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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Papyri, P.Aphrod.Lit., 4.4

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Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
arbitration Ruffini, Life in an Egyptian Village in Late Antiquity: Aphrodito Before and After the Islamic Conquest (2018) 172
envy Ruffini, Life in an Egyptian Village in Late Antiquity: Aphrodito Before and After the Islamic Conquest (2018) 172
inheritance, disputes over Ruffini, Life in an Egyptian Village in Late Antiquity: Aphrodito Before and After the Islamic Conquest (2018) 172
inheritance, selling of Ruffini, Life in an Egyptian Village in Late Antiquity: Aphrodito Before and After the Islamic Conquest (2018) 178
patrikia Ruffini, Life in an Egyptian Village in Late Antiquity: Aphrodito Before and After the Islamic Conquest (2018) 172
qurra ibn shar?k, romanos Ruffini, Life in an Egyptian Village in Late Antiquity: Aphrodito Before and After the Islamic Conquest (2018) 178
slander Ruffini, Life in an Egyptian Village in Late Antiquity: Aphrodito Before and After the Islamic Conquest (2018) 172
taxes, and slander' Ruffini, Life in an Egyptian Village in Late Antiquity: Aphrodito Before and After the Islamic Conquest (2018) 172