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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Anon., "Scholia On Homers Odyssey": reference List

references secondary books
Anon., "Scholia On Homers Odyssey", 1.1 Malherbe et al., Light from the Gentiles: Hellenistic Philosophy and Early Christianity: Collected Essays of Abraham J (2014), 145
Anon., "Scholia On Homers Odyssey", 1.3 Hunter, The Measure of Homer: The Ancient Reception of the Iliad (2018), 200
Anon., "Scholia On Homers Odyssey", 1.332 Hunter, The Measure of Homer: The Ancient Reception of the Iliad (2018), 163, 164, 165
Anon., "Scholia On Homers Odyssey", 1.371 Bernabe et al., Redefining Dionysos (2013), 155
Anon., "Scholia On Homers Odyssey", 1.441 Lightfoot, Wonder and the Marvellous from Homer to the Hellenistic World (2021), 225
Anon., "Scholia On Homers Odyssey", 1.442 Lightfoot, Wonder and the Marvellous from Homer to the Hellenistic World (2021), 225
Anon., "Scholia On Homers Odyssey", 3.19 Ramelli, The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis: A Critical Assessment from the New Testament to Eriugena (2013), 676
Anon., "Scholia On Homers Odyssey", 4.86 Lightfoot, Wonder and the Marvellous from Homer to the Hellenistic World (2021), 224
Anon., "Scholia On Homers Odyssey", 5.121d_pontani
Anon., "Scholia On Homers Odyssey", 5.312 Farrell, Junos Aeneid: A Battle for Heroic Identity (2021), 73
Anon., "Scholia On Homers Odyssey", 9.5 Hunter, The Measure of Homer: The Ancient Reception of the Iliad (2018), 94, 95
Anon., "Scholia On Homers Odyssey", 9.6 Hunter, The Measure of Homer: The Ancient Reception of the Iliad (2018), 94, 95
Anon., "Scholia On Homers Odyssey", 9.12 Hunter, The Measure of Homer: The Ancient Reception of the Iliad (2018), 116
Anon., "Scholia On Homers Odyssey", 11.321 Shear, Serving Athena: The Festival of the Panathenaia and the Construction of Athenian Identities (2021), 69
Anon., "Scholia On Homers Odyssey", 11.322 de Bakker, van den Berg, and Klooster, Emotions and Narrative in Ancient Literature and Beyond (2022), 173
Anon., "Scholia On Homers Odyssey", 14.533 Shear, Serving Athena: The Festival of the Panathenaia and the Construction of Athenian Identities (2021), 69
Anon., "Scholia On Homers Odyssey", 15.45 Lightfoot, Wonder and the Marvellous from Homer to the Hellenistic World (2021), 224
Anon., "Scholia On Homers Odyssey", 22.128 Lightfoot, Wonder and the Marvellous from Homer to the Hellenistic World (2021), 225
Anon., "Scholia On Homers Odyssey", 22.412 Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021), 423