3. Vergil, Aeneis, 1.361, 4.320, 5.75, 6.89, 6.826-6.835, 7.1-7.161, 7.170-7.191, 7.203-7.211, 7.219-7.221, 7.234-7.235, 7.237, 7.240-7.242, 7.249-7.258, 7.267-7.268, 7.270, 7.280-7.281, 7.286-7.414, 7.555-7.556, 8.483, 8.635-8.641, 10.2-10.3, 10.448, 11.234-11.235, 11.440-11.441, 12.75, 12.192-12.193 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE)
| 1.361. and sacred laws shall be a mighty bond 4.320. and take thy winged way! My mandate bear 5.75. without divine intent and heavenly power 6.89. (Which asks no kingdom save what Fate decrees) 6.826. On that bright land, which sees the cloudless beam 6.827. of suns and planets to our earth unknown. 6.828. On smooth green lawns, contending limb with limb 6.829. Immortal athletes play, and wrestle long 6.830. 'gainst mate or rival on the tawny sand; 6.831. With sounding footsteps and ecstatic song 6.832. Some thread the dance divine: among them moves 6.833. The bard of Thrace, in flowing vesture clad 6.834. Discoursing seven-noted melody 6.835. Who sweeps the numbered strings with changeful hand 7.1. One more immortal name thy death bequeathed 7.2. Nurse of Aeneas, to Italian shores 7.3. Caieta ; there thy honor hath a home; 7.4. Thy bones a name: and on Hesperia's breast 7.5. Their proper glory. When Aeneas now 7.6. The tribute of sepulchral vows had paid 7.7. Beside the funeral mound, and o'er the seas 7.8. Stillness had fallen, he flung forth his sails 7.9. And leaving port pursued his destined way. 7.10. Freshly the night-winds breathe; the cloudless moon 7.11. Outpours upon his path unstinted beam 7.12. And with far-trembling glory smites the sea. 7.13. Close to the lands of Circe soon they fare 7.14. Where the Sun's golden daughter in far groves 7.15. Sounds forth her ceaseless song; her lofty hall 7.16. Is fragrant every night with flaring brands 7.17. of cedar, giving light the while she weaves 7.18. With shrill-voiced shuttle at her linens fine. 7.19. From hence are heard the loud lament and wrath 7.20. of lions, rebels to their linked chains 7.21. And roaring all night long; great bristly boars 7.22. And herded bears, in pinfold closely kept 7.23. Rage horribly, and monster-wolves make moan; 7.24. Whom the dread goddess with foul juices strong 7.25. From forms of men drove forth, and bade to wear 7.26. the mouths and maws of beasts in Circe's thrall. 7.27. But lest the sacred Trojans should endure 7.28. uch prodigy of doom, or anchor there 7.29. on that destroying shore, kind Neptune filled 7.30. their sails with winds of power, and sped them on 7.32. Now morning flushed the wave, and saffron-garbed 7.33. Aurora from her rose-red chariot beamed 7.34. in highest heaven; the sea-winds ceased to stir; 7.35. a sudden calm possessed the air, and tides 7.36. of marble smoothness met the laboring oar. 7.37. Then, gazing from the deep, Aeneas saw 7.38. a stretch of groves, whence Tiber 's smiling stream 7.39. its tumbling current rich with yellow sands 7.40. burst seaward forth: around it and above 7.41. hore-haunting birds of varied voice and plume 7.42. flattered the sky with song, and, circling far 7.43. o'er river-bed and grove, took joyful wing. 7.44. Thither to landward now his ships he steered 7.46. Hail, Erato! while olden kings and thrones 7.47. and all their sequent story I unfold! 7.48. How Latium 's honor stood, when alien ships 7.49. brought war to Italy, and from what cause 7.50. the primal conflict sprang, O goddess, breathe 7.51. upon thy bard in song. Dread wars I tell 7.52. array of battle, and high-hearted kings 7.53. thrust forth to perish, when Etruria's host 7.54. and all Hesperia gathered to the fray. 7.55. Events of grander march impel my song 7.56. and loftier task I try. Latinus, then 7.57. an aged king, held long-accepted sway 7.58. o'er tranquil vales and towns. He was the son 7.59. of Faunus, so the legend tells, who wed 7.60. the nymph Marica of Laurentian stem. 7.61. Picus was Faunus' father, whence the line 7.62. to Saturn's Ioins ascends. O heavenly sire 7.63. from thee the stem began! But Fate had given 7.64. to King Latinus' body no heirs male: 7.65. for taken in the dawning of his day 7.66. his only son had been; and now his home 7.67. and spacious palace one sole daughter kept 7.68. who was grown ripe to wed and of full age 7.69. to take a husband. Many suitors tried 7.70. from all Ausonia and Latium 's bounds; 7.71. but comeliest in all their princely throng 7.72. came Turnus, of a line of mighty sires. 7.73. Him the queen mother chiefly loved, and yearned 7.74. to call him soon her son. But omens dire 7.75. and menaces from Heaven withstood her will. 7.76. A laurel-tree grew in the royal close 7.77. of sacred leaf and venerated age 7.78. which, when he builded there his wall and tower 7.79. Father Latinus found, and hallowed it 7.80. to Phoebus' grace and power, wherefrom the name 7.81. Laurentian, which his realm and people bear. 7.82. Unto this tree-top, wonderful to tell 7.83. came hosts of bees, with audible acclaim 7.84. voyaging the stream of air, and seized a place 7.85. on the proud, pointing crest, where the swift swarm 7.86. with interlacement of close-clinging feet 7.87. wung from the leafy bough. “Behold, there comes,” 7.88. the prophet cried, “a husband from afar! 7.89. To the same region by the self-same path 7.90. behold an arm'd host taking lordly sway 7.91. upon our city's crown!” Soon after this 7.92. when, coming to the shrine with torches pure 7.93. Lavinia kindled at her father's side 7.94. the sacrifice, swift seemed the flame to burn 7.95. along her flowing hair—O sight of woe! 7.96. Over her broidered snood it sparkling flew 7.97. lighting her queenly tresses and her crown 7.98. of jewels rare: then, wrapt in flaming cloud 7.99. from hall to hall the fire-god's gift she flung. 7.100. This omen dread and wonder terrible 7.101. was rumored far: for prophet-voices told 7.102. bright honors on the virgin's head to fall 7.104. The King, sore troubled by these portents, sought 7.105. oracular wisdom of his sacred sire 7.106. Faunus, the fate-revealer, where the groves 7.107. tretch under high Albunea, and her stream 7.108. roars from its haunted well, exhaling through 7.109. vast, gloomful woods its pestilential air. 7.110. Here all Oenotria's tribes ask oracles 7.111. in dark and doubtful days: here, when the priest 7.112. has brought his gifts, and in the night so still 7.113. couched on spread fleeces of the offered flock 7.114. awaiting slumber lies, then wondrously 7.115. a host of flitting shapes he sees, and hears 7.116. voices that come and go: with gods he holds 7.117. high converse, or in deep Avernian gloom 7.118. parleys with Acheron. Thither drew near 7.119. Father Latinus, seeking truth divine. 7.120. Obedient to the olden rite, he slew 7.121. a hundred fleecy sheep, and pillowed lay 7.122. upon their outstretched skins. Straightway a voice 7.123. out of the lofty forest met his prayer. 7.124. “Seek not in wedlock with a Latin lord 7.125. to join thy daughter, O my son and seed! 7.126. Beware this purposed marriage! There shall come 7.127. ons from afar, whose blood shall bear our name 7.128. tarward; the children of their mighty loins 7.129. as far as eve and morn enfold the seas 7.130. hall see a subject world beneath their feet 7.131. ubmissive lie.” This admonition given 7.132. Latinus hid not. But on restless wing 7.133. rumor had spread it, when the men of Troy 7.134. along the river-bank of mounded green 7.135. their fleet made fast. Aeneas and his chiefs 7.136. with fair Iulus, under spreading boughs 7.137. of one great tree made resting-place, and set 7.138. the banquet on. Thin loaves of altar-bread 7.139. along the sward to bear their meats were laid 7.140. (such was the will of Jove), and wilding fruits 7.141. rose heaping high, with Ceres' gift below. 7.142. Soon, all things else devoured, their hunger turned 7.143. to taste the scanty bread, which they attacked 7.144. with tooth and nail audacious, and consumed 7.145. both round and square of that predestined leaven. 7.146. “Look, how we eat our tables even!” cried 7.147. Iulus, in a jest. Such was the word 7.148. which bade their burdens fall. From his boy's lip 7.149. the father caught this utterance of Fate 7.150. ilent with wonder at the ways of Heaven; 7.151. then swift he spoke: “Hail! O my destined shore 7.152. protecting deities of Ilium, hail! 7.153. Here is our home, our country here! This day 7.154. I publish the mysterious prophecy 7.155. by Sire Anchises given: ‘My son,’ said he 7.156. ‘When hunger in strange lands shall bid devour 7.157. the tables of thy banquet gone, then hope 7.158. for home, though weary, and take thought to build 7.159. a dwelling and a battlement.’ Behold! 7.160. This was our fated hunger! This last proof 7.161. will end our evil days. Up, then! For now 7.170. eldest of names divine; the Nymphs he called 7.171. and river-gods unknown; his voice invoked 7.172. the night, the omen-stars through night that roll. 7.173. Jove, Ida's child, and Phrygia 's fertile Queen: 7.174. he called his mother from Olympian skies 7.175. and sire from Erebus. Lo, o'er his head 7.176. three times unclouded Jove omnipotent 7.177. in thunder spoke, and, with effulgent ray 7.178. from his ethereal tract outreaching far 7.179. hook visibly the golden-gleaming air. 7.180. Swift, through the concourse of the Trojans, spread 7.181. news of the day at hand when they should build 7.182. their destined walls. So, with rejoicing heart 7.183. at such vast omen, they set forth a feast 7.184. with zealous emulation, ranging well 7.186. Soon as the morrow with the lamp of dawn 7.187. looked o'er the world, they took their separate ways 7.188. exploring shore and towns; here spread the pools 7.189. and fountain of Numicius; here they see 7.190. the river Tiber, where bold Latins dwell. 7.191. Anchises' son chose out from his brave band 7.204. fair youths and striplings in life's early bloom 7.205. course with swift steeds, or steer through dusty cloud 7.206. the whirling chariot, or stretch stout bows 7.207. or hurl the seasoned javelin, or strive 7.208. in boxing-bout and foot-race: one of these 7.209. made haste on horseback to the aged King 7.210. with tidings of a stranger company 7.211. in foreign garb approaching. The good King 7.219. Here kings took sceptre and the fasces proud 7.220. with omens fair; the selfsame sacred place 7.221. was senate-house and temple; here was found 7.234. along the columns: chariots of war 7.235. from foeman taken, axes of round blade 7.237. from city-gates, shields, spears, and beaks of bronze 7.240. girt in scant shift, and bearing on his left 7.241. the sacred oval shield, appeared enthroned 7.242. Picus, breaker of horses, whom his bride 7.249. with brow serene gave greeting as they came: 7.250. “O sons of Dardanus, think not unknown 7.251. your lineage and city! Rumored far 7.252. your venturous voyage has been. What seek ye here? 7.253. What cause, what quest, has brought your barks and you 7.254. o'er the blue waters to Ausonia's hills? 7.255. What way uncharted, or wild stress of storm 7.256. or what that sailors suffer in mid-sea 7.257. unto this river bank and haven bore? 7.258. Doubt not our welcome! We of Latin land 7.267. but now in golden house among the stars 7.268. he has a throne, and by his altars blest 7.280. boast Jove to be their sire, and our true King 7.281. is of Olympian seed. To thine abode 7.286. that lone wight hears whom earth's remotest isle 7.287. has banished to the Ocean's rim, or he 7.288. whose dwelling is the ample zone that burns 7.289. betwixt the changeful sun-god's milder realms 7.290. far severed from the world. We are the men 7.291. from war's destroying deluge safely borne 7.292. over the waters wide. We only ask 7.293. ome low-roofed dwelling for our fathers' gods 7.294. ome friendly shore, and, what to all is free 7.295. water and air. We bring no evil name 7.296. upon thy people; thy renown will be 7.297. but wider spread; nor of a deed so fair 7.298. can grateful memory die. Ye ne'er will rue 7.299. that to Ausonia's breast ye gathered Troy . 7.300. I swear thee by the favored destinies 7.301. of great Aeneas, by his strength of arm 7.302. in friendship or in war, that many a tribe 7.303. (O, scorn us not, that, bearing olive green 7.304. with suppliant words we come), that many a throne 7.305. has sued us to be friends. But Fate's decree 7.306. to this thy realm did guide. Here Dardanus 7.307. was born; and with reiterate command 7.308. this way Apollo pointed to the stream 7.309. of Tiber and Numicius' haunted spring. 7.310. Lo, these poor tributes from his greatness gone 7.311. Aeneas sends, these relics snatched away 7.312. from Ilium burning: with this golden bowl 7.313. Anchises poured libation when he prayed; 7.314. and these were Priam's splendor, when he gave 7.315. laws to his gathered states; this sceptre his 7.316. this diadem revered, and beauteous pall 7.317. handwork of Asia 's queens.” So ceased to speak 7.318. Ilioneus. But King Latinus gazed 7.319. uswering on the ground, all motionless 7.320. ave for his musing eyes. The broidered pall 7.321. of purple, and the sceptre Priam bore 7.322. moved little on his kingly heart, which now 7.323. pondered of giving to the bridal bed 7.324. his daughter dear. He argues in his mind 7.325. the oracle of Faunus:—might this be 7.326. that destined bridegroom from an alien land 7.327. to share his throne, to get a progeny 7.328. of glorious valor, which by mighty deeds 7.329. hould win the world for kingdom? So at last 7.330. with joyful brow he spoke: “Now let the gods 7.331. our purpose and their own fair promise bless! 7.332. Thou hast, O Trojan, thy desire. Thy gifts 7.333. I have not scorned; nor while Latinus reigns 7.334. hall ye lack riches in my plenteous land 7.335. not less than Trojan store. But where is he 7.336. Aeneas' self? If he our royal love 7.337. o much desire, and have such urgent mind 7.338. to be our guest and friend, let him draw near 7.339. nor turn him from well-wishing looks away! 7.340. My offering and pledge of peace shall be 7.341. to clasp your monarch's hand. Bear back, I pray 7.342. this answer to your King: my dwelling holds 7.343. a daughter, whom with husband of her blood 7.344. great signs in heaven and from my father's tomb 7.345. forbid to wed. A son from alien shores 7.346. they prophesy for Latium 's heir, whose seed 7.347. hall lift our glory to the stars divine. 7.348. I am persuaded this is none but he 7.349. that man of destiny; and if my heart 7.350. be no false prophet, I desire it so.” 7.351. Thus having said, the sire took chosen steeds 7.352. from his full herd, whereof, well-groomed and fair 7.353. three hundred stood within his ample pale. 7.354. of these to every Teucrian guest he gave 7.355. a courser swift and strong, in purple clad 7.356. and broidered housings gay; on every breast 7.357. hung chains of gold; in golden robes arrayed 7.358. they champed the red gold curb their teeth between. 7.359. For offering to Aeneas, he bade send 7.360. a chariot, with chargers twain of seed 7.361. ethereal, their nostrils breathing fire: 7.362. the famous kind which guileful Circe bred 7.363. cheating her sire, and mixed the sun-god's team 7.364. with brood-mares earthly born. The sons of Troy 7.365. uch gifts and greetings from Latinus bearing 7.367. But lo! from Argos on her voyage of air 7.368. rides the dread spouse of Jove. She, sky-enthroned 7.369. above the far Sicilian promontory 7.370. pachynus, sees Dardania's rescued fleet 7.371. and all Aeneas' joy. The prospect shows 7.372. houses a-building, lands of safe abode 7.373. and the abandoned ships. With bitter grief 7.374. he stands at gaze: then with storm-shaken brows 7.375. thus from her heart lets loose the wrathful word: 7.376. “O hated race! O Phrygian destinies — 7.377. to mine forevermore (unhappy me!) 7.378. a scandal and offense! Did no one die 7.379. on Troy 's embattled plain? Could captured slaves 7.380. not be enslaved again? Was Ilium's flame 7.381. no warrior's funeral pyre? Did they walk safe 7.382. through serried swords and congregated fires? 7.383. At last, methought, my godhead might repose 7.384. and my full-fed revenge in slumber lie. 7.385. But nay! Though flung forth from their native land 7.386. I o'er the waves, with enmity unstayed 7.387. dared give them chase, and on that exiled few 7.388. hurled the whole sea. I smote the sons of Troy 7.389. with ocean's power and heaven's. But what availed 7.390. Syrtes, or Scylla, or Charybdis' waves? 7.391. The Trojans are in Tiber ; and abide 7.392. within their prayed-for land delectable 7.393. afe from the seas and me! Mars once had power 7.394. the monstrous Lapithae to slay; and Jove 7.395. to Dian's honor and revenge gave o'er 7.396. the land of Calydon. What crime so foul 7.397. was wrought by Lapithae or Calydon? 7.398. But I, Jove's wife and Queen, who in my woes 7.399. have ventured each bold stroke my power could find 7.400. and every shift essayed,—behold me now 7.401. outdone by this Aeneas! If so weak 7.402. my own prerogative of godhead be 7.403. let me seek strength in war, come whence it will! 7.404. If Heaven I may not move, on Hell I call. 7.405. To bar him from his Latin throne exceeds 7.406. my fated power. So be it! Fate has given 7.407. Lavinia for his bride. But long delays 7.408. I still can plot, and to the high event 7.409. deferment and obstruction. I can smite 7.410. the subjects of both kings. Let sire and son 7.411. buy with their people's blood this marriage-bond! 7.412. Let Teucrian and Rutulian slaughter be 7.413. thy virgin dower, and Bellona's blaze 7.414. light thee the bridal bed! Not only teemed 7.555. lavished in vain? and thy true throne consigned 7.556. to Trojan wanderers? The King repels 8.483. Alcides in his triumph! This abode 8.635. because the Fates intend. Not far from ours 8.636. a city on an ancient rock is seen 8.637. Agylla, which a warlike Lydian clan 8.638. built on the Tuscan hills. It prospered well 8.639. for many a year, then under the proud yoke 8.640. of King Mezentius it came and bore 8.641. his cruel sway. Why tell the loathsome deeds 10.2. threw wide its portals, and in conclave fair 10.3. the Sire of gods and King of all mankind 10.448. a close array of seven, and seven spears 11.234. can bid me live. Then let thy sword repay 11.235. its debt to sire and son by Turnus slain! 11.440. of ivory and gold, with chair of state 11.441. and purple robe, our emblems as a king. 12.75. can scatter shafts not few, nor do I wield 12.192. urveyed the plain below and fair array 12.193. of Trojan and Laurentine, by the walls |