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Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis: reference List

references secondary books
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 1.1 Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World (2004), 184
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 2.1 Bickerman and Tropper, Studies in Jewish and Christian History (2007), 901
Brouwer, The Stoic Sage: The Early Stoics on Wisdom, Sagehood and Socrates (2013), 111
Konstan and Garani, The Philosophizing Muse: The Influence of Greek Philosophy on Roman Poetry (2014), 188
Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020), 94
Malherbe et al., Light from the Gentiles: Hellenistic Philosophy and Early Christianity: Collected Essays of Abraham J (2014), 152; Rivka Gersht, 'Herakles' virtus Between Etruscans and Romans', Scripta Classica Israelica 32 (2013), 201-227, at 213
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 2.2 Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020), 94
Romana Berno, Roman Luxuria: A Literary and Cultural History (2023), 173; Rivka Gersht, 'Herakles' virtus Between Etruscans and Romans', Scripta Classica Israelica 32 (2013), 201-227, at 213
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 2.2.1 Joseph, Thunder and Lament: Lucan on the Beginnings and Ends of Epic (2022), 189
Wynne, Horace and the Gift Economy of Patronage (2019), 149
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 2.3 Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020), 94
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 2.7.3 Merz and Tieleman, Ambrosiasters Political Theology (2012), 174
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 3.1 Romana Berno, Roman Luxuria: A Literary and Cultural History (2023), 111, 112
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 3.4 Malherbe et al., Light from the Gentiles: Hellenistic Philosophy and Early Christianity: Collected Essays of Abraham J (2014), 147
Romana Berno, Roman Luxuria: A Literary and Cultural History (2023), 203
deSilva, Ephesians (2022), 317
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 3.5 Hubbard, A Companion to Greek and Roman Sexualities (2014), 473
Malherbe et al., Light from the Gentiles: Hellenistic Philosophy and Early Christianity: Collected Essays of Abraham J (2014), 147
deSilva, Ephesians (2022), 317
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 5.4 Wilson, The Sentences of Sextus (2012), 57
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 5.5 Wilson, The Sentences of Sextus (2012), 57
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 6.1 Hug, Fertility, Ideology, and the Cultural Politics of Reproduction at Rome (2023), 44
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 6.3 Bexley, Senecas Characters: Fictional Identities and Implied Human Selves (2022), 84
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 6.4 Malherbe et al., Light from the Gentiles: Hellenistic Philosophy and Early Christianity: Collected Essays of Abraham J (2014), 148
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 6.5 McGinn, The Economy of Prostitution in the Roman world: A study of Social History & The Brothel (2004), 55
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 6.8 Malherbe et al., Light from the Gentiles: Hellenistic Philosophy and Early Christianity: Collected Essays of Abraham J (2014), 148
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 7.1 Brouwer, The Stoic Sage: The Early Stoics on Wisdom, Sagehood and Socrates (2013), 105
Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020), 243, 337, 343
Malherbe et al., Light from the Gentiles: Hellenistic Philosophy and Early Christianity: Collected Essays of Abraham J (2014), 621
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 8.2 Bexley, Senecas Characters: Fictional Identities and Implied Human Selves (2022), 282, 283
Brouwer, The Stoic Sage: The Early Stoics on Wisdom, Sagehood and Socrates (2013), 63
Jenkyns, God, Space, and City in the Roman Imagination (2013), 229
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 9.2 Kazantzidis and Spatharas, Hope in Ancient Literature, History, and Art (2018), 10, 15, 192
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 10.4 Clarke, King, Baltussen, Pain Narratives in Greco-Roman Writings: Studies in the Representation of Physical and Mental Suffering (2023), 100, 111
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 11.2 McGinn, The Economy of Prostitution in the Roman world: A study of Social History & The Brothel (2004), 125
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 11.3 Romana Berno, Roman Luxuria: A Literary and Cultural History (2023), 138
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 12.3 Graver, Stoicism and Emotion (2007), 243
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 13.1 Romana Berno, Roman Luxuria: A Literary and Cultural History (2023), 159
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 13.4 Isaac, The invention of racism in classical antiquity (2004), 317, 377
Jenkyns, God, Space, and City in the Roman Imagination (2013), 113
Tacoma, Models from the Past in Roman Culture: A World of Exempla (2016), 182
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 14.2 Malherbe et al., Light from the Gentiles: Hellenistic Philosophy and Early Christianity: Collected Essays of Abraham J (2014), 234
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 15.4 Linjamaa, The Ethics of The Tripartite Tractate (NHC I, 5): A Study of Determinism and Early Christian Philosophy of Ethics (2019), 103
Sorabji, Emotion and Peace of Mind: From Stoic Agitation to Christian Temptation (2000), 235, 52
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 15.5 Jenkyns, God, Space, and City in the Roman Imagination (2013), 38
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 16.4 Petersen and van Kooten, Religio-Philosophical Discourses in the Mediterranean World: From Plato, through Jesus, to Late Antiquity (2017), 157
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 17.1 Malherbe et al., Light from the Gentiles: Hellenistic Philosophy and Early Christianity: Collected Essays of Abraham J (2014), 234
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 18.1 Arampapaslis, Augoustakis, Froedge, Schroer, Dynamics Of Marginality: Liminal Characters and Marginal Groups in Neronian and Flavian Literature (2023), 15
Goldman, Color-Terms in Social and Cultural Context in Ancient Rome (2013), 103, 104
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 18.3 Chrysanthou, Reconfiguring the Imperial Past: Narrative Patterns and Historical Interpretation in Herodian’s History of the Empire (2022), 279
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 18.4 Arampapaslis, Augoustakis, Froedge, Schroer, Dynamics Of Marginality: Liminal Characters and Marginal Groups in Neronian and Flavian Literature (2023), 20
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, 54 Sorabji, Emotion and Peace of Mind: From Stoic Agitation to Christian Temptation (2000), 379
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, "2.5" Ker, Quotidian Time and Forms of Life in Ancient Rome (2023), 238
Seneca The Younger, De Constantia Sapientis, "11" Fuhrer and Soldo, Fallibility and Fallibilism in Ancient Philosophy and Literature (2024), 169