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Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae: reference List

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Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.1 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 251, 259
Long, From Epicurus to Epictetus Studies in Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy (2006), 145
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.2 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 251, 259, 269
Long, From Epicurus to Epictetus Studies in Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy (2006), 145
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.3 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 251, 259
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.4 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 251, 259
Long, From Epicurus to Epictetus Studies in Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy (2006), 145
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.5 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 251, 259
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.6 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 251, 259
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.7 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 251, 259
Long, From Epicurus to Epictetus Studies in Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy (2006), 145
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.8 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 251, 259
Long, From Epicurus to Epictetus Studies in Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy (2006), 145
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.9 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 251, 259
Long, From Epicurus to Epictetus Studies in Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy (2006), 145
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.10 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 251, 259
Long, From Epicurus to Epictetus Studies in Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy (2006), 145
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.11 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 251, 259
Long, From Epicurus to Epictetus Studies in Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy (2006), 145
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.12 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 251, 259
Long, From Epicurus to Epictetus Studies in Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy (2006), 145
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.13 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 251, 259
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.14 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239
Long, From Epicurus to Epictetus Studies in Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy (2006), 146
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.15 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239
Long, From Epicurus to Epictetus Studies in Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy (2006), 146, 147
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.16 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239
Long, From Epicurus to Epictetus Studies in Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy (2006), 146
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.17 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 269
Long, From Epicurus to Epictetus Studies in Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy (2006), 146
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.18 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239
Long, From Epicurus to Epictetus Studies in Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy (2006), 146
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.19 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 260
Long, From Epicurus to Epictetus Studies in Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy (2006), 146, 151
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.20 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 261
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.21 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 261
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.22 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 261
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.23 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 254
Long, From Epicurus to Epictetus Studies in Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy (2006), 150
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.24 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.25 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 259
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.26 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 260, 263
Long, From Epicurus to Epictetus Studies in Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy (2006), 135, 146, 147, 151
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.27 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 263
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.28 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239, 263
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.29 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.30 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.31 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.32 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.33 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.34 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.35 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.1.36 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 239
Favorinus, In Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, 14.i.33 Frede and Laks, Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology, its Background and Aftermath (2001), 245