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Vergil, Aeneis, 8.1-8.24

Ut belli signum Laurenti Turnus ab arceWhen Turnus from Laurentum's bastion proud

qui petat auxilium et Latio consistere Teucrostheir loyal hosts, and strip the field and farm

advectum Aenean classi victosque penatisof husbandmen. To seek auxiliar arms

inferre et fatis regem se dicere poscithey send to glorious Diomed's domain

edoceat multasque viro se adiungere gentisthe herald Venulus, and bid him cry:

Dardanio et late Latio increbrescere nomen.“ Troy is to Latium come; Aeneas' fleet

Quid struat his coeptis, quem, si Fortuna sequaturhas come to land. He brings his vanquished gods

eventum pugnae cupiat, manifestius ipsiand gives himself to be our destined King.

quam Turno regi aut regi apparere Latino.Cities not few accept him, and his name

Talia per Latium. Quae Laomedontius herosthrough Latium waxes large. But what the foe

cuncta videns magno curarum fluctuat aestuby such attempt intends, what victory

extulit et rauco strepuerunt cornua cantupublished the war, and roused the dreadful note

atque animum nunc huc celerem, nunc dividit illuc.is his presumptuous hope, if Fortune smile

In partisque rapit varias perque omnia versat:Aetolia 's lord will not less wisely fear

sole repercussum aut radiantis imagine lunaeThus Latium 's cause moved on. Meanwhile the heir

omnia pervolitat late loca iamque sub aurasof great Laomedon, who knew full well

utque acris concussit equos utque impulit armaof the harsh trumpet's song; when on swift steeds

extemplo turbati animi, simul omne tumultuthe lash he laid and clashed his sounding arms;

coniurat trepido Latium saevitque iuventusthen woke each warrior soul; all Latium stirred

effera. Ductores primi Messapus et Ufenswith tumult and alarm; and martial rage

contemptorque deum Mezentius undique coguntenkindled youth's hot blood. The chieftains proud

auxilia et latos vastant cultoribus agros.Messapus, Ufens, and that foe of Heaven

mittitur et magni Venulus Diomedis ad urbemMezentius, compel from far and wide

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

6 results
1. Ovid, Fasti, 6.473-6.572, 6.582, 6.609-6.610, 6.613-6.648 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

6.473. Now you complain, Phrygian Tithonus, abandoned by your bride 6.474. And the vigilant Morning Star leaves the Eastern waters. 6.475. Good mothers (since the Matralia is your festival) 6.476. Go, offer the Theban goddess the golden cakes she’s owed. 6.477. Near the bridges and mighty Circus is a famous square 6.478. One that takes its name from the statue of an ox: 6.479. There, on this day, they say, Servius with his own 6.480. Royal hands, consecrated a temple to Mother Matruta. 6.481. Bacchus, whose hair is twined with clustered grapes 6.482. If the goddess’ house is also yours, guide the poet’s work 6.483. Regarding who the goddess is, and why she exclude 6.484. (Since she does) female servants from the threshold 6.485. of her temple, and why she calls for toasted cakes. 6.486. Semele was burnt by Jove’s compliance: Ino 6.487. Received you as a baby, and nursed you with utmost care. 6.488. Juno swelled with rage, that Ino should raise a child 6.489. Snatched from Jove’s lover: but it was her sister’s son. 6.490. So Athamas was haunted by the Furies, and false visions 6.491. And little Learchus died by his father’s hand. 6.492. His grieving mother committed his shade to the tomb. 6.493. And paid the honours due to the sad pyre. 6.494. Then tearing her hair in sorrow, she leapt up 6.495. And snatched you from your cradle, Melicertes. 6.496. There’s a narrow headland between two seas 6.497. A single space attacked by twofold waves: 6.498. There Ino came, clutching her son in her frenzied grasp 6.499. And threw herself, with him, from a high cliff into the sea. 6.500. Panope and her hundred sisters received them unharmed 6.501. And gliding smoothly carried them through their realm. 6.502. They reached the mouth of densely eddying Tiber 6.503. Before they became Leucothea and Palaemon. 6.504. There was a grove: known either as Semele’s or Stimula’s: 6.505. Inhabited, they say, by Italian Maenads. 6.506. Ino, asking them their nation, learned they were Arcadians 6.507. And that Evander was the king of the place. 6.508. Hiding her divinity, Saturn’s daughter cleverly 6.509. Incited the Latian Bacchae with deceiving words: 6.510. ‘O too-easy-natured ones, caught by every feeling! 6.511. This stranger comes, but not as a friend, to our gathering. 6.512. She’s treacherous, and would learn our sacred rites: 6.513. But she has a child on whom we can wreak punishment.’ 6.514. She’d scarcely ended when the Thyiads, hair streaming 6.515. Over their necks, filled the air with their howling 6.516. Laid hands on Ino, and tried to snatch the boy. 6.517. She invoked gods with names as yet unknown to her: 6.518. ‘Gods, and men, of this land, help a wretched mother!’ 6.519. Her cry carried to the neighbouring Aventine. 6.520. Oetaean Hercules having driven the Iberian cattle 6.521. To the riverbank, heard and hurried towards the voice. 6.522. As he arrived, the women who’d been ready for violence 6.523. Shamefully turned their backs in cowardly flight. 6.524. ‘What are you doing here,’ said Hercules (recognising her) 6.525. ‘Sister of Bacchus’ mother? Does Juno persecute you too?’ 6.526. She told him part of her tale, suppressing the rest because of her son: 6.527. Ashamed to have been goaded to crime by the Furies. 6.528. Rumour, so swift, flew on beating wings 6.529. And your name was on many a lip, Ino. 6.530. It’s said you entered loyal Carmentis’ home 6.531. As a guest, and assuaged your great hunger: 6.532. They say the Tegean priestess quickly made cake 6.533. With her own hands, and baked them on the hearth. 6.534. Now cakes delight the goddess at the Matralia: 6.535. Country ways pleased her more than art’s attentions. 6.536. ‘Now, O prophetess,’ she said, ‘reveal my future fate 6.537. As far as is right. Add this, I beg, to your hospitality.’ 6.538. A pause ensued. Then the prophetess assumed divine powers 6.539. And her whole breast filled with the presence of the god: 6.540. You’d hardly have known her then, so much taller 6.541. And holier she’d become than a moment before. 6.542. ‘I sing good news, Ino,’ she said, ‘your trials are over 6.543. Be a blessing to your people for evermore. 6.544. You’ll be a sea goddess, and your son will inhabit ocean. 6.545. Take different names now, among your own waves: 6.546. Greeks will call you Leucothea, our people Matuta: 6.547. Your son will have complete command of harbours 6.548. We’ll call him Portunus, Palaemon in his own tongue. 6.549. Go, and both be friends, I beg you, of our country!’ 6.550. Ino nodded, and gave her promise. Their trials were over 6.551. They changed their names: he’s a god and she’s a goddess. 6.552. You ask why she forbids the approach of female servants? 6.553. She hates them: by her leave I’ll sing the reason for her hate. 6.554. Daughter of Cadmus, one of your maid 6.555. Was often embraced by your husband. 6.556. Faithless Athamas secretly enjoyed her: he learned 6.557. From her that you gave the farmers parched seed. 6.558. You yourself denied it, but rumour confirmed it. 6.559. That’s why you hate the service of a maid. 6.560. But let no loving mother pray to her, for her child: 6.561. She herself proved an unfortunate parent. 6.562. Better command her to help another’s child: 6.563. She was more use to Bacchus than her own. 6.564. They say she asked you, Rutilius, ‘Where are you rushing? 6.565. As consul you’ll fall to the Marsian enemy on my day.’ 6.566. Her words were fulfilled, the Tolenu 6.567. Flowed purple, its waters mixed with blood. 6.568. The following year, Didius, killed on the same 6.569. Day, doubled the enemy’s strength. 6.570. Fortuna, the same day is yours, your temple 6.571. Founded by the same king, in the same place. 6.572. And whose is that statue hidden under draped robes? 6.582. Under cloth: the king’s face being covered by a robe. 6.609. ‘Go on, or do you seek the bitter fruits of virtue? 6.610. Drive the unwilling wheels, I say, over his face.’ 6.613. Yet she still dared to visit her father’s temple 6.614. His monument: what I tell is strange but true. 6.615. There was a statue enthroned, an image of Servius: 6.616. They say it put a hand to its eyes 6.617. And a voice was heard: ‘Hide my face 6.618. Lest it view my own wicked daughter.’ 6.619. It was veiled by cloth, Fortune refused to let the robe 6.620. Be removed, and she herself spoke from her temple: 6.621. ‘The day when Servius’ face is next revealed 6.622. Will be a day when shame is cast aside.’ 6.623. Women, beware of touching the forbidden cloth 6.624. (It’s sufficient to utter prayers in solemn tones) 6.625. And let him who was the City’s seventh king 6.626. Keep his head covered, forever, by this veil. 6.627. The temple once burned: but the fire spared 6.628. The statue: Mulciber himself preserved his son. 6.629. For Servius’ father was Vulcan, and the lovely 6.630. Ocresia of Corniculum his mother. 6.631. Once, performing sacred rites with her in the due manner 6.632. Tanaquil ordered her to pour wine on the garlanded hearth: 6.633. There was, or seemed to be, the form of a male organ 6.634. In the ashes: the shape was really there in fact. 6.635. The captive girl sat on the hearth, as commanded: 6.636. She conceived Servius, born of divine seed. 6.637. His father showed his paternity by touching the child’ 6.638. Head with fire, and a cap of flames glowed on his hair. 6.639. And Livia, this day dedicated a magnificent shrine to you 6.640. Concordia, that she offered to her dear husband. 6.641. Learn this, you age to come: where Livia’s Colonnade 6.642. Now stands, there was once a vast palace. 6.643. A site that was like a city: it occupied a space 6.644. Larger than that of many a walled town. 6.645. It was levelled to the soil, not because of its owner’s treason 6.646. But because its excess was considered harmful. 6.647. Caesar counteced the demolition of such a mass 6.648. Destroying its great wealth to which he was heir.
2. Propertius, Elegies, 4.9 (1st cent. BCE

3. Vergil, Aeneis, 1.50-1.80, 1.223-1.296, 2.314, 2.355-2.358, 2.559-2.587, 3.37-3.38, 3.40-3.43, 3.56-3.59, 3.62-3.65, 3.67-3.68, 4.1-4.53, 4.90-4.128, 4.219-4.278, 4.452-4.456, 4.465-4.473, 5.796-5.797, 5.803-5.804, 5.812, 5.814-5.817, 5.838-5.841, 7.286-7.341, 7.348, 7.447-7.462, 7.464, 7.466, 7.473-7.474, 7.535-7.537, 7.545, 8.2-8.406, 8.608-8.625, 9.106, 9.638-9.644, 10.1-10.95, 10.242-10.243, 10.252, 10.606-10.632, 11.532-11.596, 12.134-12.160, 12.791-12.842 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE)

1.50. Below th' horizon the Sicilian isle 1.51. just sank from view, as for the open sea 1.52. with heart of hope they sailed, and every ship 1.53. clove with its brazen beak the salt, white waves. 1.54. But Juno of her everlasting wound 1.55. knew no surcease, but from her heart of pain 1.56. thus darkly mused: “Must I, defeated, fail 1.57. of what I will, nor turn the Teucrian King 1.58. from Italy away? Can Fate oppose? 1.59. Had Pallas power to lay waste in flame 1.60. the Argive fleet and sink its mariners 1.61. revenging but the sacrilege obscene 1.62. by Ajax wrought, Oileus' desperate son? 1.63. She, from the clouds, herself Jove's lightning threw 1.64. cattered the ships, and ploughed the sea with storms. 1.65. Her foe, from his pierced breast out-breathing fire 1.66. in whirlwind on a deadly rock she flung. 1.67. But I, who move among the gods a queen 1.68. Jove's sister and his spouse, with one weak tribe 1.69. make war so long! Who now on Juno calls? 1.71. So, in her fevered heart complaining still 1.72. unto the storm-cloud land the goddess came 1.73. a region with wild whirlwinds in its womb 1.74. Aeolia named, where royal Aeolus 1.75. in a high-vaulted cavern keeps control 1.76. o'er warring winds and loud concourse of storms. 1.77. There closely pent in chains and bastions strong 1.78. they, scornful, make the vacant mountain roar 1.79. chafing against their bonds. But from a throne 1.80. of lofty crag, their king with sceptred hand 1.223. rises a straight-stemmed grove of dense, dark shade. 1.224. Fronting on these a grotto may be seen 1.225. o'erhung by steep cliffs; from its inmost wall 1.226. clear springs gush out; and shelving seats it has 1.227. of unhewn stone, a place the wood-nymphs love. 1.228. In such a port, a weary ship rides free 1.230. Hither Aeneas of his scattered fleet 1.231. aving but seven, into harbor sailed; 1.232. with passionate longing for the touch of land 1.233. forth leap the Trojans to the welcome shore 1.234. and fling their dripping limbs along the ground. 1.235. Then good Achates smote a flinty stone 1.236. ecured a flashing spark, heaped on light leaves 1.237. and with dry branches nursed the mounting flame. 1.238. Then Ceres' gift from the corrupting sea 1.239. they bring away; and wearied utterly 1.240. ply Ceres' cunning on the rescued corn 1.241. and parch in flames, and mill 'twixt two smooth stones. 1.242. Aeneas meanwhile climbed the cliffs, and searched 1.243. the wide sea-prospect; haply Antheus there 1.244. torm-buffeted, might sail within his ken 1.245. with biremes, and his Phrygian mariners 1.246. or Capys or Caicus armor-clad 1.247. upon a towering deck. No ship is seen; 1.248. but while he looks, three stags along the shore 1.249. come straying by, and close behind them comes 1.250. the whole herd, browsing through the lowland vale 1.251. in one long line. Aeneas stopped and seized 1.252. his bow and swift-winged arrows, which his friend 1.253. trusty Achates, close beside him bore. 1.254. His first shafts brought to earth the lordly heads 1.255. of the high-antlered chiefs; his next assailed 1.256. the general herd, and drove them one and all 1.257. in panic through the leafy wood, nor ceased 1.258. the victory of his bow, till on the ground 1.259. lay seven huge forms, one gift for every ship. 1.260. Then back to shore he sped, and to his friends 1.261. distributed the spoil, with that rare wine 1.262. which good Acestes while in Sicily 1.263. had stored in jars, and prince-like sent away 1.264. with his Ioved guest;—this too Aeneas gave; 1.266. “Companions mine, we have not failed to feel 1.267. calamity till now. O, ye have borne 1.268. far heavier sorrow: Jove will make an end 1.269. also of this. Ye sailed a course hard by 1.270. infuriate Scylla's howling cliffs and caves. 1.271. Ye knew the Cyclops' crags. Lift up your hearts! 1.272. No more complaint and fear! It well may be 1.273. ome happier hour will find this memory fair. 1.274. Through chance and change and hazard without end 1.275. our goal is Latium ; where our destinies 1.276. beckon to blest abodes, and have ordained 1.277. that Troy shall rise new-born! Have patience all! 1.279. Such was his word, but vexed with grief and care 1.280. feigned hopes upon his forehead firm he wore 1.281. and locked within his heart a hero's pain. 1.282. Now round the welcome trophies of his chase 1.283. they gather for a feast. Some flay the ribs 1.284. and bare the flesh below; some slice with knives 1.285. and on keen prongs the quivering strips impale 1.286. place cauldrons on the shore, and fan the fires. 1.287. Then, stretched at ease on couch of simple green 1.288. they rally their lost powers, and feast them well 1.289. on seasoned wine and succulent haunch of game. 1.290. But hunger banished and the banquet done 1.291. in long discourse of their lost mates they tell 1.292. 'twixt hopes and fears divided; for who knows 1.293. whether the lost ones live, or strive with death 1.294. or heed no more whatever voice may call? 1.295. Chiefly Aeneas now bewails his friends 1.296. Orontes brave and fallen Amycus 2.314. eized now on every heart. “ of his vast guilt 2.559. upon his orient steeds—while forests roar 2.567. o'erwhelms us utterly. Coroebus first 2.568. at mailed Minerva's altar prostrate lay 2.569. pierced by Peneleus, blade; then Rhipeus fell; 2.570. we deemed him of all Trojans the most just 2.571. most scrupulously righteous; but the gods 2.572. gave judgment otherwise. There Dymas died 2.573. and Hypanis, by their compatriots slain; 2.574. nor thee, O Panthus, in that mortal hour 2.575. could thy clean hands or Phoebus, priesthood save. 2.576. O ashes of my country! funeral pyre 2.577. of all my kin! bear witness that my breast 2.578. hrank not from any sword the Grecian drew 2.579. and that my deeds the night my country died 2.580. deserved a warrior's death, had Fate ordained. 2.581. But soon our ranks were broken; at my side 2.582. tayed Iphitus and Pelias; one with age 2.583. was Iong since wearied, and the other bore 2.584. the burden of Ulysses' crippling wound. 2.585. Straightway the roar and tumult summoned us 2.586. to Priam's palace, where a battle raged 2.587. as if save this no conflict else were known 3.57. a moaning and a wail from that deep grave 3.62. was kin of thine. This blood is not of trees. 3.63. Haste from this murderous shore, this land of greed. 3.64. O, I am Polydorus! Haste away! 3.65. Here was I pierced; a crop of iron spears 3.67. to all these deadly javelins, keen and strong.” 3.68. Then stood I, burdened with dark doubt and fear 4.1. Now felt the Queen the sharp, slow-gathering pangs 4.2. of love; and out of every pulsing vein 4.5. keep calling to her soul; his words, his glance 4.6. cling to her heart like lingering, barbed steel 4.9. lit up all lands, and from the vaulted heaven 4.10. Aurora had dispelled the dark and dew; 4.12. of her dear sister spoke the stricken Queen: 4.13. “Anna, my sister, what disturbing dreams 4.14. perplex me and alarm? What guest is this 4.15. new-welcomed to our house? How proud his mien! 4.16. What dauntless courage and exploits of war! 4.20. has smitten him with storms! What dire extremes 4.21. of war and horror in his tale he told! 4.22. O, were it not immutably resolved 4.23. in my fixed heart, that to no shape of man 4.24. I would be wed again (since my first love 4.25. left me by death abandoned and betrayed); 4.26. loathed I not so the marriage torch and train 4.27. I could—who knows?—to this one weakness yield. 4.30. were by a brother's murder dabbled o'er 4.32. has shaken my weak will. I seem to feel 4.33. the motions of love's lost, familiar fire. 4.34. But may the earth gape open where I tread 4.35. and may almighty Jove with thunder-scourge 4.36. hurl me to Erebus' abysmal shade 4.37. to pallid ghosts and midnight fathomless 4.38. before, O Chastity! I shall offend 4.39. thy holy power, or cast thy bonds away! 4.40. He who first mingled his dear life with mine 4.41. took with him all my heart. 'T is his alone — 4.42. o, let it rest beside him in the grave!” 4.47. weet babes at thine own breast, nor gifts of love? 4.51. and long ago in Tyre . Iarbas knew 4.52. thy scorn, and many a prince and captain bred 4.90. with many a votive gift; or, peering deep 4.91. into the victims' cloven sides, she read 4.92. the fate-revealing tokens trembling there. 4.93. How blind the hearts of prophets be! Alas! 4.94. of what avail be temples and fond prayers 4.95. to change a frenzied mind? Devouring ever 4.96. love's fire burns inward to her bones; she feels 4.97. quick in her breast the viewless, voiceless wound. 4.98. Ill-fated Dido ranges up and down 4.99. the spaces of her city, desperate 4.100. her life one flame—like arrow-stricken doe 4.101. through Cretan forest rashly wandering 4.102. pierced by a far-off shepherd, who pursues 4.103. with shafts, and leaves behind his light-winged steed 4.104. not knowing; while she scours the dark ravines 4.105. of Dicte and its woodlands; at her heart 4.106. the mortal barb irrevocably clings. 4.107. around her city's battlements she guides 4.108. aeneas, to make show of Sidon 's gold 4.109. and what her realm can boast; full oft her voice 4.110. essays to speak and frembling dies away: 4.111. or, when the daylight fades, she spreads anew 4.112. a royal banquet, and once more will plead 4.113. mad that she is, to hear the Trojan sorrow; 4.114. and with oblivious ravishment once more 4.115. hangs on his lips who tells; or when her guests 4.116. are scattered, and the wan moon's fading horn 4.117. bedims its ray, while many a sinking star 4.118. invites to slumber, there she weeps alone 4.119. in the deserted hall, and casts her down 4.120. on the cold couch he pressed. Her love from far 4.121. beholds her vanished hero and receives 4.122. his voice upon her ears; or to her breast 4.123. moved by a father's image in his child 4.124. he clasps Ascanius, seeking to deceive 4.125. her unblest passion so. Her enterprise 4.126. of tower and rampart stops: her martial host 4.127. no Ionger she reviews, nor fashions now 4.128. defensive haven and defiant wall; 4.219. and mass their dust-blown squadrons in wild flight 4.220. far from the mountain's bound. Ascanius 4.221. flushed with the sport, spurs on a mettled steed 4.222. from vale to vale, and many a flying herd 4.223. his chase outspeeds; but in his heart he prays 4.224. among these tame things suddenly to see 4.225. a tusky boar, or, leaping from the hills 4.227. Meanwhile low thunders in the distant sky 4.228. mutter confusedly; soon bursts in full 4.229. the storm-cloud and the hail. The Tyrian troop 4.230. is scattered wide; the chivalry of Troy 4.231. with the young heir of Dardan's kingly line 4.232. of Venus sprung, seek shelter where they may 4.233. with sudden terror; down the deep ravines 4.234. the swollen torrents roar. In that same hour 4.235. Queen Dido and her hero out of Troy 4.236. to the same cavern fly. Old Mother-Earth 4.237. and wedlock-keeping Juno gave the sign; 4.238. the flash of lightnings on the conscious air 4.239. were torches to the bridal; from the hills 4.240. the wailing wood-nymphs sobbed a wedding song. 4.241. Such was that day of death, the source and spring 4.242. of many a woe. For Dido took no heed 4.243. of honor and good-name; nor did she mean 4.244. her loves to hide; but called the lawlessness 4.246. Swift through the Libyan cities Rumor sped. 4.247. Rumor! What evil can surpass her speed? 4.248. In movement she grows mighty, and achieves 4.249. trength and dominion as she swifter flies. 4.250. mall first, because afraid, she soon exalts 4.251. her stature skyward, stalking through the lands 4.252. and mantling in the clouds her baleful brow. 4.253. The womb of Earth, in anger at high Heaven 4.254. bore her, they say, last of the Titan spawn 4.255. ister to Coeus and Enceladus. 4.256. Feet swift to run and pinions like the wind 4.257. the dreadful monster wears; her carcase huge 4.258. is feathered, and at root of every plume 4.259. a peering eye abides; and, strange to tell 4.260. an equal number of vociferous tongues 4.261. foul, whispering lips, and ears, that catch at all. 4.262. At night she spreads midway 'twixt earth and heaven 4.263. her pinions in the darkness, hissing loud 4.264. nor e'er to happy slumber gives her eyes: 4.265. but with the morn she takes her watchful throne 4.266. high on the housetops or on lofty towers 4.267. to terrify the nations. She can cling 4.268. to vile invention and maligt wrong 4.269. or mingle with her word some tidings true. 4.270. She now with changeful story filled men's ears 4.271. exultant, whether false or true she sung: 4.272. how, Trojan-born Aeneas having come 4.273. Dido, the lovely widow, Iooked his way 4.274. deigning to wed; how all the winter long 4.275. they passed in revel and voluptuous ease 4.276. to dalliance given o'er; naught heeding now 4.277. of crown or kingdom—shameless! lust-enslaved! 4.278. Such tidings broadcast on the lips of men 4.452. and my own Tyrians hate me. Yes, for thee 4.453. my chastity was slain and honor fair 4.454. by which alone to glory I aspired 4.455. in former days. To whom dost thou in death 4.456. abandon me? my guest!—since but this name 4.466. She said. But he, obeying Jove's decree 4.467. gazed steadfastly away; and in his heart 4.468. with strong repression crushed his cruel pain; 4.469. then thus the silence broke: “O Queen, not one 4.470. of my unnumbered debts so strongly urged 4.471. would I gainsay. Elissa's memory 4.472. will be my treasure Iong as memory holds 4.473. or breath of life is mine. Hear my brief plea! 5.803. he called the Trojan dames: “O ye ill-starred 5.804. that were not seized and slain by Grecian foes 5.812. of Eryx, of Acestes, friend and kin; 5.814. and build a town? O city of our sires! 5.815. O venerated gods from haughty foes 5.838. her heavenly beauty and her radiant eyes! 5.839. What voice of music and majestic mien 5.840. what movement like a god! Myself am come 5.841. from Beroe sick, and left her grieving sore 7.286. that lone wight hears whom earth's remotest isle 7.287. has banished to the Ocean's rim, or he 7.288. whose dwelling is the ample zone that burns 7.289. betwixt the changeful sun-god's milder realms 7.290. far severed from the world. We are the men 7.291. from war's destroying deluge safely borne 7.292. over the waters wide. We only ask 7.293. ome low-roofed dwelling for our fathers' gods 7.294. ome friendly shore, and, what to all is free 7.295. water and air. We bring no evil name 7.296. upon thy people; thy renown will be 7.297. but wider spread; nor of a deed so fair 7.298. can grateful memory die. Ye ne'er will rue 7.299. that to Ausonia's breast ye gathered Troy . 7.300. I swear thee by the favored destinies 7.301. of great Aeneas, by his strength of arm 7.302. in friendship or in war, that many a tribe 7.303. (O, scorn us not, that, bearing olive green 7.304. with suppliant words we come), that many a throne 7.305. has sued us to be friends. But Fate's decree 7.306. to this thy realm did guide. Here Dardanus 7.307. was born; and with reiterate command 7.308. this way Apollo pointed to the stream 7.309. of Tiber and Numicius' haunted spring. 7.310. Lo, these poor tributes from his greatness gone 7.311. Aeneas sends, these relics snatched away 7.312. from Ilium burning: with this golden bowl 7.313. Anchises poured libation when he prayed; 7.314. and these were Priam's splendor, when he gave 7.315. laws to his gathered states; this sceptre his 7.316. this diadem revered, and beauteous pall 7.317. handwork of Asia 's queens.” So ceased to speak 7.318. Ilioneus. But King Latinus gazed 7.319. uswering on the ground, all motionless 7.320. ave for his musing eyes. The broidered pall 7.321. of purple, and the sceptre Priam bore 7.322. moved little on his kingly heart, which now 7.323. pondered of giving to the bridal bed 7.324. his daughter dear. He argues in his mind 7.325. the oracle of Faunus:—might this be 7.326. that destined bridegroom from an alien land 7.327. to share his throne, to get a progeny 7.328. of glorious valor, which by mighty deeds 7.329. hould win the world for kingdom? So at last 7.330. with joyful brow he spoke: “Now let the gods 7.331. our purpose and their own fair promise bless! 7.332. Thou hast, O Trojan, thy desire. Thy gifts 7.333. I have not scorned; nor while Latinus reigns 7.334. hall ye lack riches in my plenteous land 7.335. not less than Trojan store. But where is he 7.336. Aeneas' self? If he our royal love 7.337. o much desire, and have such urgent mind 7.338. to be our guest and friend, let him draw near 7.339. nor turn him from well-wishing looks away! 7.340. My offering and pledge of peace shall be 7.341. to clasp your monarch's hand. Bear back, I pray 7.348. I am persuaded this is none but he 7.447. to Latium and the lofty walls and towers 7.448. of the Laurentian King. Crouching she sate 7.449. in silence on the threshold of the bower 7.450. where Queen Amata in her fevered soul 7.451. pondered, with all a woman's wrath and fear 7.452. upon the Trojans and the marriage-suit 7.453. of Turnus. From her Stygian hair the fiend 7.454. a single serpent flung, which stole its way 7.455. to the Queen's very heart, that, frenzy-driven 7.456. he might on her whole house confusion pour. 7.457. Betwixt her smooth breast and her robe it wound 7.458. unfelt, unseen, and in her wrathful mind 7.459. instilled its viper soul. Like golden chain 7.460. around her neck it twined, or stretched along 7.461. the fillets on her brow, or with her hair 7.462. enwrithing coiled; then on from limb to limb 7.464. thrilled with its first infection every vein 7.466. nor yielded all her soul, but made her plea 7.473. nor unto me, whom at the first fair wind 7.474. that wretch will leave deserted, bearing far 7.535. with Bacchus' cruel goad. But when she deemed 7.536. the edge of wrath well whetted, and the house 7.537. of wise Latinus of all reason reft 7.545. Here Turnus in the gloom of midnight lay 8.2. published the war, and roused the dreadful note 8.3. of the harsh trumpet's song; when on swift steeds 8.4. the lash he laid and clashed his sounding arms; 8.5. then woke each warrior soul; all Latium stirred 8.6. with tumult and alarm; and martial rage 8.7. enkindled youth's hot blood. The chieftains proud 8.8. Messapus, Ufens, and that foe of Heaven 8.9. Mezentius, compel from far and wide 8.10. their loyal hosts, and strip the field and farm 8.11. of husbandmen. To seek auxiliar arms 8.12. they send to glorious Diomed's domain 8.13. the herald Venulus, and bid him cry: 8.14. “ Troy is to Latium come; Aeneas' fleet 8.15. has come to land. He brings his vanquished gods 8.16. and gives himself to be our destined King. 8.17. Cities not few accept him, and his name 8.18. through Latium waxes large. But what the foe 8.19. by such attempt intends, what victory 8.20. is his presumptuous hope, if Fortune smile 8.21. Aetolia 's lord will not less wisely fear 8.23. Thus Latium 's cause moved on. Meanwhile the heir 8.24. of great Laomedon, who knew full well 8.25. the whole wide land astir, was vexed and tossed 8.26. in troubled seas of care. This way and that 8.27. his swift thoughts flew, and scanned with like dismay 8.28. each partial peril or the general storm. 8.29. Thus the vexed waters at a fountain's brim 8.30. mitten by sunshine or the silver sphere 8.31. of a reflected moon, send forth a beam 8.32. of flickering light that leaps from wall to wall 8.33. or, skyward lifted in ethereal flight 8.34. glances along some rich-wrought, vaulted dome. 8.35. Now night had fallen, and all weary things 8.36. all shapes of beast or bird, the wide world o'er 8.37. lay deep in slumber. So beneath the arch 8.38. of a cold sky Aeneas laid him down 8.39. upon the river-bank, his heart sore tried 8.40. by so much war and sorrow, and gave o'er 8.41. his body to its Iong-delayed repose. 8.42. There, 'twixt the poplars by the gentle stream 8.43. the River-Father, genius of that place 8.44. old Tiberinus visibly uprose; 8.45. a cloak of gray-green lawn he wore, his hair 8.46. o'erhung with wreath of reeds. In soothing words 8.48. “Seed of the gods! who bringest to my shore 8.49. thy Trojan city wrested from her foe 8.50. a stronghold everlasting, Latium 's plain 8.51. and fair Laurentum long have looked for thee. 8.52. Here truly is thy home. Turn not away. 8.53. Here the true guardians of thy hearth shall be. 8.54. Fear not the gathering war. The wrath of Heaven 8.55. has stilled its swollen wave. A sign I tell: 8.56. Lest thou shouldst deem this message of thy sleep 8.57. a vain, deluding dream, thou soon shalt find 8.58. in the oak-copses on my margent green 8.59. a huge sow, with her newly-littered brood 8.60. of thirty young; along the ground she lies 8.61. now-white, and round her udders her white young. 8.62. There shall thy city stand, and there thy toil 8.63. hall find untroubled rest. After the lapse 8.64. of thrice ten rolling years, Ascanius 8.65. hall found a city there of noble name 8.66. White-City, Alba; 't is no dream I sing! 8.67. But I instruct thee now by what wise way 8.68. th' impending wars may bring thee victory: 8.69. receive the counsel, though the words be few: 8.70. within this land are men of Arcady 8.71. of Pallas' line, who, following in the train 8.72. of King Evander and his men-at-arms 8.73. built them a city in the hills, and chose 8.74. (honoring Pallas, their Pelasgian sire) 8.75. the name of Pallanteum. They make war 8.76. incessant with the Latins. Therefore call 8.77. this people to thy side and bind them close 8.78. in federated power. My channel fair 8.79. and shaded shore shall guide thee where they dwell 8.80. and thy strong oarsmen on my waters borne 8.81. hall mount my falling stream. Rise, goddess-born 8.82. and ere the starlight fade give honor due 8.83. to Juno, and with supplicating vow 8.84. avert her wrath and frown. But unto me 8.85. make offering in thy victorious hour 8.86. in time to come. I am the copious flood 8.87. which thou beholdest chafing at yon shores 8.88. and parting fruitful fields: cerulean stream 8.89. of Tiber, favored greatly of high Heaven. 8.90. here shall arise my house magnificent 8.92. So spake the river-god, and sank from view 8.93. down to his deepest cave; then night and sleep 8.94. together from Aeneas fled away. 8.95. He rose, and to the orient beams of morn 8.96. his forehead gave; in both his hollowed palms 8.97. he held the sacred waters of the stream 8.98. and called aloud: “O ye Laurentian nymphs 8.99. whence flowing rills be born, and chiefly thou 8.100. O Father Tiber, worshipped stream divine 8.101. accept Aeneas, and from peril save! 8.102. If in some hallowed lake or haunted spring 8.103. thy power, pitying my woes, abides 8.104. or wheresoe'er the blessed place be found 8.105. whence first thy beauty flows, there evermore 8.106. my hands shall bring thee gift and sacrifice. 8.107. O chief and sovereign of Hesperian streams 8.108. O river-god that hold'st the plenteous horn 8.109. protect us, and confirm thy words divine!” 8.110. He spoke; then chose twin biremes from the fleet 8.112. But, lo! a sudden wonder met his eyes: 8.113. white gleaming through the grove, with all her brood 8.114. white like herself, on the green bank the Sow 8.115. tretched prone. The good Aeneas slew her there 8.116. Great Juno, for a sacrifice to thee 8.117. himself the priest, and with the sucklings all 8.118. beside shine altar stood. So that whole night 8.119. the god of Tiber calmed his swollen wave 8.120. ebbing or lingering in silent flow 8.121. till like some gentle lake or sleeping pool 8.122. his even waters lay, and strove no more 8.123. against the oarsmen's toil. Upon their way 8.124. they speed with joyful sound; the well-oiled wood 8.125. lips through the watery floor; the wondering waves 8.126. and all the virgin forests wondering 8.127. behold the warriors in far-shining arms 8.128. their painted galleys up the current drive. 8.129. O'er the long reaches of the winding flood 8.130. their sturdy oars outweary the slow course 8.131. of night and day. Fair groves of changeful green 8.132. arch o'er their passage, and they seem to cleave 8.133. green forests in the tranquil wave below. 8.134. Now had the flaming sun attained his way 8.135. to the mid-sphere of heaven, when they discerned 8.136. walls and a citadel in distant view 8.137. with houses few and far between; 't was there 8.138. where sovran Rome to-day has rivalled Heaven 8.139. Evander's realm its slender strength displayed: 8.141. It chanced th' Arcadian King had come that day 8.142. to honor Hercules, Amphitryon's son 8.143. and to the powers divine pay worship due 8.144. in groves outside the wall. Beside him stood 8.145. Pallas his son, his noblest men-at-arms 8.146. and frugal senators, who at the shrines 8.147. burnt incense, while warm blood of victims flowed. 8.148. But when they saw the tall ships in the shade 8.149. of that dark forest plying noiseless oars 8.150. the sudden sight alarmed, and all the throng 8.151. prang to its feet and left the feast divine. 8.152. But dauntless Pallas bade them give not o'er 8.153. the sacred festival, and spear in hand 8.154. flew forward to a bit of rising ground 8.155. and cried from far: “Hail, warriors! what cause 8.156. drives you to lands unknown, and whither bound? 8.157. Your kin, your country? Bring ye peace or war?” 8.158. Father Aeneas then held forth a bough 8.159. of peaceful olive from the lofty ship 8.160. thus answering : “Men Trojan-born are we 8.161. foes of the Latins, who have driven us forth 8.162. with insolent assault. We fain would see 8.163. Evander. Pray, deliver this, and say 8.164. that chosen princes of Dardania 8.165. ue for his help in arms.” So wonder fell 8.166. on Pallas, awestruck at such mighty name. 8.167. O, come, whoe'er thou art,” he said, “and speak 8.168. in presence of my father. Enter here 8.169. guest of our hearth and altar.” He put forth 8.170. his right hand in true welcome, and they stood 8.171. with lingering clasp; then hand in hand advanced 8.173. Aeneas to Evander speaking fair 8.174. these words essayed: “O best of Grecian-born! 8.175. whom Fortune's power now bids me seek and sue 8.176. lifting this olive-branch with fillets bound 8.177. I have not feared thee, though I know thou art 8.178. a Greek, and an Arcadian king, allied 8.179. to the two sons of Atreus. For behold 8.180. my conscious worth, great oracles from Heaven 8.181. the kinship of our sires, thy own renown 8.182. pread through the world—all knit my cause with thine 8.183. all make me glad my fates have so decreed. 8.184. The sire and builder of the Trojan town 8.185. was Dardanus; but he, Electra's child 8.186. came over sea to Teucria; the sire 8.187. of fair Electra was great Atlas, he 8.188. whose shoulder carries the vast orb of heaven. 8.189. But thy progenitor was Mercury 8.190. and him conceiving, Maia, that white maid 8.191. on hoar Cyllene's frosty summit bore. 8.192. But Maia's sire, if aught of truth be told 8.193. was Atlas also, Atlas who sustains 8.194. the weight of starry skies. Thus both our tribes 8.195. are one divided stem. Secure in this 8.196. no envoys have I sent, nor tried thy mind 8.197. with artful first approaches, but myself 8.198. risking my person and my life, have come 8.199. a suppliant here. For both on me and thee 8.200. the house of Daunus hurls insulting war. 8.201. If us they quell, they doubt not to obtain 8.202. lordship of all Hesperia, and subdue 8.203. alike the northern and the southern sea. 8.204. Accept good faith, and give! Behold, our hearts 8.205. quail not in battle; souls of fire are we 8.207. Aeneas ceased. The other long had scanned 8.208. the hero's face, his eyes, and wondering viewed 8.209. his form and mien divine; in answer now 8.210. he briefly spoke: “With hospitable heart 8.211. O bravest warrior of all Trojan-born 8.212. I know and welcome thee. I well recall 8.213. thy sire Anchises, how he looked and spake. 8.214. For I remember Priam, when he came 8.215. to greet his sister, Queen Hesione 8.216. in Salamis, and thence pursued his way 8.217. to our cool uplands of Arcadia . 8.218. The bloom of tender boyhood then was mine 8.219. and with a wide-eyed wonder I did view 8.220. those Teucrian lords, Laomedon's great heir 8.221. and, towering highest in their goodly throng 8.222. Anchises, whom my warm young heart desired 8.223. to speak with and to clasp his hand in mine. 8.224. So I approached, and joyful led him home 8.225. to Pheneus' olden wall. He gave me gifts 8.226. the day he bade adieu; a quiver rare 8.227. filled with good Lycian arrows, a rich cloak 8.228. inwove with thread of gold, and bridle reins 8.229. all golden, now to youthful Pallas given. 8.230. Therefore thy plea is granted, and my hand 8.231. here clasps in loyal amity with thine. 8.232. To-morrow at the sunrise thou shalt have 8.233. my tribute for the war, and go thy way 8.234. my glad ally. But now this festival 8.235. whose solemn rite 't were impious to delay 8.236. I pray thee celebrate, and bring with thee 8.237. well-omened looks and words. Allies we are! 8.239. So saying, he bade his followers renew 8.240. th' abandoned feast and wine; and placed each guest 8.241. on turf-built couch of green, most honoring 8.242. Aeneas by a throne of maple fair 8.243. decked with a lion's pelt and flowing mane. 8.244. Then high-born pages, with the altar's priest 8.245. bring on the roasted beeves and load the board 8.246. with baskets of fine bread; and wine they bring — 8.247. of Ceres and of Bacchus gift and toil. 8.248. While good Aeneas and his Trojans share 8.250. When hunger and its eager edge were gone 8.251. Evander spoke: “This votive holiday 8.252. yon tables spread and altar so divine 8.253. are not some superstition dark and vain 8.254. that knows not the old gods, O Trojan King! 8.255. But as men saved from danger and great fear 8.256. this thankful sacrifice we pay. Behold 8.257. yon huge rock, beetling from the mountain wall 8.258. hung from the cliff above. How lone and bare 8.259. the hollowed mountain looks! How crag on crag 8.260. tumbled and tossed in huge confusion lie! 8.261. A cavern once it was, which ran deep down 8.262. into the darkness. There th' half-human shape 8.263. of Cacus made its hideous den, concealed 8.264. from sunlight and the day. The ground was wet 8.265. at all times with fresh gore; the portal grim 8.266. was hung about with heads of slaughtered men 8.267. bloody and pale—a fearsome sight to see. 8.268. Vulcan begat this monster, which spewed forth 8.269. dark-fuming flames from his infernal throat 8.270. and vast his stature seemed. But time and tide 8.271. brought to our prayers the advent of a god 8.272. to help us at our need. For Hercules 8.273. divine avenger, came from laying low 8.274. three-bodied Geryon, whose spoils he wore 8.275. exultant, and with hands victorious drove 8.276. the herd of monster bulls, which pastured free 8.277. along our river-valley. Cacus gazed 8.278. in a brute frenzy, and left not untried 8.279. aught of bold crime or stratagem, but stole 8.280. four fine bulls as they fed, and heifers four 8.281. all matchless; but, lest hoof-tracks point his way 8.282. he dragged them cave-wards by the tails, confusing 8.283. the natural trail, and hid the stolen herd 8.284. in his dark den; and not a mark or sign 8.285. could guide the herdsmen to that cavern-door. 8.286. But after, when Amphitryon's famous son 8.287. preparing to depart, would from the meads 8.288. goad forth the full-fed herd, his lingering bulls 8.289. roared loud, and by their lamentable cry 8.290. filled grove and hills with clamor of farewell: 8.291. one heifer from the mountain-cave lowed back 8.292. in answer, so from her close-guarded stall 8.293. foiling the monster's will. Then hadst thou seen 8.294. the wrath of Hercules in frenzy blaze 8.295. from his exasperate heart. His arms he seized 8.296. his club of knotted oak, and climbed full-speed 8.297. the wind-swept hill. Now first our people saw 8.298. Cacus in fear, with panic in his eyes. 8.299. Swift to the black cave like a gale he flew 8.300. his feet by terror winged. Scarce had he passed 8.301. the cavern door, and broken the big chains 8.302. and dropped the huge rock which was pendent there 8.303. by Vulcan's well-wrought steel; scarce blocked and barred 8.304. the guarded gate: when there Tirynthius stood 8.305. with heart aflame, surveying each approach 8.306. rolling this way and that his wrathful eyes 8.307. gnashing his teeth. Three times his ire surveyed 8.308. the slope of Aventine ; three times he stormed 8.309. the rock-built gate in vain; and thrice withdrew 8.310. to rest him in the vale. But high above 8.311. a pointed peak arose, sheer face of rock 8.312. on every side, which towered into view 8.313. from the long ridge above the vaulted cave 8.314. fit haunt for birds of evil-boding wing. 8.315. This peak, which leftward toward the river leaned 8.316. he smote upon its right—his utmost blow — 8.317. breaking its bases Ioose; then suddenly 8.318. thrust at it: as he thrust, the thunder-sound 8.319. filled all the arching sky, the river's banks 8.320. asunder leaped, and Tiber in alarm 8.321. reversed his flowing wave. So Cacus' lair 8.322. lay shelterless, and naked to the day 8.323. the gloomy caverns of his vast abode 8.324. tood open, deeply yawning, just as if 8.325. the riven earth should crack, and open wide 8.326. th' infernal world and fearful kingdoms pale 8.327. which gods abhor; and to the realms on high 8.328. the measureless abyss should be laid bare 8.329. and pale ghosts shrink before the entering sun. 8.330. Now upon Cacus, startled by the glare 8.331. caged in the rocks and howling horribly 8.332. Alcides hurled his weapons, raining down 8.333. all sorts of deadly missiles—trunks of trees 8.334. and monstrous boulders from the mountain torn. 8.335. But when the giant from his mortal strait 8.336. no refuge knew, he blew from his foul jaws 8.337. a storm of smoke—incredible to tell — 8.338. and with thick darkness blinding every eye 8.339. concealed his cave, uprolling from below 8.340. one pitch-black night of mingled gloom and fire. 8.341. This would Alcides not endure, but leaped 8.342. headlong across the flames, where densest hung 8.343. the rolling smoke, and through the cavern surged 8.344. a drifting and impenetrable cloud. 8.345. With Cacus, who breathed unavailing flame 8.346. he grappled in the dark, locked limb with limb 8.347. and strangled him, till o'er the bloodless throat 8.348. the starting eyeballs stared. Then Hercules 8.349. burst wide the doorway of the sooty den 8.350. and unto Heaven and all the people showed 8.351. the stolen cattle and the robber's crimes 8.352. and dragged forth by the feet the shapeless corpse 8.353. of the foul monster slain. The people gazed 8.354. insatiate on the grewsome eyes, the breast 8.355. of bristling shag, the face both beast and man 8.356. and that fire-blasted throat whence breathed no more 8.357. the extinguished flame. 'T is since that famous day 8.358. we celebrate this feast, and glad of heart 8.359. each generation keeps the holy time. 8.360. Potitius began the worship due 8.361. and our Pinarian house is vowed to guard 8.362. the rites of Hercules. An altar fair 8.363. within this wood they raised; 't is called ‘the Great,’ 8.364. and Ara Maxima its name shall be. 8.365. Come now, my warriors, and bind your brows 8.366. with garlands worthy of the gift of Heaven. 8.367. Lift high the cup in every thankful hand 8.368. and praise our people's god with plenteous wine.” 8.369. He spoke; and of the poplar's changeful sheen 8.370. acred to Hercules, wove him a wreath 8.371. to shade his silvered brow. The sacred cup 8.372. he raised in his right hand, while all the rest 8.374. Soon from the travelling heavens the western star 8.375. glowed nearer, and Potitius led forth 8.376. the priest-procession, girt in ancient guise 8.377. with skins of beasts and carrying burning brands. 8.378. new feasts are spread, and altars heaped anew 8.379. with gifts and laden chargers. Then with song 8.380. the Salian choir surrounds the blazing shrine 8.381. their foreheads wreathed with poplar. Here the youth 8.382. the elders yonder, in proud anthem sing 8.383. the glory and the deeds of Hercules: 8.384. how first he strangled with strong infant hand 8.385. two serpents, Juno's plague; what cities proud 8.386. Troy and Oechalia, his famous war 8.387. in pieces broke; what labors numberless 8.388. as King Eurystheus' bondman he endured 8.389. by cruel Juno's will. “Thou, unsubdued 8.390. didst strike the twy-formed, cloud-bred centaurs down 8.391. Pholus and tall Hylaeus. Thou hast slain 8.392. the Cretan horror, and the lion huge 8.393. beneath the Nemean crag. At sight of thee 8.394. the Stygian region quailed, and Cerberus 8.395. crouching o'er half-picked bones in gory cave. 8.396. Nothing could bid thee fear. Typhoeus towered 8.397. in his colossal Titan-panoply 8.398. o'er thee in vain; nor did thy cunning fail 8.399. when Lema's wonder-serpent round thee drew 8.400. its multudinous head. Hail, Jove's true son! 8.401. New glory to the gods above, come down 8.402. and these thine altars and thy people bless!” 8.403. Such hymns they chanted, telling oft the tale 8.404. of Cacus' cave and blasting breath of fire: 8.406. Such worship o'er, all take the homeward way 8.608. ummoned Evander. From his couch arose 8.609. the royal sire, and o'er his aged frame 8.610. a tunic threw, tying beneath his feet 8.611. the Tuscan sandals: an Arcadian sword 8.612. girt at his left, was over one shoulder slung 8.613. his cloak of panther trailing from behind. 8.614. A pair of watch-dogs from the lofty door 8.615. ran close, their lord attending, as he sought 8.616. his guest Aeneas; for his princely soul 8.617. remembered faithfully his former word 8.618. and promised gift. Aeneas with like mind 8.619. was stirring early. King Evander's son 8.620. Pallas was at his side; Achates too 8.621. accompanied his friend. All these conjoin 8.622. in hand-clasp and good-morrow, taking seats 8.623. in midcourt of the house, and give the hour 8.625. “Great leader of the Teucrians, while thy life 9.106. for rib and spar, and soon would put to sea 9.638. himself in glorious arms. Then every chief 9.639. awoke his mail-clad company, and stirred 9.640. their slumbering wrath with tidings from the foe. 9.641. Tumultuously shouting, they impaled 9.642. on lifted spears—O pitiable sight! — 9.643. the heads of Nisus and Euryalus. 9.644. Th' undaunted Trojans stood in battle-line 10.1. Meanwhile Olympus, seat of sovereign sway 10.2. threw wide its portals, and in conclave fair 10.3. the Sire of gods and King of all mankind 10.4. ummoned th' immortals to his starry court 10.5. whence, high-enthroned, the spreading earth he views— 10.6. and Teucria's camp and Latium 's fierce array. 10.7. Beneath the double-gated dome the gods 10.8. were sitting; Jove himself the silence broke: 10.9. “O people of Olympus, wherefore change 10.10. your purpose and decree, with partial minds 10.11. in mighty strife contending? I refused 10.12. uch clash of war 'twixt Italy and Troy . 10.13. Whence this forbidden feud? What fears 10.14. educed to battles and injurious arms 10.15. either this folk or that? Th' appointed hour 10.16. for war shall be hereafter—speed it not!— 10.17. When cruel Carthage to the towers of Rome 10.18. hall bring vast ruin, streaming fiercely down 10.19. the opened Alp. Then hate with hate shall vie 10.20. and havoc have no bound. Till then, give o'er 10.22. Thus briefly, Jove. But golden Venus made 10.23. less brief reply. “O Father, who dost hold 10.24. o'er Man and all things an immortal sway! 10.25. of what high throne may gods the aid implore 10.26. ave thine? Behold of yonder Rutuli 10.27. th' insulting scorn! Among them Turnus moves 10.28. in chariot proud, and boasts triumphant war 10.29. in mighty words. Nor do their walls defend 10.30. my Teucrians now. But in their very gates 10.31. and on their mounded ramparts, in close fight 10.32. they breast their foes and fill the moats with blood. 10.33. Aeneas knows not, and is far away. 10.34. Will ne'er the siege have done? A second time 10.35. above Troy 's rising walls the foe impends; 10.36. another host is gathered, and once more 10.37. from his Aetolian Arpi wrathful speeds 10.38. a Diomed. I doubt not that for me 10.39. wounds are preparing. Yea, thy daughter dear 10.40. awaits a mortal sword! If by thy will 10.41. unblest and unapproved the Trojans came 10.42. to Italy, for such rebellious crime 10.43. give them their due, nor lend them succor, thou 10.44. with thy strong hand! But if they have obeyed 10.45. unnumbered oracles from gods above 10.46. and sacred shades below, who now has power 10.47. to thwart thy bidding, or to weave anew 10.48. the web of Fate? Why speak of ships consumed 10.49. along my hallowed Erycinian shore? 10.50. Or of the Lord of Storms, whose furious blasts 10.51. were summoned from Aeolia ? Why tell 10.52. of Iris sped from heaven? Now she moves 10.53. the region of the shades (one kingdom yet 10.54. from her attempt secure) and thence lets loose 10.55. Alecto on the world above, who strides 10.56. in frenzied wrath along th' Italian hills. 10.57. No more my heart now cherishes its hope 10.58. of domination, though in happier days 10.59. uch was thy promise. Let the victory fall 10.60. to victors of thy choice! If nowhere lies 10.61. the land thy cruel Queen would deign accord 10.62. unto the Teucrian people,—O my sire 10.63. I pray thee by yon smouldering wreck of Troy 10.64. to let Ascanius from the clash of arms 10.65. escape unscathed. Let my own offspring live! 10.66. Yea, let Aeneas, tossed on seas unknown 10.67. find some chance way; let my right hand avail 10.68. to shelter him and from this fatal war 10.69. in safety bring. For Amathus is mine 10.70. mine are Cythera and the Paphian hills 10.71. and temples in Idalium . Let him drop 10.72. the sword, and there live out inglorious days. 10.73. By thy decree let Carthage overwhelm 10.74. Ausonia's power; nor let defence be found 10.75. to stay the Tyrian arms! What profits it 10.76. that he escaped the wasting plague of war 10.77. and fled Argolic fires? or that he knew 10.78. o many perils of wide wilderness 10.79. and waters rude? The Teucrians seek in vain 10.80. new-born Troy in Latium . Better far 10.81. crouched on their country's ashes to abide 10.82. and keep that spot of earth where once was Troy ! 10.83. Give back, O Father, I implore thee, give 10.84. Xanthus and Simois back! Let Teucer's sons 10.86. Then sovereign Juno, flushed with solemn scorn 10.87. made answer. “Dost thou bid me here profane 10.88. the silence of my heart, and gossip forth 10.89. of secret griefs? What will of god or man 10.90. impelled Aeneas on his path of war 10.91. or made him foeman of the Latin King? 10.92. Fate brought him to Italia ? Be it so! 10.93. Cassandra's frenzy he obeyed. What voice — 10.94. ay, was it mine?—urged him to quit his camp 10.95. risk life in storms, or trust his war, his walls 10.242. to him had Populonia consigned 10.243. (His mother-city, she) six hundred youth 10.252. close lined, with bristling spears, of Pisa all 10.606. canned him from far, hurling defiant words 10.607. in answer to the King's. “My honor now 10.608. hall have the royal trophy of this war 10.609. or glorious death. For either fortune fair 10.610. my sire is ready. Threaten me no more!” 10.611. So saying, to the midmost space he strode 10.612. and in Arcadian hearts the blood stood still. 10.613. Swift from his chariot Turnus leaped, and ran 10.614. to closer fight. As when some lion sees 10.615. from his far mountain-lair a raging bull 10.616. that sniffs the battle from the grassy field 10.617. and down the steep he flies—such picture showed 10.618. grim Turnus as he came. But when he seemed 10.619. within a spear's cast, Pallas opened fight 10.620. expecting Fortune's favor to the brave 10.621. in such unequal match; and thus he prayed: 10.622. “O, by my hospitable father's roof 10.623. where thou didst enter as a stranger-guest 10.624. hear me, Alcides, and give aid divine 10.625. to this great deed. Let Turnus see these hands 10.626. trip from his half-dead breast the bloody spoil! 10.627. and let his eyes in death endure to see 10.628. his conqueror!” Alcides heard the youth: 10.629. but prisoned in his heart a deep-drawn sigh 10.630. and shed vain tears; for Jove, the King and Sire, . 10.631. poke with benigt accents to his son: 10.632. “To each his day is given. Beyond recall 11.532. thou madman! Aye, with thy vile, craven soul 11.533. disturb the general cause. Extol the power 11.534. of a twice-vanquished people, and decry 11.535. Latinus' rival arms. From this time forth 11.536. let all the Myrmidonian princes cower 11.537. before the might of Troy ; let Diomed 11.538. and let Achilles tremble; let the stream 11.539. of Aufidus in panic backward flow 11.540. from Hadria 's wave. But hear me when I say 11.541. that though his guilt and cunning feign to feel 11.542. fear of my vengeance, much embittering so 11.543. his taunts and insult—such a life as his 11.544. my sword disdains. O Drances, be at ease! 11.545. In thy vile bosom let thy breath abide! 11.546. But now of thy grave counsel and thy cause 11.547. O royal sire, I speak. If from this hour 11.548. thou castest hope of armed success away 11.549. if we be so unfriended that one rout 11.550. o'erwhelms us utterly, if Fortune's feet 11.551. never turn backward, let us, then, for peace 11.552. offer petition, lifting to the foe 11.553. our feeble, suppliant hands. Yet would I pray 11.554. ome spark of manhood such as once we knew 11.555. were ours once more! I count him fortunate 11.556. and of illustrious soul beyond us all 11.557. who, rather than behold such things, has fallen 11.558. face forward, dead, his teeth upon the dust. 11.559. But if we still have power, and men-at-arms 11.560. unwasted and unscathed, if there survive 11.561. Italian tribes and towns for help in war 11.562. aye! if the Trojans have but won success 11.563. at bloody cost,—for they dig graves, I ween 11.564. torm-smitten not less than we,—O, wherefore now 11.565. tand faint and shameful on the battle's edge? 11.566. Why quake our knees before the trumpet call? 11.567. Time and the toil of shifting, changeful days 11.568. restore lost causes; ebbing tides of chance 11.569. deceive us oft, which after at their flood 11.570. do lift us safe to shore. If aid come not 11.571. from Diomed in Arpi, our allies 11.572. hall be Mezentius and Tolumnius 11.573. auspicious name, and many a chieftain sent 11.574. from many a tribe; not all inglorious 11.575. are Latium 's warriors from Laurentian land! 11.576. Hither the noble Volscian stem sends down 11.577. Camilla with her beauteous cavalry 11.578. in glittering brass arrayed. But if, forsooth 11.579. the Trojans call me singly to the fight 11.580. if this be what ye will, and I so much 11.581. the public weal impair—when from this sword 11.582. has victory seemed to fly away in scorn? 11.583. I should not hopeless tread in honor's way 11.584. whate'er the venture. Dauntless will I go 11.585. though equal match for great Achilles, he 11.586. and though he clothe him in celestial arms 11.587. in Vulcan's smithy wrought. I, Turnus, now 11.588. not less than equal with great warriors gone 11.589. vow to Latinus, father of my bride 11.590. and to ye all, each drop of blood I owe. 11.591. Me singly doth Aeneas call? I crave 11.592. that challenge. Drances is not called to pay 11.593. the debt of death, if wrath from Heaven impend; 11.595. Thus in their doubtful cause the chieftains strove. 11.596. Meanwhile Aeneas his assaulting line 12.134. which leaned its weight against a column tall 12.135. in the mid-court, Auruncan Actor's spoil 12.136. and waved it wide in air with mighty cry: 12.137. “O spear, that ne'er did fail me when I called 12.138. the hour is come! Once mighty Actor's hand 12.139. but now the hand of Turnus is thy lord. 12.140. Grant me to strike that carcase to the ground 12.141. and with strong hand the corselet rip and rend 12.142. from off that Phrygian eunuch: let the dust 12.143. befoul those tresses, tricked to curl so fine 12.144. with singeing steel and sleeked with odorous oil.” 12.145. Such frenzy goads him: his impassioned brow 12.146. is all on flame, the wild eyes flash with fire. 12.147. Thus, bellowing loud before the fearful fray 12.148. ome huge bull proves the fury of his horns 12.149. pushing against a tree-trunk; his swift thrusts 12.150. would tear the winds in pieces; while his hoofs 12.152. That self-same day with aspect terrible 12.153. Aeneas girt him in the wondrous arms 12.154. his mother gave; made sharp his martial steel 12.155. and roused his heart to ire; though glad was he 12.156. to seal such truce and end the general war. 12.157. Then he spoke comfort to his friends; and soothed 12.158. Iulus' fear, unfolding Heaven's intent; 12.159. but on Latinus bade his heralds lay 12.791. dissension 'twixt the frighted citizens: 12.792. ome would give o'er the city and fling wide 12.793. its portals to the Trojan, or drag forth 12.794. the King himself to parley; others fly 12.795. to arms, and at the rampart make a stand. 12.796. 'T is thus some shepherd from a caverned crag 12.797. tirs up the nested bees with plenteous fume 12.798. of bitter smoke; they, posting to and fro 12.799. fly desperate round the waxen citadel 12.800. and whet their buzzing fury; through their halls 12.801. the stench and blackness rolls; within the caves 12.802. noise and confusion ring; the fatal cloud 12.804. But now a new adversity befell 12.805. the weary Latins, which with common woe 12.806. hook the whole city to its heart. The Queen 12.807. when at her hearth she saw the close assault 12.808. of enemies, the walls beset, and fire 12.809. preading from roof to roof, but no defence 12.810. from the Rutulian arms, nor front of war 12.811. with Turnus leading,—she, poor soul, believed 12.812. her youthful champion in the conflict slain; 12.813. and, mad with sudden sorrow, shrieked aloud 12.814. against herself, the guilty chief and cause 12.815. of all this ill; and, babbling her wild woe 12.816. in endless words, she rent her purple pall 12.817. and with her own hand from the rafter swung 12.818. a noose for her foul death. The tidings dire 12.819. among the moaning wives of Latium spread 12.820. and young Lavinia's frantic fingers tore 12.821. her rose-red cheek and hyacinthine hair. 12.822. Then all her company of women shrieked 12.823. in anguish, and the wailing echoed far 12.824. along the royal seat; from whence the tale 12.825. of sorrow through the peopled city flew; 12.826. hearts sank; Latinus rent his robes, appalled 12.827. to see his consort's doom, his falling throne; 12.829. Meanwhile the warrior Turnus far afield 12.830. pursued a scattered few; but less his speed 12.831. for less and less his worn steeds worked his will; 12.832. and now wind-wafted to his straining ear 12.833. a nameless horror came, a dull, wild roar 12.834. the city's tumult and distressful cry. 12.835. “Alack,” he cried, “what stirs in yonder walls 12.836. uch anguish? Or why rings from side to side 12.837. uch wailing through the city?” Asking so 12.838. he tightened frantic grasp upon the rein. 12.839. To him his sister, counterfeiting still 12.840. the charioteer Metiscus, while she swayed 12.841. rein, steeds, and chariot, this answer made: 12.842. “Hither, my Turnus, let our arms pursue
4. Petronius Arbiter, Satyricon, 120.85-120.86 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

5. Petronius Arbiter, Satyricon, 120.85-120.86 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

6. Statius, Thebais, 8.71-8.73, 8.75-8.79 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
aeneas, kingship of Cairns, Virgil's Augustan Epic (1989) 70
allecto Cairns, Virgil's Augustan Epic (1989) 70, 101; Roumpou, Ritual and the Poetics of Closure in Flavian Literature (2023) 194
bacchic rites, matralia and cult of mater matuta in ovids fasti Panoussi, Brides, Mourners, Bacchae: Women's Rituals in Roman Literature (2019) 190, 191
bacchus/dionysus Panoussi, Brides, Mourners, Bacchae: Women's Rituals in Roman Literature (2019) 190
caesar (julius) Roumpou, Ritual and the Poetics of Closure in Flavian Literature (2023) 194
carmentis Panoussi, Brides, Mourners, Bacchae: Women's Rituals in Roman Literature (2019) 201
civil war Cairns, Virgil's Augustan Epic (1989) 101; Roumpou, Ritual and the Poetics of Closure in Flavian Literature (2023) 194
concord Cairns, Virgil's Augustan Epic (1989) 101
divine councils Moxon, Peter's Halakhic Nightmare: The 'Animal' Vision of Acts 10:9–16 in Jewish and Graeco-Roman Perspective (2017) 430
divine visits, vergil Moxon, Peter's Halakhic Nightmare: The 'Animal' Vision of Acts 10:9–16 in Jewish and Graeco-Roman Perspective (2017) 430
dreams and visions, examples, vergil Moxon, Peter's Halakhic Nightmare: The 'Animal' Vision of Acts 10:9–16 in Jewish and Graeco-Roman Perspective (2017) 430
dreams and visions, theorematic Moxon, Peter's Halakhic Nightmare: The 'Animal' Vision of Acts 10:9–16 in Jewish and Graeco-Roman Perspective (2017) 430
fama/rumor Panoussi, Brides, Mourners, Bacchae: Women's Rituals in Roman Literature (2019) 201
fratricide/fraternal conflict Roumpou, Ritual and the Poetics of Closure in Flavian Literature (2023) 194
furor Cairns, Virgil's Augustan Epic (1989) 70
galaesus Cairns, Virgil's Augustan Epic (1989) 101
greek literature and practice, bacchic rites Panoussi, Brides, Mourners, Bacchae: Women's Rituals in Roman Literature (2019) 190
greek literature and practice, ino story, romanization of Panoussi, Brides, Mourners, Bacchae: Women's Rituals in Roman Literature (2019) 191
hades Roumpou, Ritual and the Poetics of Closure in Flavian Literature (2023) 194
hercules Cairns, Virgil's Augustan Epic (1989) 101; Panoussi, Brides, Mourners, Bacchae: Women's Rituals in Roman Literature (2019) 201
juno/hera Panoussi, Brides, Mourners, Bacchae: Women's Rituals in Roman Literature (2019) 190
juno Roumpou, Ritual and the Poetics of Closure in Flavian Literature (2023) 194
jupiter Roumpou, Ritual and the Poetics of Closure in Flavian Literature (2023) 194
laius Roumpou, Ritual and the Poetics of Closure in Flavian Literature (2023) 194
matralia and cult of mater matuta, bacchic rites in Panoussi, Brides, Mourners, Bacchae: Women's Rituals in Roman Literature (2019) 190, 191
matralia and cult of mater matuta, foundational agenda of Panoussi, Brides, Mourners, Bacchae: Women's Rituals in Roman Literature (2019) 201
matralia and cult of mater matuta, hercules protection of ino in Panoussi, Brides, Mourners, Bacchae: Women's Rituals in Roman Literature (2019) 201
matralia and cult of mater matuta, model wife and mother, ino as Panoussi, Brides, Mourners, Bacchae: Women's Rituals in Roman Literature (2019) 191
matralia and cult of mater matuta, romanizatin of ino story Panoussi, Brides, Mourners, Bacchae: Women's Rituals in Roman Literature (2019) 191
matralia and cult of mater matuta, vergils aeneid, as alternative foundation narrative to Panoussi, Brides, Mourners, Bacchae: Women's Rituals in Roman Literature (2019) 201
matralia and cult of mater matuta Panoussi, Brides, Mourners, Bacchae: Women's Rituals in Roman Literature (2019) 190, 191, 201
mercury Roumpou, Ritual and the Poetics of Closure in Flavian Literature (2023) 194
pompey Roumpou, Ritual and the Poetics of Closure in Flavian Literature (2023) 194
portents Moxon, Peter's Halakhic Nightmare: The 'Animal' Vision of Acts 10:9–16 in Jewish and Graeco-Roman Perspective (2017) 430
rumor/fama Panoussi, Brides, Mourners, Bacchae: Women's Rituals in Roman Literature (2019) 201
tisiphone Roumpou, Ritual and the Poetics of Closure in Flavian Literature (2023) 194
turnus, as foil to aeneas Cairns, Virgil's Augustan Epic (1989) 70
turnus, kingship of Cairns, Virgil's Augustan Epic (1989) 70
turnus Roumpou, Ritual and the Poetics of Closure in Flavian Literature (2023) 194
vergil, aeneid, matralia as alternative foundation narrative to' Panoussi, Brides, Mourners, Bacchae: Women's Rituals in Roman Literature (2019) 201