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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach.: reference List

references secondary books
Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach., 11 Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018), 979
Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach., 44 Hitch, Animal sacrifice in the ancient Greek world (2017), 128
Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach., 146 Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018), 576
Kapparis, Women in the Law Courts of Classical Athens (2021), 209
Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach., 202 Bernabe et al., Redefining Dionysos (2013), 103, 108
Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach., 242 Bernabe et al., Redefining Dionysos (2013), 50
Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach., 243 Bernabe et al., Redefining Dionysos (2013), 409
Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach., 243a Papadodima, Ancient Greek Literature and the Foreign: Athenian Dialogues II (2022), 64
Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach., 378 Bernabe et al., Redefining Dionysos (2013), 101
Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach., 395 Marquis, Epistolary Fiction in Ancient Greek Literature (2023), 141
Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach., 504 Bernabe et al., Redefining Dionysos (2013), 103, 108
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 114
Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach., 505 Bernabe et al., Redefining Dionysos (2013), 108
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 114
Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach., 506 Bernabe et al., Redefining Dionysos (2013), 108
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 114
Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach., 507 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 114
Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach., 532 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 255
Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach., 654 Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007), 214
Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach., 883 Boeghold, When a Gesture Was Expected: A Selection of Examples from Archaic and Classical Greek Literature (2022), 69
Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach., 888a_(wilson_1975)
Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach., 961 Ekroth, The Sacrificial Rituals of Greek Hero-Cults in the Archaic to the Early Hellenistic Period (2013), 114, 116, 119
Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach., 1106 Bosak-Schroeder, Other Natures: Environmental Encounters with Ancient Greek Ethnography (2020), 209
Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach., 1112a_2._(wilson_1975)
Anon., Scholia On Aristophanes Ach., aristophanes_acharnians_10