migration, Mobility and Language Contact in and around the Ancient Mediterranean (2020), 212
Anon., Tab. Vind., 2.263 Bruun and Edmondson, The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy (2015), 664
Anon., Tab. Vind., 2.291 Bruun and Edmondson, The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy (2015), 582, 583
Anon., Tab. Vind., 2.295 Bruun and Edmondson, The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy (2015), 664
Anon., Tab. Vind., 2.343 Czajkowski et al., Law in the Roman Provinces (2020), 448, 449
Anon., Tab. Vind., 36 Bruun and Edmondson, The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy (2015), 664
Anon., Tab. Vind., 40 Bruun and Edmondson, The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy (2015), 664
Anon., Tab. Vind., 45 Bruun and Edmondson, The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy (2015), 664
Anon., Tab. Vind., 49 Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010), 1239, 936, 941
Anon., Tab. Vind., 154 Petridou, Homo Patiens: Approaches to the Patient in the Ancient World (2016), 445
Anon., Tab. Vind., 155 Petridou, Homo Patiens: Approaches to the Patient in the Ancient World (2016), 445
Anon., Tab. Vind., 156 Petridou, Homo Patiens: Approaches to the Patient in the Ancient World (2016), 445
Anon., Tab. Vind., 180 Radicke, Roman Women’s Dress: Literary Sources, Terminology, and Historical Development (2022), 666
Anon., Tab. Vind., 180.1 Radicke, Roman Women’s Dress: Literary Sources, Terminology, and Historical Development (2022), 666
Anon., Tab. Vind., 180.37 Radicke, Roman Women’s Dress: Literary Sources, Terminology, and Historical Development (2022), 666
Anon., Tab. Vind., 181 Petridou, Homo Patiens: Approaches to the Patient in the Ancient World (2016), 445
Radicke, Roman Women’s Dress: Literary Sources, Terminology, and Historical Development (2022), 666
Anon., Tab. Vind., 182 Radicke, Roman Women’s Dress: Literary Sources, Terminology, and Historical Development (2022), 666
Anon., Tab. Vind., 185.19 Radicke, Roman Women’s Dress: Literary Sources, Terminology, and Historical Development (2022), 666
Anon., Tab. Vind., 185.27 Radicke, Roman Women’s Dress: Literary Sources, Terminology, and Historical Development (2022), 666
Anon., Tab. Vind., 190c Radicke, Roman Women’s Dress: Literary Sources, Terminology, and Historical Development (2022), 666
Anon., Tab. Vind., 191.9 Radicke, Roman Women’s Dress: Literary Sources, Terminology, and Historical Development (2022), 666
Anon., Tab. Vind., 294 Petridou, Homo Patiens: Approaches to the Patient in the Ancient World (2016), 445
Anon., Tab. Vind., 310 Petridou, Homo Patiens: Approaches to the Patient in the Ancient World (2016), 445
Anon., Tab. Vind., 343 Radicke, Roman Women’s Dress: Literary Sources, Terminology, and Historical Development (2022), 666
Anon., Tab. Vind., 343.7 Radicke, Roman Women’s Dress: Literary Sources, Terminology, and Historical Development (2022), 666
Anon., Tab. Vind., 343.27 Radicke, Roman Women’s Dress: Literary Sources, Terminology, and Historical Development (2022), 666
Anon., Tab. Vind., 346.2 Radicke, Roman Women’s Dress: Literary Sources, Terminology, and Historical Development (2022), 515
Anon., Tab. Vind., 346.3 Radicke, Roman Women’s Dress: Literary Sources, Terminology, and Historical Development (2022), 515
Anon., Tab. Vind., 346.4 Radicke, Roman Women’s Dress: Literary Sources, Terminology, and Historical Development (2022), 515
Anon., Tab. Vind., 346.5 Radicke, Roman Women’s Dress: Literary Sources, Terminology, and Historical Development (2022), 515
Anon., Tab. Vind., 586 Petridou, Homo Patiens: Approaches to the Patient in the Ancient World (2016), 445