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Appian, The War Against Hannibal: reference List

references secondary books
Appian, The War Against Hannibal, 7 Ramelli, The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis: A Critical Assessment from the New Testament to Eriugena (2013), 248
Appian, The War Against Hannibal, 7.29 Konrad, The Challenge to the Auspices: Studies on Magisterial Power in the Middle Roman Republic (2022), 252
Appian, The War Against Hannibal, 7.30 Konrad, The Challenge to the Auspices: Studies on Magisterial Power in the Middle Roman Republic (2022), 218, 231, 252
Appian, The War Against Hannibal, 8.33 Konrad, The Challenge to the Auspices: Studies on Magisterial Power in the Middle Roman Republic (2022), 252
Appian, The War Against Hannibal, 9.38 Konrad, The Challenge to the Auspices: Studies on Magisterial Power in the Middle Roman Republic (2022), 226
Appian, The War Against Hannibal, 11.48 Konrad, The Challenge to the Auspices: Studies on Magisterial Power in the Middle Roman Republic (2022), 229
Appian, The War Against Hannibal, 12.50 Konrad, The Challenge to the Auspices: Studies on Magisterial Power in the Middle Roman Republic (2022), 79
Appian, The War Against Hannibal, 12.51 Konrad, The Challenge to the Auspices: Studies on Magisterial Power in the Middle Roman Republic (2022), 26
Appian, The War Against Hannibal, 12.52 Konrad, The Challenge to the Auspices: Studies on Magisterial Power in the Middle Roman Republic (2022), 107, 179, 26
Appian, The War Against Hannibal, 13.55 Konrad, The Challenge to the Auspices: Studies on Magisterial Power in the Middle Roman Republic (2022), 107
Appian, The War Against Hannibal, 16.68 Konrad, The Challenge to the Auspices: Studies on Magisterial Power in the Middle Roman Republic (2022), 175
Appian, The War Against Hannibal, 27 Welch, Tarpeia: Workings of a Roman Myth (2015), 48
Appian, The War Against Hannibal, 49 Welch, Tarpeia: Workings of a Roman Myth (2015), 74
Appian, The War Against Hannibal, 56 Santangelo, Roman Frugality: Modes of Moderation from the Archaic Age to the Early Empire and Beyond (2013), 142
Appian, The War Against Hannibal, 56.233 Bremmer, Greek Religion and Culture, the Bible, and the Ancient Near East (2008), 290
Appian, The War Against Hannibal, 109.1 Welch, Tarpeia: Workings of a Roman Myth (2015), 57
Appian, The War Against Hannibal, "56233" Buszard, Greek Translations of Roman Gods (2023), 268